First to the Altar Wins (Watt...

By Lyana_S

74.5K 4.7K 227

Tomboy Kendall and "Ice Queen" Lilith are betting to see which of them will be the first to marry. Kendall's... More

1. Kendall: It Starts With A Bet
2. Kendall: A Hero Returns
3. Lilith: Playing Host
4. Kendall: An Old Crush
5. Lilith: First Glimpses
6. Kendall: A Helping Hand
7. Lilith: Houseguests
8. Kendall: Shall We Dance?
9. Lilith: Too Close For Comfort
10. Kendall: Friendships Old and New
11. Lilith: Tug-Of-War
12. Kendall: Mistake
13. Lilith: A Sense of Foreboding
14. Kendall: Secrets and Rumors
15. Lilith: Confrontation
16. Kendall: Lesson Learned
17. Lilith: A Match Made In Hell
18. Kendall: One Last Hope
19. Lilith: Lord M
20. Kendall: The Things We Hide
21. Lilith: Rendezvous
22. Kendall: Out Of Control
23. Lilith: A Truce
24. Kendall: Under Pressure
25. Lilith: Yearning
26. Kendall: Coming Clean
27. Lilith: Love Cuts Deep
28. Kendall: Heartbreak
29. Lilith: Taking A Stand
30. Kendall: On A Mission
31. Lilith: Worth Fighting For
33. Lilith: Coming Together
34. Kendall: Unraveling
35. Lilith: Just Married
36. Kendall: After
Epilogue 1: Love Poems
Epilogue 2: Letters Between "Friends"

32. Kendall: Unexpected Requests

1.5K 115 2
By Lyana_S

"A bridesmaid? Me?" Kendall squinted at Lilith, who stood before her in the Moores' backyard a few days later. "If you think you're doing me a favor, spare me."

"It's not like that. I was just trying to be nice." Lilith did an awkward little shrug. "The fact is, you did kind of help make this happen."

"You mean because of the bet?"

"I suppose some good came out of it in the end. Although I don't think I'll ever be making such a wager ever again."

"Me too. Enough bets for me. I sure learned my lesson." Kendall slowed from walking with a trotting Sky, going over to join Lilith. "By the way, thank you."

"For what?"

"For calling it off."

Lilith waved an arm airily. "We have enough horses up in the manor. What do I need another one for?"

Kendall plucked a twig from a tree, twiddling it between her hands. "You really want me to be a bridesmaid?"

Lilith nodded. "Together with Olivia and the twins."

"I was a bridesmaid once, at my friend Lindsay's wedding. But it was a small, simple affair."

"This should be fun then. Regina and I are thinking of holding the ceremony in the square, like her and my father's wedding. But it'll have to be bigger, big enough so everyone in Coser can be a part of it."

"That sounds nice."

"So is that a yes?"

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but yes."

"Good! I'm so happy, I won't even repeat that expression, you know: 'Always a bridesmaid, never a bride'?"

"You're too kind," Kendall said dryly. "So what will you need of me now that I'm to be a bridesmaid?"

"I'll need you to come to the tailor's tomorrow afternoon for a fitting. Other than that, not much else. Regina and I will manage everything."

Kendall nodded a few times, still amazed that this wedding was actually happening. To think, in about a month, Lilith would be her sister-in-law.

"There is something else however," Lilith told her, as if remembering something. "But it's more of a favor."


"I need to speak to Logan, and I was hoping you would come with me."

"Um, why?"

"I just thought it might be better if you were there."

"If this is going to be the kind of thing where the two of you reminisce about the past - "

"No, it's nothing like that. All I want is to put all that behind us and move forward."

"I believe he wants that too." Kendall shrugged. "Alright, then, since you asked so nicely, fine. I am at your disposal."

The two girls made their way out, with Lilith pausing to give Brandon a kiss goodbye. During the walk to the Hurtmore estate, curiosity got the better of Kendall and she asked, "Have you got your dress already?"

Lilith turned to smile at her. "I'm using my mother's old wedding dress."

"Very nice."

"It's a good thing she and I were about the same height, although I need the tailor to let out the stitches a little."

"You're kidding! You're as slim as can be."

"Not as slim as she was."

"Not to worry, I'm sure Brandon appreciates your curves."

"Ew, Kendall, please."

Kendall laughed cheekily. "You must have a lot of details to take care of with such a big wedding."

"Actually, planning the wedding's not the issue. My father is."

"Ah. I can imagine."

"He's still being a bit of a grouch about the whole thing. He seems to be trying to pretend the wedding isn't happening at all."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Well, Regina keeps telling me he just needs time, so I hope it's true. But I haven't even told him about how Brandon and I plan to go on a long trip right after the wedding."

"For your honeymoon?"

"No," she said, blushing. "I want us to go away and see the world together."

Kendall felt an envious smile tug at her lips. "He didn't tell me that. That sounds beautiful."

"Coser is all I've ever known. I've been so ... sheltered."

"Well then, you should be glad that's all about to change. Although I will miss Brandon."

"I know you won't miss me."

"Well, I will say it'll be dull without you around."

"Oh, I'm sure you can keep things interesting all on your own." They reached the slope leading down to Hurtmore, but to their surprise, the servants informed them that Logan was at his parents'.

"Oh," Kendall went, blinking at Lilith. "Maybe we should come back another time."

