Liebestraum (Kurama X OC)

By Arielle1850

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During the Dark Tournament a mysterious girl appears with a rare and potentially dangerous gifting. At first... More

Chapter 01: A Prima Vista (Or, quite literally, at first sight)
Chapter 02: A Due (Or, a musical direction meaning "for two")
Chapter 03: Consolation (Or, the act of offering comfort to someone)
Chapter 04: Nocturne (Or, a piece of music of a nocturnal mood)
Chapter 06: Hohe Liebe (Or, the first movement)
Chapter 07: Cambiare (Or, to change)
Chapter 08: Harmony (Or, the sounding of two complimenting notes)
Chapter 09: Anima (Or, played with feeling)
Chapter 10: Un Sosprio (Or, literally, a sigh)
Chapter 11: Dolente (Or, played with plaintive emotion)
Chapter 12: Modulation (Or, the process of changing from one key to another)
Chapter 13: Etude (Or, a composition intended to improve aspects of technique)
Chapter 14: Prelude (Or, a musical introduction to subsequent movements)
Chapter 15: Dissonance (Or, the feeling of stability in relation to tension)
Chapter 16: Fermata (Or, to stop, pause, and hold)
Chapter 17: Poco a Poco (Or, little by little)
Chapter 18: Seliger Tod (Or, the second movement)
Chapter 19: En Dehors (Or, a directive to make the melody stand out)
Chapter 20: A Serenade (Or, a performance delivered in honor of someone)
Chapter 21: Liebestraum
Chapter 22: Dolore (Or, with an emotion of pain and distress)
Chapter 23: Ecstasy of Gold (Or, in a trance)
Chapter 24: Dreams of Love
Chapter 25: Avec (Or, free and unrestrained)
Chapter 26: Solo (Or, a section of music played by a single performer)
Chapter 27: Legato (Or, a group of notes that are joined up instead of separate)
Chapter 28: Affrettando (Or, hurrying and pressing onward)
Chapter 29: Loop (Or, a section of music that can be repeated indefinitely)
Chapter 30: Coda (Or, a section of music indicating the end is approaching)
Chapter 31: Prima Volta (Or literally, the first time)
Chapter 32: O Lieb, so Lang du Lieben Kannst (Or, the final movement)
An Afterward from the Author
The sequel is here!

Chapter 05: Accent (Or, a momentary emphasis on a particular melodic detail)

254 20 3
By Arielle1850

The morning of the semi-final round was sunny and bright, filling the hotel room with soft colors and excitement for what was to come. Asuka and the rest of the girls had decided they would get breakfast from the hotel's restaurant before walking over to the stadium. Yukina, Shizuru and Keiko went to play cards in the boys' room the night before, but with Yusuke and Botan absent and Kurama leaving halfway through, it didn't turn into much of a party.

"Thank you, Keiko," Asuska said sheepishly when her friend handed her another set of clothes to borrow.

Keiko smiled and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I'm sorry they don't fit you perfectly though."

Asuka pulled the blue pleated skirt up to her waist, zipped it and then used a safety pin she'd gotten from Shizuru to pin the excess fabric and make it tighter.

"I'm grateful to have anything." The white shirt fell loose on her small frame as she put it on, but it wasn't big enough to look ridiculous. Last, her hair went into its usual messy bun.

"Asuka?" Botan called from the bathroom. "How much was in that case? I'm just dying to know!"

"Oh. Well," Asuka said with a nervous laugh. "I haven't actually looked yet."

"Ehhh?!" Botan squealed. She ran out of the bathroom with only a large towel on her head and a t-shirt. "What is wrong with you?! You've got to open it right now!"

At the mention of a suitcase, the other girls stopped what they were doing and hurried over to the middle of the hotel room.

"What suitcase?" Keiko asked excitedly.

Asuka laughed as she walked over to her futon mattress to grab it. "I was so tired after last night I decided to wait until this morning. It's only going to be 20,000 Yen or something like that."

Botan crossed her arms and huffed. "I doubt it. Why'd he give you a small suitcase then?"

The suitcase thumped when Asuka placed it on the table, and she knelt to unlatch it.

"Probably because it's more secure then handing me an envelope," she said addressing Botan's question. The lid popped and Asuka flipped it open to reveal the contents inside. Her eyes widened.

