
By Katies_Girl

7.1K 412 27

Sid-er-eus ~ Latin Heavenly; Starry; Star-like Stars are holes in the universe; the light of heaven coming fr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four

Chapter Thirty Six

95 6 0
By Katies_Girl

"Oh don't put words in my mouth!"

"Well if your fine dying just go ahead and get it over with! Don't make me suffer another year!"


"This cold turkey thing isn't working Eleanor."

"What do you want me to do Bobby? Slap on a nicotine patch and send him to Group?"

"Vamp shown its face in Indiana", watching the case file slammed in front of me, I lift my gaze to see Bobby nod insinuatingly towards the case "If you're just going to keep moping around over Sam then I'm going to give you a case to work."

"You know normally parents bring their children something to eat", gingerly lifting the manila file with a ballpoint pen, I mutter "Not something to be eaten by." Letting Bobby slap my boots off his desk on his way around, I also take the courtesy of mentioning "The roads are slicked with ice and rain between here and Indiana. I'll have to park up in five hours to wait out the worst of it."

Sighing in his chair behind his desk, Bobby accuses "Sounds like a you problem Princess."

Pursing my lips I shove myself up from the stiff wooden chair, tugging my red corduroy jacket from the backrest. What're a few days bunkered down in a dreary motel? If I figure out the vamp I can just go in and hack its head off. No questions or hunting. Just one quick kill before I'm back at Bobby's drinking Cup-Of-Soup from my favorite green mug.

My phone going off in the kitchen, I drag my feet answering Dean's call "If you're headed to Indiana do you boys mind whacking a vamp? Bobby wants to send me on the hunt and I really don't-"

"Sam's juicing on Demon blood."

My lips parting, I clutch the phone a little tighter "You wanna give that to me one more time?"

"Long story short we got into a bind and I watched my damn brother sink his teeth into a damn Demon's throat", Dean mutters no louder than a whisper leading me to believe Sam's nearby "This is how he got strong enough to take on Alistair- to kill him. It wasn't practice. It was Demon blood and he's hooked like a damn junkie." After a pause, Dean's voice stressfully breaks when he rushes "El I don't know what to do- I don't-" Dean doesn't say anything else. The silence stretches through the line. I can practically hear Dean trying to collect his thoughts.

Quietly as the blood in my veins begins to aggressively pulsate, I tell Dean "I'll get Bobby to call Sam. Tell him we have Apocalypse drama and that you both need to high tail it here."

"You have a plan?"

"I had one weeks ago when I became hellbent on sending Ruby's ass back to the Pit", I furiously mutter, storming back through the house and discarding my jacket onto the sofa with a loud whack "I had Bobby empty out the panic cellar below. We can put him in there and..." Unsurely, I mutter "We'll deal with it. Together."

There's a long silence that envelops us before Dean hums, "I love you."

"I love you too." Wishing him to hurry, I gesture with my phone to Bobby "You gotta call Sam and lie about the Apocalypse to get him here."

With a hesitant glance towards the basement stairs down the hallway, Bobby seems to click "It's happening?"

Sharply nodding, I agree "It's happening."


"So it's finally happening?" Sam wanders with us down to the basement, the four of us remaining cautiously nearby "The Apocalypse?"

"A lot of chatter is stirring", I lie brazenly through my teeth, hauling open the panic room door, nodding for Sam to go first "I wanna show you guys something I found."

Oblivious to what the three of us have agreed upon, Sam wanders past into the iron-plated bunker "So what is our Demon problem?"

"You are" Bobby cuts through the bullshit once he's far enough in the room.

This seems to make something snap into place as Sam looks around the room he's found himself standing in alone. No lore, no weapons, no furniture besides the lone single bolted in the center of the room. Lips parting I notice the cogs turning. He knows we know. His big eyes catching mine I regretfully tell him "It's for your own good Sam." Stepping back Bobby and Dean haul the large iron door shut with a mighty boom. The locks jammed into place.

"Guys?" Sam's face approaching the small viewing rectangle I'm thankful when Bobby slides it shut on Sam. Although even when I don't see him I feel my guilty conscious twisting hearing Sam yell "Hey open up! This isn't funny! Guys!" None of us respond to him. Bobby beside me is fast to go upstairs, dragging his feet as he goes.

