The Earl's Young Bride and Th...

By SueHart2

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Life's controversy is overcome by understanding and conquered by love. Two couples. First, there is Lord Benn... More

Copyright Page
Chapter One: The Contract
Chapter Two: Discovery
Chapter Three: All About Vivian
Chapter Four: Discovery
Chapter Five: Messages of Hope
Chapter Six: Promising Start
Chapter Seven: Courtship and Games
Chapter Eight: The Unexpected
Chapter Nine: What's Proper?
Chapter Ten: Love of Music
Chapter Eleven: Concerns and Determination
Chapter Twelve: Questions and Digging for Answers
Chapter Thirteen: Sex Education
Chapter Fourteen: Shocking Conversations
Chapter Fifteen: Temptations Stranglehold
Chapter Sixteen: The Lure of Temptation
Chapter Seventeen: A Day of Decisiveness
Chapter Eighteen: Understanding
Chapter Nineteen: Nothing is Perfect
Chapter Twenty: A Ring of Promise
Chapter Twenty-One: The Little Chapel
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Celebration
Chapter Twenty-Three: Intimate Innocence
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Five: Redirection
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Upper Hand
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Barriers
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Explosive Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Thirty: An Inebriated Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: Her Heartfelt Apology
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Unexpected Seduction
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Long Day of Travel
Chapter Thirty-Four: Happiness Redefined
Chapter Thirty-Five: Plans Made
Chapter Thirty-Six: Advantages of a Rushed Marriage
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Surprises that please or shock
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Facing What Comes
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Help
Chapter Forty: Thieves and Surprises
Chapter Forty-One: The Grand Apology
Chapter Forty-Three: Examining Truth
Chapter Forty-Four: Back to Maywood Manor
Chapter Forty-Five: Righting what's Wrong
Chapter Forty-Six: Recovering What was Stolen
Chapter Forty-Seven: Good News and Trouble
Chapter Forty-Eight: Back with Charlotte
Chapter Forty-Nine: More Arrivals
Chapter Fifty: Recovery of Stolen Goods
Chapter Fifty-One: Found Evidence
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Baroness
Chapter Fifty-Three: Maywood Jail
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Trip Home

Chapter Forty-Two: Time for Each Other

419 51 11
By SueHart2

"I believe you need this bath more than I do," Charlotte told Radley as he checked the water temperature in the tub.

"Are you saying I stink?" he asked with a grin.

"No... well, perhaps a little, but so do I. What I'm inferring is your need to relax and I hope to help you. That scene was most difficult on you." She turned her back to him and looked over his shoulder as she asked, "Would you please unbutton my dress?"

"Gladly. If you plan to show me relax, perhaps we should do that before we bathe." He finished opening her gown, pulled it free of her shoulders, and tugged it over her head. With a toss, it landed against the wall. Then he lifted her chemise and disposed of it in the same way. Almost naked, he pulled her knee-length pantaloons down over her long legs and kissed her thigh before that garment met with her dress.

"Your turn," she said as she began to unbutton his shirt. "How long do we have before our absence becomes significant?"

"At the moment, I don't give a damn. My plans have all been dashed against the rocks and pulverized so far, thanks to Talbot. Then, I find my father here, and I'm not in the mood to deal with him." He quickly shed his clothes and climbed into the hot water with a sigh.

"We shall allow you to rage all you wish, but for now, lean back in the water, close your eyes and relax."

He watched her kneel by his head. "Aren't you joining me?"

"Yes, but I plan to wash your hair for you first, then scrub your back. You will enjoy that."

He thought about it, then sunk his head under the water to get his hair wet. "I do believe the last time I was given a bath it was from my nursemaid."

"If you were like my younger brothers, they always bathed together. My mother would scrub them down, make soap hats on their heads, and then pour a pitcher of water over them."

A faraway look came into his eyes as he smiled. "I'd forgotten how my mother did that for us. However, I don't care to discover you are making one on my head. Just shampoo it if you please. I don't have a mirror to see it."

Charlotte giggled at his mockery. "We shall play with our children in such a way. Mother said it was the only way she got my brothers to cooperate." She poured the shampoo into her hand and began to suds his hair, and massage his scalp. He enjoyed it so much that he hummed.

When she was done, instead of pouring the water over his head, he sank under the water to quickly rinse. "I believe that is the most attention my hair has received since I went to the barber," he said using his hands to wipe his face.