"Told you."

Keiko gasped. "Oh, wow!"

Two rows wide and five long of 10,000 Yen bill stacks lined the suitcase's interior. Asuka's hands began to shake as she took out a single stack. She counted the money out loud for the other girls to hear, in case she made an error.

"This last one makes...1 million Yen."

Botan clapped excitedly. "Five rows wide and two long means you've gotten ten-million Yen!"

Tears streamed down Asuka's face as she held the cash in her hand. "I'm not poor anymore. I can buy things I need. I could even manage to live on my own for a few years."

She felt Shizuru's hand rest on her shoulder.

"Well," Botan eyed her with a grin, "Guess we need to go shopping."

Asuka stared at the case. "Why did he give me this much? It seems excessive for some piano playing."

Botan placed her arm around Asuka. "Honey, I think it's best not to question it. Sakyo is exceedingly rich. This is pocket change to him."

Is this...a goodwill offering? Come work for me and I'll see to your every need?

"You're right," Asuka sighed, resigning not to burden her friends with her worries. She put the stack of bills back into the case save one and waved it. "Want to go shopping before the tournament? I hear there's a makeshift market near the stadium. I don't know if they have any clothes, but I'd like to give Keiko back her outfits."

Her friends laughed, and Shizuru looked around at the other girls. "I think that will work. Botan is the only one not completely dressed. Better hurry up, Botan."

"Two minutes!" she declared before scampering off to the bathroom.

Once Botan was ready, Keiko picked up Pusuke and the five girls walked down to the hotel's restaurant. The same host that Asuka saw yesterday sat them at a booth. Asuka slid in first, then Botan, then Yukina. Across from them was Shizuru and Keiko. Once they were seated, the hostess gave them some menus.

"I'm so hungry," Botan whined. "And yesterday I had to watch Asuka eat all this delicious food, but I didn't get to have any of it!"

Asuka laughed and Keiko put down her menu for a moment. "Delicious food?"

"Sakyo gave me dinner before the evening started," Asuka replied. "I think it was the same as what they were having. It was so good. My mouth is watering just thinking about it."

Botan pouted, and that produced a small giggle from Yukina.

"We'd better figure out what we want to eat," Shizuru said looking through the menu. "We don't have that much time."

The girls nodded in agreement, and silence fell over the table as they tried to make a quick decision.

I had the house breakfast yesterday, so maybe I'll go for something not so traditional.

After everyone had made up their mind Shizuru pressed the button to ring the server, and it only took him a couple of minutes to arrive. The only indication he was a yokai was the pointy ears that stuck out through his shaggy black hair. He bowed, then took out a pad to write down their orders.

"I'll start," Asuka said. "I'll have coffee with cream and the waffles."

Shizuru lifted her hand. "Coffee for me as well with the house breakfast."

"Tea for me," Botan said. She then got a devious look on her face. "American breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, and western-style pancakes."

Both Shizuru and Keiko eyed Botan and shook their heads.

"What?" Botan asked incredulously. "I told you I was hungry."

The server ignored their banter and directed his attention to Keiko.

"Tea please, and I'll have the waffles."

Yukina stared at her menu for a little bit longer before putting it down. "I'll have the herbal tea please. And may I have some miso soup, pickled radishes, and a bowl of rice?"

Their server nodded and bowed before leaving. When he returned with their drinks, Asuka gleefully took the coffee from the server's hands. The warm ceramic heated her fingers as she set it down. After mixing some cream in it, Asuka sipped, and sighed.

"Do you like coffee, Asuka?" Keiko asked.

She looked up at her friend with a large smile. "I love coffee. The smile waned as she looked down at the cup. "It's strange, isn't it? I know I love coffee, but I can't remember anything about who I am."

Botan placed a hand on Asuka's shoulder in comfort, but otherwise said nothing. Instead, the conversation moved on to what they hoped would be at the open-air market. When the food arrived, everyone quickly dove into their meals, Botan most of all. Asuka felt like she truly belonged in the group, instead of just being an outsider who needed help. After the tab was paid, they made their way outside of the stadium, stretching in the sun with full bellies and full hearts.

"Oh!" Botan squealed excitedly. "I think I know a shortcut to the stadium!"

