He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

5.6K 239 17

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
Kandace Woes
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama


82 3 0
By rainchellread

"I really think you should talk to someone. I understand  that you loved her, but you haven't been outta the bed in two weeks. And I'm sure you've used way more than the pto the job would  allow." Johanna said while she rubbed Rai back. She was. She was crouched over in the bed in the fetal position. "I know Jojo, but I've also been feeling really sick lately." On que she hopped up covering her mouth headed to the bathroom to throw up. "Wo Ms! What's going on with you?" She watched from the doorway as Rai dry heaved in the toilet after spilling the contents of her stomach. "Watch out" Bryson said squeezing past her to ge to Teegan. "You alright baby?" Johanna watch with her arms folded and her eyebrows arch from the door. She liked how Bryson took care of her sister. Adonis did in his own way, but he was more controlling with it. Bryson showed her compassion and handles her gently. If she hadn't known when they started "messing around" she would think they've been together for years because of how In sync he was to her needs. "Hey ma....yeah she's pretty much the same....well can you do me a favor and set an appt with her Dr. I think it's more than just her being depressed, she seems a bit off to me.....ok...will do, love you too." Johanna hadn't even heard Bryson's phone go off. "Mom is gonna set you a sick appt with your Dr." Rai just nodded as he helped her into the shower. On one hand it was cute, on the other hand it scared Johanna to see her big sister so broken. She's normally strong and stubborn. Deciding to give their intimate moment some privacy she stepped out Bryson master bedroom and made her way downstairs to the living room. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, when she looked at the screen she smiled. It was a face time call from "Booty 👅". Ever since they had that argument about keeping their relationship on the low Johanna had been giving her the cold shoulder. She still really liked her, she just felt like her feelings were being played with. Johanna stared at the screen contemplating if she should answer or not. At the last minute she accepted the call and was greeted with Kandace bright smile "Hey baby" she squealed excitedly. "Wazzup" Jojo answered dryly. Smacking her teeth "Don't do me like that!" Kandace replied and pouted. "I miss you." Jojo put her hand over her mouth faking a yawn "Do you really?" She was happy to hear from Kandace, but she wasn't gonna let her know that. "Come on now...you know I do! How many times you want me to apologize?" Jojo raised her eyebrows and shook her head as she got comfortable on the couch looking for the remote to the big screen tv. "Man...how many times I gotta tell you I ain't looking for no apology. I ain't some low self esteem female you about to string along till you make up your mind and have me all in my feelings." Johanna felt the need to roll a blunt right now, but out of respect  she wouldn't do that in Bryson house. She could see Kandace shifting with the camera. She was lounging on a bed and after Jojo statement she sat up and leaned against the headboard. "You know I got feelings for you, I just gotta do this in my own time...when I'm ready." She placed her hand on her chest emphasizing her statement. "You got me fucked up. Yo, but if that's what you called for to continue this tedious ass conversation I'm good. I'll hit you up later." Johanna told her while she browsed the tv guide for something interesting to watch. "Why you always gotta be like that? Why can't we just.." Johanna ended the face time call and tossed her phone beside her on the sofa  getting more comfortable. "Yeah, ok! Fuck that." She said outloud to herself. She turned on an episode of Boondocks and pushed the unpleasant conversation to the back of her mind.