"Lean forward so I can scrub your back." She suds a rag and then began to clean his back gently.

"Scrub it harder; that will feel good."

She did as he asked and put some effort into it. When she finished, his skin was pink. "Now lie back and I'll..."

He laughed at the way she began washing his arms. "I believe I am capable of doing the rest, my dear. Why don't you climb in here with me before the water becomes too filled with soap?"

She did as he asked and leaned back against his chest after sitting between his legs. "I do hope it doesn't take Dalton long to either come or send someone. Will they investigate the local magistrate?"

"Yes, after my explanation I am sure they will speak to my tenants who seem to know more about him. The main thing I am after is taking Talbot to London for trial." He took a rag and started washing her back. "This is enjoyable. Your skin is like the finest silk."

"Only because it's soft and hairless," she said looking over her shoulder. "If Owen and Michael arrive here, I do believe I shall have them escort me back to you. I'll bring towels and toiletries. Perhaps by then Lewis would have found your butler and told him you wish to have him return."

"Quint will return if he learns I am back. He's had the job since I came into my title."

"Quint is a strange name. Where's he from?"

"Quint is short for Quintus. He's Egyptian with golden skin, dark hair, and dark brown eyes on a face that reflects the pharaohs of his country. You will understand when you see him. His posture is regal." He leaned in and kissed her shoulder and trailed kisses to her neck.

"We should finish bathing. I believe we should have a nap."

"That, my dear, is an exceptional idea. Though, I'm not sure I have sleep in mind."


Hours later there was a light knock on the door of their bedroom. Because Radley had dozed off, Charlotte donned her robe and answered by opening the space just wide enough to speak to whoever was there.

Vivian looked at Charlotte's hair and then grinned. "You fell asleep before your hair had been combed, didn't you?" She watched Charlotte touch her wild hair and groan. "Is he asleep?" she asked with a whisper. Charlotte nodded. "Lunch is being served. Would you like me to have a servant bring it to you here? I know you two must be exhausted after what you went through."

"I'm awake," Radley growled and then cleared his throat. "We'll be down as quickly as possible."

Charlotte watched him stretch his arms and then begin to rise from bed. She nodded to Vivian. "I will hurry and dress."

"No rush. I'm sorry to have disturbed you." Vivian walked back down the hall towards the stairs as the door closed.

"Did you sleep?" Radley asked as he pulled her against his nakedness.

"Yes. I fell asleep with you." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You should have pretended to sleep longer so we could eat up here and enjoy our time alone."

"A desire to do so does not help my need to discuss what the next few days hold for me. Do you know if Owen plans to take Ruth home first or bring her here?"

"Home. I heard his decision to do so using the excuse to help our mother prepare for our arrival. He threatened her not to tell of our marriage."

"It doesn't matter if she does. Such information cannot change the deed." He kissed her forehead and turned away to begin collecting what he wished to wear. "It will also free our brothers to join me. The more backing I have, the better."

They dressed quickly and she brushed her hair, which made her groan. Instead of dealing with it, she pulled it back and tied it at her nape with a ribbon. When they exited into the hall, a maid curtsied as they passed. As they turned the corner to go downstairs, Charlotte glanced back and saw her enter their room. Vivian had sent the maid knowing it would need cleaning.

They found Ben and his father still in the office. Charlotte hesitated at the door until Ben's attention turned to her. "Where can I find Vivian?"

"She's in the kitchen. My bride enjoys speaking to Nettie, who is teaching her how to cook," he said with a grin. "Personally, I can't see why."

"Mother taught me, and Ruth is learning as well. I would have cooked for us at Maywood, but the food was gone as well. Thankfully, Annie, Lewis's wife, fed us." Without another word she headed towards the kitchen.

Radley took a seat next to his father in a chair facing the desk. Ben sat behind it as if he had just finished looking at some paperwork.

Ben explained, "I added a letter to yours and arranged for a rider to take it to Dalton and return with his answer. I waited for you to come down and decided you would rather I see to this quickly."

Radley, seeing he wouldn't escape from discussing this, nodded. "You were right. Charlotte said that Owen would be taking Ruth to your mother before coming here."