Asuka lifted her eyebrow at Botan with an amused expression. "Unless you've been to the new stadium before last night, how would you know a shortcut? Let's just go the way we went before. It wasn't far."

Everyone else laughed, and Botan slumped her shoulders in defeat. "Fine."

As they walked down the road, Shizuru asked Asuka about her night playing piano, and what it was like walking into a room full of dangerous men.

"Surprisingly, they treated me well," Asuka said. "There was only one point where I was afraid, but it wasn't because of Sakyo. It was because one of Toguro's teammates came. His Yoki was...malicious."

"Sounds scary," Keiko said walking up next to Asuka and adjusting Puu to be in her left arm before looping her right through Asuka's. "I'm glad you're alright."

"Me too," she sighed. "I'm grateful I had the opportunity, but I hope he doesn't call me to play again. It was stressful, even if I got paid and got a nice dress out of it."

"You looked gorgeous dear," Botan said from behind.

Asuka glanced over her shoulder back at Botan, Shizuru and Yukina with a smile. "Thank you. It...certainly helped my confidence."

A smirk played across Botan's face, and it made Shizuru laugh.

"Botan," Shizuru warned, "I know what you're thinking. Stop."

Not sure what she was missing, Asuka craned her neck further to look back and forth between Shizuru and Botan.

"What?" Botan said, feigning airs of innocence. "I'd merely like to point out that...."

Shizuru shook her head and smiled at Asuka. "Never mind. I think we're almost to the stadium. You can see it just over the trees."

Turning back toward Keiko, Asuka lowered her voice so the others couldn't hear. "What was that about?"

Her friend sighed. "Botan likes getting into other people's business. Don't worry about it." She squinted for a moment then pointed. "I think we're here!"

The open-air market was so densely packed with yokai, the girls had to hold on to one another and snake through the crowd just to look at the seller's goods. There were two long rows with blankets and crude tents pitched on the side of the stadium. People were shouting, and at times, the smell of certain yokai was so permeable, it made Asuka choke.

The girls huddled around a woman who was selling different types of tea pots with ornate designs and matching cups.

"Keiko look at this one," Shizuru said gesturing to grey pot with sakura flowers around the sides.

"Beautiful," Keiko commented while holding tightly onto Puu.

Standing next to Asuka was Yukina, and her eyes were fixated on a pale blue pot speckled with white. She gazed longingly, and it made Asuka inch just a little closer.

"Thinking of home?"

Yukina's eyes shimmered, and Asuka placed a hand on her back. If she started crying in the middle of this market, there would be trouble. Yukina seemed to understand that as well, and took a deep breath as Asuka comforted her. She nodded in confirmation.

Both of their eyes lingered on the pot, and Asuka desperately wished she knew where her home was.

"Will you tell me about it sometime?" Asuka asked.

"Yes," Yukina replied quietly. "I'd love to."

Though Asuka was sorely tempted to buy a teapot, she didn't know what her living situation would be after the tournament ended, so she walked away regrettably. The next booth had pottery plates shimmering with various glazes and colors; only 100 Yen each. Asuka groaned and walked to the next booth.

A yokai man with the ears and nose of a panda bear sat behind a table filled with different types of eyeglasses. Curious, Asuka inquired what they were.

"Why, they're costume glasses," the man said with a giggle. His voice was higher pitched than Asuka expected, and his Yoki was pleasant, albeit faint.

"Costume glasses?" Asuka said picking up a pair.

He reached behind him and picked up a large hand mirror, giving it to Asuka so she could see herself. The silver glasses looked rather nice.

"Why yes," he affirmed with another light laugh. "Yokai are always trying to blend in. What is more human looking than a pair of fashionable glasses?"

Asuka didn't quite understand what he was saying, but she put the silver glasses back on the table and picked up a pair of mustard brown frames. When she tried them on, it was clear they were too large for her face because they covered her delicate cheekbones. The mustard brown color also offset the purple in her irises' making them look muddy and plain.

Eyeglasses can be used to enhance a person's aesthetic, but they can also mask it.

"You're quite right," she said to the seller. "How much?"

"1,000 yen."

She looked at herself one last time and squared her shoulders. "I'll take them."