Dean looks like it's taking everything in him not to open the door. With every furious yell from Sam Dean flinches away from the iron door. It's paining him. Quietly so Sam doesn't hear over his shouting, Dean murmurs "Ruby's been giving him her blood. It's why he's always sneaking out."

I remain silent because I know that's what he's been hiding. There is no way Dean or I would've approved of these kinds of measures so he's done it behind our backs. With Ruby. If this hasn't kicked my vengeance up a notch I don't know what's going to do it. "He just needs to get it out of his system. Get his head back on straight", I mutter back to Dean, his brother's stubborn wailing twisting up my gut "That person behind the door isn't Sam."


Eventually, Dean leaves Sam down there. Met with a whisky glass from Bobby Dean takes a seat around Bobby's desk. All of us sitting in silence as Sam's gut-wrenching screams echo from the iron chamber. We only get a small window of silence before Sam's screams start back up. Hallucinations. When the volume of his tortured screams cranks back up I find myself throwing back the remainder of my beer. Still, the guilty edge doesn't subside. The only thing that remains is the stirring, bubbling fury I have twisting in the pit of my gut. A fury I'm holding onto and protecting for one very conniving Demon.

Pained, Dean questions "How long is this going to take?"

"It's hard to say", I push my empty bottle into the center of Bobby's messy desk "Considering the amount he's consumed it's going to take a while to work through Sam's system." Dean slumping over the chair from behind, I reluctantly tug my ancestor's journal closer by the tip of my finger. "Back before opium, heroin, mushrooms, or methylamine, there was Demon blood. The 1600s was a prevalent time for widespread religious revolute across Europe and was pedaled by the Necromancers and Devil worshipers alike. Reached such popularity in its market because the Demon blood could stay in your system for days... weeks even." Drawing my tongue under the back of my teeth, I state "The demand for the elusive drug was so high that the death toll could be seen in the streets. Bodies ditched in the mud with gashed throats and bound feet. Stories and rumors circulated that the Demon would jump from the body at the last moment. Leave the human conscious, intact and aware before their last moments took them from Earth."

A quiet moment passing, Dean questions "Why've we never seen any?"

"My family took appropriate measures to wipe the blood dens off the map", I explain to him, "Back when my legacy was more then just me. When twenty Alexander's hunted together. They're the reason Necromancers and Devil Worshipers are so rare to come across. My family locked away their knowledge and cut every throat they could get their blade on." My gaze lingering on my family book of lore, I state plainly "Demon blood was pulled from the market, blood dens eradicated and Demon's returned to the shadows where they belong." Weightily, I lift my gaze to catch Dean's "We'd been the monsters they'd check for under their beds."

Bobby's phone blaring cuts through the quiet my words settle the room into. Downing his whisky, Bobby answers the phone gruffly "Hello?" Souring, Bobby growls "Suck dirt and die Rufus. You call me again I'll kill you."

Raising my brows I watch Bobby waiting for him to fill me in. When he doesn't, Dean warily voices "What's up with Rufus?"

"He knows."

The phone going off again I reach forwards with a sigh, "Heya Rufus. It's me."

"The Great Apocalypse is neigh and I gotta find out about the Seals of our demise through the Hunter grapevine?"

"Well you and Bobby just have such great communication skills these days," I reply, my voice coated thick with cynicism. Catching Bobby's eye I shrug off his furious glare. What? He's going to pick another fight with the man? "You have another reason for calling? Besides to complain?"

"See I've been picking up on some rather whacky sudden events of late and considering they're revving up their pace I'm getting a sneaky reason to believe you and those Winchester boys are pissin in someone's fountain."

"Well I don't know about the fountains", I lean against Bobby's desk, my interest and stress levels rising further then they've already spiked "You wanna tell me what kinds of whacky events we're talking about?"

"Key West seen ten species go extinct. Alaska had a fifteen-man fishing crew struck blind by an unknown cause. New York's seen a teacher go postal killin sixty-six kids."


"Did I stutter?" flopping back in my chair, Rufus adds "That was just today's paper. Don't get me started on the day before."

"Thanks for the heads up."

"If you guys have a secret weapon I suggest breakin it out fast baby girl", Rufus warns grimly "Cause it's all our asses on the line here."

Hanging up with a curt goodbye I twist the phone in my hands. Rufus's conversation lingering on my mind. Sensing their curious gazes on me, I confess "Lilith is picking up here pace with the Seals." Glancing up to the men, I wonder "Do we actually have any clue how many are left?"