Ben nodded agreement. "Owen does not have the temperament for her demands, nor does he wish to take responsibility for her over any length of time. I suspect, he would have had her things packed the moment Charlotte departed with you. Father will wish to know where I am. Owen will tell him I am here in Kendal and they intend to visit us here. Then he will wish to know if Charlotte went with Vivian and me. So he will learn of your marriage. Did you perchance say how long you planned to stay at Maywood?"

"Regretfully, I did. We changed the plans so many times, it became confusing. When I decided we should marry immediately, I made the decision for Charlotte and I to meet all of you next week at Kensingdale since you had informed your father of your marriage. You planned to leave in a few days, is that correct?"

"You speak the truth as to confusing plans. If Owen is taking Ruth home, are you sure they will come here or wait for our arrival?"

Radley sighed because of what happened after Ben had left with Vivian. "When I left, they planned to take Ruth home and then travel here to accompany you to see your father."

"May I ask why the hurry to wed?" his father asked.

"Why do most men want to claim a bride they are in love with? I refused to give others a say in marrying Charlotte. It is done, and she is my viscountess. She felt the same way." He knew he sounded defensive, but it was the truth.

His father nodded. "I am pleased to know you love her that much, Son. Ben adores Vivian as well." He smiled as he said, "I fell in love with your mother from the first moment I saw her. Our time together was short, but it was very happy. I still miss her."

"You should remarry," Charlotte said as she entered the room. "Because I am now your daughter through marriage, I should be allowed an opinion."

"As if I could stop her," Radley said as he stood to greet her. She stepped to him and he pulled her to his side. "My brilliant wife is correct. You should consider finding a woman to share your life with. My mother would not have wished that you remain alone."

"Perhaps." His continence was not convincing.

Vivian came into the room and stepped to Ben's side. "I helped prepare lunch. Now you must come and taste it. I expect you to praise me on what a fine meal it is," she teasingly told him.

"Did you enjoy your part in the meal?" Ben asked as he offered his arm. "Under the circumstances of what has happened to Radley at Maywood, we should discuss an alternate plan as to our departure for Kensingdale. Your brother needs time to straighten his affairs and we could be of service to him. If we agree, I will send a message this afternoon to my father explaining the new situation."

Vivian looked at her brother, saying, "I believe Ben wishes to wait for Dalton, or whoever is sent, and then bring Vivian and me to help with the house. Do not be further surprised if he brings workers to right such a mess. Did you happen to see another bedroom suite with what you found?"

They entered the dining room and Radley pulled Charlotte's chair out for her. "Mine was still there, but I did not search through enough to see what he had sold. The guest rooms are still fully furnished. When I return, the men will have moved the furniture back to my house. At present, I am unsure what is missing." He took a chair beside Charlotte. "You may have a chance to order new furniture when we choose some for our London home."

His father had just taken a chair across from them when he heard that comment. "You two have already purchased a home?"

Ben, Vivian, and Reginald all listened for his answer.

"We found one not far from Ben's location. It is within walking distance for our wives' to visit each other. The workmen will begin minor changes while we are gone. Then my sweet bride can choose what she wishes to fill it." He paused as he smiled at her. "All except for my office. I wish to pick my desk and chair."

"Then you will not be far from me either," his father said with a smile. "I must admit that I do not wish to face a future alone. Having you nearby gives me comfort."

Radley couldn't have been more surprised to hear such sentiment coming from his father, who seldom spoke of such things—except for when he spoke of Elisabeth. His mother often came up in conversations.

"You will not be alone. In fact, Radley has already spoken of having children. We will expect you to take part in your grandchildren's lives." She smiled as Reginald's gaze as it swung to Radley who shrugged and kissed the back of her hand.

"Good. I shall get practice with a baby before we have our own," Vivian said with excitement. "I have not been around any infants."

"You will be a natural, Vivian. I can see you educating them with all the things you have learned," Charlotte told her.

Ben whispered in Vivian's ear, "Appropriate things a child can learn." When she giggled, he knew she understood what he meant.

I didn't like the first half of this chapter, it lacked personality between Charlotte and Radley.  Thankfully, the scene was easy to change and perhaps bring personal memories to the readers as well.

I apologize for changing things. I also added a chapter before this, switching #41 and giving this one #42. I know, that's confusing, but it happens when I have an opportunity to speak with readers.

Thanks for tolerating my changes.

See you in a few days.

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