"We can just go over to the Shaws'."

"I don't think ... I mean .... " she faltered, not knowing how to explain without giving things away.  

Lilith was peering quizzically at her. "What?"

"Nothing," she said weakly.

"Shall we?"

Kendall nodded mutely. They doubled back, but this time, Kendall was quiet on the way back to Rodarte. Lilith led them down the street to the Shaw house, knocking a few times.

I hope he doesn't think I brought her here on purpose, Kendall thought, hanging back.

The door opened, and there he was, dressed casually in a linen shirt and some old work pants. Kendall realized she actually preferred this look rather than his fine suits. "Kendall, Lilith," he greeted, coming out onto the step. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Lilith blinked. "I came to talk to you. Um ... aren't you going to invite us in?"

"Oh, I would but now's not a good - " he was interrupted when someone appeared behind him. Mr. Shaw stood there, smiling out at them.

"Lilith!" he exclaimed, enveloping her in a warm hug. "How nice to see you. Where have you been?"

Lilith drew back, giving him a puzzled stare.

"Father," Logan spoke, taking hold of his shoulder. "Go back inside," he said gently.

"We've missed you, Lilith," Mr. Shaw went on. "Especially my boy here. When are the two of you going to give me grandchildren?"

Lilith blanched, as did Logan. "Excuse us a minute," Logan said, escorting his father back inside. Lilith glanced at Kendall in surprise, and she merely did a nervous smile. A moment later, Logan re-appeared alone, pulling the door firmly shut behind him. "Sorry about that, Lilith," he told her in a low voice, not quite meeting her eye.

"What was that all about?"

"It was nothing. Please don't worry about it."

"Is your father alright?"

"He's getting old. He gets things mixed up sometimes."

"Oh." Lilith's face softened as she understood. "I didn't know."

"Not many people do. Only Kendall knows really," he said, gesturing at her.

"I'm sorry. I wish I'd known."

"It's alright. Now, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh. Well, you will be coming for the wedding, right?"

He blinked, and Kendall knew he had not planned on doing anything of the sort. But of course, he could not say that. "I suppose so," he answered slowly.

"I was hoping you could be a part of it ... as groomsman?"

"Groomsman?" both he and Kendall repeated.

She nodded.

"Are you serious?"

"Absolutely. Kendall's going to be a bridesmaid."

"She is?" he asked, lifting a brow at her.

"I know, I know," Kendall said sheepishly.

Logan did an amazed smile before turning back to Lilith. "I'm honored, Lilith, but I'm not so sure that's such a good idea. What about Brandon? I doubt he'd approve."

"No, he has no problem with it. I wanted him to speak to you himself, but he was convinced that you would say no."

"He's not wrong there."

"So I decided to ask you myself. It would mean a great deal to me."

"Groomsman," he said again, shaking his head. "I don't think we could have imagined that things would turn out this way, hmm, Lilith?"

"Can I count on you, Logan?"

"Yes, Lilith. I will be there. I will be groomsman. I will be whatever you wish."

"Thank you. Anyway, that's all I needed to say. I should get back to the house. I have to go to the florist's with Regina."

Logan nodded his goodbye, but as the two girls made to leave, he reached out a hand. "Kendall, stay awhile, would you?"

"Oh," she went, getting a curious look from Lilith.

"I'll see you both at the tailor's tomorrow afternoon."

They watched her leave, then Logan sauntered up to Kendall. "Well, well, look at us. You really agreed to be bridesmaid?"

"I did."

"After everything between you and Lilith?"

"If she makes my brother happy, then I'm happy for him. And her."

"Does this mean the two of you are the best of friends now?"

Kendall wrinkled her nose. "I wouldn't go that far. But I think we've come to an understanding, the both of us."

"I see. Who would have thought?"

"I know you wanted to have nothing to do with all this, but I think it's better this way. Otherwise, things would be left unsettled between you."

"Well, Brandon is my friend. And I do want her to be happy, even if it isn't with me."

"That's very good of you, Logan."

"Well, it's all thanks to you."


"You seem to be making peace with Lilith. I suppose I can try to do the same, at least before I leave."

"Logan, you don't have to leave. She just told me that she and Brandon are planning to go on a long trip after the wedding."

"Did she?"

"Yes, so please think this over. I know your family would want you here."

He didn't say anything, looking off down the street and over the square, where the wedding would be held in a matter of weeks.

"And I do too," Kendall found herself adding before she could stop herself.

She saw his brows tip up, and blushed as he gazed at her. "I mean, I hate the thought of all of you going away."

"I don't want to go away either."

"Then don't."

"I didn't realize this mattered so much to you, Kendall."

She drew back slightly, embarrassed. "I'd hate to lose a - a friend."

"And being able to visit Hurtmore too, I assume?" he joked.

"It's not about the house." 

"I know. I'm just teasing you. If what you're telling me is true, then I would be happy to stay in Coser."


He nodded.

"Oh. Good, I ... I'm glad."

"Well," he went. "I won't keep you any longer then. I suppose we'll see each other tomorrow, right, is what she said?"

"At the tailor's, right."

"Till tomorrow, Kendall."

"Till tomorrow," she whispered, and he gazed back at her even as he went up the steps, up until the door closed and the moment broke between them. 

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