"Who knows", Bobby stressfully sighs "Can't be many." Biting my lip I pick anxiously at my nails. If Lilith is breaking this many Seals at once we must be nearing the end. Any closer and she's launching the Apocalypse. With that thought on my mind, Bobby questions "Where the hell are your Angel pals?"

Exasperated from stress, Dean shoves himself from the backrest of the chair "You tell me." Silently I remain where I sit. The back door slamming to leave Bobby and me alone with Sam's cries from the bunker below our feet.


"Now correct me if I'm wrong", Bobby furrows his brows over at Dean who'd finally returned back to the study "But you willingly signed up to be Angel's bitch."

Scoffing from where I lean against the study's archway, I remark frustratedly "No. He prefers the term sucker."

Dean's accusing gaze snapping to me, Dean retorts sharply back at me "You want me to just let them use Sam against Lilith? Huh, El?"

"I'm the one who has to watch you and Sam do this dance with death time in time out for years now", I growl back at Dean, utterly fuming "But no- it's only Sam who's going to suffer right?"

"Oh don't put words in my mouth!"

"Well if your fine dying just go ahead and get it over with!" I yell right back "Don't make me suffer another year!"



A hot uncomfortable silence left in our furiously stubborn wake, Bobby mutters between us "Now I think we can all agree the both of you are being dramatic." Rolling my lip I turn my head away from both the men. Dean's graciously accepted Angel's offer to help them defeat Lilith. From what I understand if he'd have said no the Angels would've pumped Sam high with Demon blood which I suppose is equally horrible but we'd have figured something out. Simmering in the corner by myself, Bobby continues to badger Dean "You gotta understand boy after everything you and El have said about them- now you decide to trust them?"

"Oh give me a little credit here Bobby", Dean sneers under the accusation, his boots echoing as Dean walks further into the room "I've never trusted 'em less. I mean they come on like shady politician's from the planet Vulcan!"

"Then why in the hell-"

"Because what other choice do I have!" Dean suddenly bursts, his fuse run short under Bobby and I's judgment "It's either trusting the Angel's or let Sammy trust a Demon."

Quietly, Bobby seems to meekly agree "I see your point."

Banging my head against the archway I lean into the silence and just let my head spin. That is until the unsettling feeling creeps into the pit of my stomach. Silence. No screams. Just quiet. "Is it just me", glancing back towards the basement door, I warily ask "Or is that a little too much of nothing?"

With only a second wasted sharing a worried glance the three of us clamber quickly through the house and down the basement stairs. Dean tugging away the eye slate I manage to get on my toes and steal a peek. On the ground, Sam thrashes around. The seizure looking too real to me. Elbowing Dean, aside I twist away the bolt holding the door into place only for Dean to grab my wrist, "What if he's faking?"

Suddenly Sam screams when his body is thrown over and into the iron plate's wall. Watching him scream rolling around the wall of the room, I absurdly question "You think he's faking that?"

Un-wedging the bolt I yank open the heavy door with Bobby's help. Sprinting inside Dean and Bobby sprint over to get a grip around Sam's violent thrashing. Watching Sam's face scrunching up and his veins becoming all the more prominent I wince. It's... it's not a pretty thing to see. Yanking his against the bolted bed I brace my hands on either side of Sam's shaking face. Seeming to come down from the seizure and continue shaking. Although when his thrashing begins picking up I grunt trying to safely keep Sam's head in place "Dean give me your belt." Receiving no response I lift my gaze and seen Dean utterly entranced over his brother in pain. He's frozen in fear for Sam. Letting go I quickly reach for Dean's belt and unloop it. Not any snide or witty comment made and I tug it free of the belt loops. Snagging it between Sam's teeth to protect them from shattering, I tell Dean "Go get the handcuffs!" Nothing. He's zoned out and entranced. Clutching the belt in my hand, I shuffle around enough to get a firm grip around Sam's arm. Replacing Dean's hands finally gets him to catch my eye "Dean get the handcuffs." Swallowing hard Dean releases Sam's arm to me, stumbling from the room in a haste. Either to get out or get the cuffs I can't be sure.


"Are we absolutely sure we're doing the right thing?"

Taking my watchful gaze from Dean who's pacing anxiously back and forth outside Bobby's window, I look at him suggestively, "That Demon blood is killing him."