"I'm not that same little girl who used to  run behind you with pigtails sucking my thumb anymore Bryson. I can take care of myself and I trust him." Khali stood up and began to pace back and forth with her hands on her hips.
"The crew" was downstairs waiting on them. Everyone had just came from dinner together and was getting ready to play a game of monopoly, when Khali asked if she could talk to Bryson in his office for a minute. She felt like now would be the best time to tell him since he seems to be in a good mood. Taking a deep breath Bryson sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I know that your a nurse and you can make a living anywhere, but I'm not ready to make this move just yet. Give me a few months I still got a few things I'm trying to put into play before we do this. It's not so much about financial, I need to be close to you in case anything goes down." Khali stopped pacing and leaned on his desk. "I'm not asking your permission. I'm telling you I'm moving in with Chad." Bryson leaned up in his chair looking Khali in the eyes  "And I'm telling you...." he was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Khali rolled her eyes at him and went to open the door. Jeannette was standing there with a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" Bryson asked getting up walking towards the two. "I tried giving her water and crackers, but she just won't stop. She's been throwing up since y'all left. Bryson blew out a breath and ran his hand down his face. "I'm coming, just gimme two seconds." Jeannette nodded her head and made her way back to Rai side. "I gotta go check on her. Don't go nowhere, we'll continue this conversation after I'm done." His shoulders dropped when he seen tears slide down his baby sisters face. He reached out to embrace her, but she side stepped out the door. "There's no need to continue this, you obviously got other priorities now which is fine, cause I understand you got your own life to live. I'm just trying to get you see that I'm trying to live mine. As far as I'm concerned I said what I came to tell you and there's no need to further discuss this." Bryson eyebrows creased together and he reached for her again. "Bryson Rai passed out.! Get yo big head ass in here now!" Regina yelled down the hall coming out of the master bedroom. "Damn!" He stepped quickly past Khali, but suddenly stopped and faced her "You will always be my babygirl no matter how grown you get. We will talk later." He said in a matter of fact way before sprinting down the hall. That brought a smile to Khali face, she knew her older brother was just being protective over her. Shaking her head she followed after him to check on Rai herself.
Bryson eyebrows knit together when he saw Rai on the floor resting her head in Malik lap while Johanna was holding a cold rag to her head. Not that he was threatened by her and Maliks friendship, but couldn't somebody else have held her. "Yo my dude, I feel y'all friendship and all, but ahh...why you ain't just pick her up and put in the bed instead of holding her in this gay ass position?!" Regina eyes bucked out her head and started cracking up along with everybody else. "Bryson! You so rude!" Khali stated as she made her way into Chad's arms. He was standing behind Johanna trying to give them room to do they thing, but still be there if they needed help. "Man....whatever. just help me get her up." Malik said shaking his head. "Help?....man watch out" Bryson bent down and scooped her  up and walked the few feet to bed before laying her down softly. "You good? I'm starting to get worried about you." He asked her, pushing her hair out of her face. "Yeah I just felt a little dizzy then the next thing I know Jojo was putting a cold rag on my forehead and I was laying in Malik lap." He nodded his head "Let's not make waking up in your male friends lap a habit ok?" He said smiling down at her. "Shut up" she laughed weakly and motioned for him to sit next to her. She cuddled up to him and closed her eyes. "I'm about run out and grab a few things for her. Anybody need anything?" Jeannette asked quietly while texting on her phone. "Could you stop by steak and shake and get me a strawberry cheesecake milkshake please?" Everybody's head snapped in Rai direction. "Yeah....n how about you pick up a pregnancy test for lil mama" Bryson said rubbing Rai stomach. It got so quiet in the room you could hear a pin drop. Rai sat up and frowned at Bryson "Why would you ask for that?" He chuckled "Everyone so focused on the fact that your depressed that no one is taking in your pregnancy symptoms. I think you're expecting babygirl." Johanna squealed and ran over to rub Rai stomach "I'm gonna be an auntie?" She was super excited. "Ok, I'll be back shortly." Jeannette said leaving out. "Come on bae, let's go downstairs and give them some privacy" Chad spoke up grabbing Khali hand motioning for Malik, Regina and Johanna to follow him.
Rai sat back and crossed her legs facing Bryson who was leaning back on the headboard. "You realky think I'm pregnant?" Bryson just nodded without any expression. "And your ok with that?!"  She asked him watching his body language since she couldn't read his face. Shrugging his shoulders he responded "I mean, it's not impossible. And it wouldn't really be a bad thing. We're both established and more than capable of taking care of a baby." Rai lowered her head and started fidgeting with her fingers "What if it's Adonis baby?" Bryson bit his bottom lip and looked away for a minute. "First we gotta see if you are indeed pregnant. We'll figure everything else out as we go." He said after a few minutes of silence and focusing his attention back to her. "If its his....he won't make this easy. And I really like you Bryson, I don't wanna lose you." He reached out and pulled her onto his lap laying her head on his shoulder. "Let's just see what this test says. I told you I don't feel the need to be with anyone but you. If it turns out to be his we just gonna have to put some boundaries into play. Speaking of him, when is your court date? You are pressing charges right?" Her eyebrows knit together and she sighed into his chest. "You know whether I press charges or not he's definitely gonna do time for what he did to my poor baby." He tapped her thigh indicating he was wanted her to sit up. "Shh...he gonna get what's coming to him one way or another. For right now let's get you cleaned up so I can enjoy whipping y'all ass in monopoly." She laughed accepting his help up off the bed "We'll see sir."

Things are getting sticky for Ms Rai.

Bryson don't play no games when it comes to Rai.
What did Bryson mean by Adonis getting what he deserved one way or another?

You think Kandace will finally come out with her secret about her and Johanna? Or is she hiding something, and that's why she doesn't wanna make their relationship public?

Only to find out is to stay tuned.

Thanks for reading I hope your enjoying it. As always don't forget to vote, comment and share!

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