The panda yokai clapped his hands together but frowned when he took the bill from Asuka. "Woaaah. That's a big bill. I don't know if I have change. But I'll look."

Asuka sheepishly put her hand behind her head. "Sorry."

The merchant shrugged as he took out a blue zippered pouch stuffed with cash. "I should expect it around here. Anyone employed by Sakyo or his business partners get paid in 10,000 Yen bills." He thumbed through the cash. "Looks like I have enough. I'll count it out for you."

After he was finished, Asuka thanked the yokai and proceeded down two booths. A woman was standing next to it shouting, "Woman's fashionable clothing! Right here!"

Exactly what I need!

This booth had racks of clothing underneath a tent, and Asuska wove her way inside, hoping to find something reasonable and cheap to wear. One rack was entirely dedicated to yokai with tails, so Asuka went to the opposite corner and began to sift through the clothes. It occurred to her that the fabrics felt rough under her fingers, and it was because of the exquisite dress she wore yesterday.

I became ungrateful quickly, she scolded herself.

Her eyes settled on a black sleeveless scoop neck shirt in an extra small. She took it off the rack and held it up to herself, guessing it would fit. She also found a short pleated grey skirt, black leggings and ankle boots. She also managed to find a white button-down shirt that would pair with the skirt. Asuka brought the items to the front and paid 3,700 Yen, which was a steal.

I can stop borrowing clothes from Keiko, she thought gleefully.

The crowd thinned out as people lined up to enter the stadium. As Asuka began walking back the way she came, a violent and startling image hit her so hard she stopped breathing. It was of Yukina being kidnapped and taken through the woods. She was gagged, and a Brute carried her over his shoulder. Tears streamed down Asuka's face as the pain intensified. She clutched the bag she was carrying and began to run, weaving in and out of people moseying toward the tournament entrance. She spotted Keiko, Shizuru and Botan laughing while walking with new purchases, but Yukina was not among them.

Botan's face immediately turned somber when she saw Asuka's face, and rushed to meet her half-way. "What's wrong?!" she cried.

Asuka tried to catch her breath, but she was panting from anxiety. ""

The other girls looked at each other wide-eyed as panic settled on their faces.

"She...she was right here a minute ago," Shizuru said. "We thought she went to catch up with you."

Numbly, Asuka shook her head. "She was snatched. I saw it in my mind. I think I know where they went. We have to go, now."

"Should I find the boys?" Botan asked.

"Their match should be starting any minute now," Shizuru said. "They can't help us."

"Then it's up to us," Asuka said impatiently. "Let's go!"

"Wait!" Botan said taking her oar out. "I'll go ahead and see if I can find them. If I can take them, I will. But if I can't, I'll come find you all."

This is my fault, Asuka thought guiltily as she began running as fast as her legs could carry her through the woods. I was so absorbed in wanting to buy things for an apartment I don't even know I can get, I didn't keep a diligent watch for anyone suspicious.

Yukina, she thought while tears stung her eyes. Please hold on. Be safe.

"This is my fault," Shizuru said catching up to Asuka. "I'm sensitive to a lot of different types of ki. I should've been able to detect whoever took Yukina."

Asuka shook her head. "You're not to blame. I was the last one speaking to her. She was with me and I should've paid better attention."

There was a clearing up ahead, and Asuka placed her vision over it in her mind's eye to see where Yukina's assailants went.

"Turn right!" she said, panic resuming. The other two were tired, Keiko most of all, but they ran without complaint. Behind her, Asuka could hear Puu whining.

"Asuka!" Botan shouted from above. The three girls stopped and waited for Botan to swoop down. "I saw Yukina," she said quickly. "And it looks like there are two yokai with her running through the woods. One of them, is ginormous. He's the one who's got Yukina. The second guy is smaller. I think there's a boat on the far side of the island they're trying to take her to. If they do, it's over."

Keiko's eyes widened. "How are we supposed deal with guys like that?"

In Keiko's arms, Puu whined again. His little face was droopy and tired. Asuka glanced at the other girls, trying to come up with a plan.

"Botan," she said decidedly. "Can I ride on your oar with you? Shizuru and Keiko, you two keep running and try to catch up with us. All you have to do is run straight until you see the first stadium peaking up through the trees slightly to your left. Once that happens, go toward it."