"No Eleanor. We are." Furrowing my brows I tilt my head under his brash accusation "I'm sorry I can't bite my tongue any longer." Rolling my eyes I run my hands through my hair as if it will give me some clarity. "This cold turkey thing isn't working Eleanor."

"What do you want me to do Bobby?" I breathlessly turn back around, "Slap on a nicotine patch and send him to Group?" Bobby rolling his eyes I press "No really Bobby. Give me another solution because if that in there was anyone else I would've gotten out my gun and shot them in the head already!" With my chest rising and falling I hear a creak from the floor planks behind me that could only be one person. Without turning around to face Dean, I quietly wander off towards my old bedroom. Completely removing myself from the tense situation.


Sudden pain in my forehead pulsating I raise my hand and lift my head from the crate I whacked it against. Hissing, I mutter groggily amongst the dim yellow light "Feck." Rubbing my eyes I refocus on notes made by my Ancestors on Demon blood. Hoping- and praying- I can find something that will help Sam's detox. Something that can combat the chemicals in the blood to offset the life-reliant nature.

"You know it's four in the morning right?" sleepily rolling my neck I can only offer Dean a small meek smile that diminishes faster than it arrived. Stepping around the books and objects, Dean weaves himself around the ancient clutter to sit beside me. Despite Dean's gaze burning into the side of my head I keep my attention focused on the page. My head barely held up by my hand. As if he noticed the small tired lean, Dean quietly suggests "You should get some sleep."

"I don't tell you how to die", I dozily murmur, flipping the page under the cheap lamplight "You don't tell me when I sleep."

Dean's hand wraps around mine before I can remove it from the page, my attention stuck watching him drag his thumb over mine "Sam's my brother El-"

"It's not fair of me to get mad- I get it." Lifting my gaze from our hands, I glance between his green eyes staring intently at me. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I mutter "I'm so mad. I'm so freakin mad at you for bending a knee to those uptight twats." His brows pinching I hold tightly to Dean's hand as if it could slip away at any moment "But come Hell, Heaven or highwater I promised you I'm in it with you until the end." Dean's lip tightening, a quiet sad tear escapes down my cheek "I'll fight with you all the way down."

Quietly nodding Dean tugs one of my legs around him, pulling me into his chest and I let him. My tear soaking into his shirt. Disappearing into nothing but a stain of stress and anxiety. My arm encircling his waist Dean's hand rubs up my back to tuck my head into his shoulder. Our own little bubble of quiet comfort. "I'm sorry I let you down", Dean murmurs thickly in my ear, tucking my hair away "I just have to save him El."

"I know", I nuzzle my head further into his shoulder "We will."

"I'm sorry lovers", lifting my head Dean and I are fast to separate when Bobby shoves my door open with a bang "Did neither of you has the sense to watch Sam?"

Noticing the red mark on Bobby's head I'm fast onto my feet, "He's gone?!"

"No", Bobby cynically spits "I hit myself with a gun for kicks these days."

Dean hauls himself up behind me but I'm already out of the door. Taking the steps downstairs two at a time my eyes widen at the sight of the iron door whining loose on its hinges. Dean and Bobby clambering down after me I step inside the panic room. Utterly amazed, Dean worriedly breathes "How the hell did he even get out?"

"Sam had helped", motioning around the broken iron I point out "Bunch of busted Devil's Traps."

My hand slapping to my side I wander back towards the entrance where the painted Devil's Trap had barred the entrance. Bobby asking the question "Who do you think did this? Demon's."

"Ruby", I say with utter absolution, sweeping through the thresh-hold Dean's analyzing closely with his fingers "And I'm so incredibly past asking permission to kill her."

"You think she's got the mojo?" As I continue striding away, Bobby calls "Where are you going? We gotta find Sam-"

"I'm hoping he's with Ruby."

"What gives you that idea?"

"Absolutely nothing", I swinging around the banister, I pointedly tell Bobby "But killing her takes my priority." Glancing towards Dean, I question "You in?"

Fleetingly glancing towards Bobby, Dean reminds me "I'm on call for Angel duty."

"That's fine. Be on-call", I'm already halfway up the basement stairs "In the car on our way to let me murder this evil bitch." When neither Dean nor Bobby move I frustratedly cease my stride upwards, leaning over the banister "Sam doesn't think we're on his side. Beside us who do you think he trusts?"

Dean's expression relaxing, he realizes "Ruby."

"Correct", darting back upstairs, I yell over my shoulder "Vaminos!"

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