Shizuru put her hand on Asuka's. "Wait! Shouldn't I be the one going?"

"No," Asuka said firmly. "Botan, let's go."

Her friend set her mouth in a straight line. "Like I said yesterday, you can ride on it, but just so you know, my oar isn't meant for physical bodies. I can..." she put her hand to her mouth as she searched for the right word, "Adjust you, but it's going to be extremely uncomfortable. And really, you shouldn't remain in a metaphysical state for very long."

"That's fine," Asuka nodded. "A short ride is all I need. I'm ready."

Without saying another word, Botan cast her oar, gesturing for Asuka to take her hand. Once she did, Asuka felt something change within her body. She felt light, dizzy and weird.

"You okay?"

Asuka positioned herself on the oar. "Yes. I didn't doubt you, but I see what you mean."

"Hold onto me," Botan said before flying up into the sky. In the distance, the roar of the tournament's crowd plumed over the trees and fell on Asuka's ears. In the back of her mind she wished the boys good luck in their matches, but aside from that, her focus was in front of her, trying to think of a plan to get Yukina back.

I've never been defenseless.

The thought came out of nowhere as she stared at her hand. Could she actually use her ki in some kind of combat move? No specifics came to mind, so the best Asuka could hope for was that her body would react on its own when the time came.

"Botan," she shouted into the wind, "If you can figure out what to do with the short guy, let me handle the one that has Yukina. I think," she paused, "I think I have an idea."

"What idea is that?" Botan shouted back over the wind and the cheers from the stadium.

"I don't know exactly," she confessed. "But, I have a feeling it's going to work exactly when it needs to."

"Greaaatt," Botan said. "I see nothing about this plan going awry. We're almost there."

True to Botan's word, Asuka spotted two yokai moving toward the first stadium with Yukina in tow. The guilt Asuka felt resurfaced, and she silently vowed to never let anything like this happen again. Botan circled around and cut them off in their tracks.

The one who had Yukina was grey with ram's horns on either side of his head. He was tubby and nearly the size of a giant. His level of ki indicated that he was a yokai who couldn't speak. He was a Brute. Beside him, a thin yokai with pale pink skin resembling a worm laughed when Asuka and Botan appeared.

As Asuka appraised them, she realized there was no way these two would devise a plan to kidnap a woman in the middle of an open-air market. They were under orders from someone else.

The skinny one must've been the one who abducted her from the crowd, then passed her off to the Brute.

She eyed the two yokai, trying to keep the shake out of her voice. "Which of Sakyo's business partners do you work for?"

The wormish one laughed again with a sour tone. "A sharp eye, this one. Yes, it's true, we are under the service of one of the business partners, but which one, we will not say."

They'll all be dead by tonight, but that doesn't help Yukina now.

Asuka looked over at the large grey Brute holding Yukina. There was no way they would see reason. If they failed in securing Yukina they would be killed for their failure. It was imperative Asuka get up close to the big one and place her hand on his gut. But how?

An idea presented itself, though it was risky. Asuka glanced at Botan, hoping she'd understand, and prayed silently her idea would work.

Asuka dashed toward the Brute hoping his reactions would be slow enough to dodge. She was wrong. The Brute simply swatted her away and sent her flying. Asuka felt a sharp pain jab her ribs as she landed and rolled through the dirt.

"Asuka! Are you crazy?!" Botan shouted.

She groaned as she slowly got up out of the dirt while the wormish one laughed. Asuka coughed, spit out blood and eyed the Brute.

One more time.

She charged again, this time paying special attention to the movement of the Brute's hand. she had spent an indeterminable amount of time evading capture. Surely, she could dodge his attack. As his oversized hand came down, Asuka realized he wasn't trying to swat her away this time. He was going to try and grab her. His eyes were wild, and there was foam coming from his mouth.

A flesh eater.

The thought made Asuka sick to her stomach. She changed positions by sliding on the ground so he would miss grabbing her. It sent sharp needles through her ribs. She bit her lip to ignore the pain and forced herself upward once she was next to his body.

"Asuka!" Botan yelled again.

Almost there....

She reached up with her hand, just barely tall enough to touch his abdomen, yelling the moment she made contact.

"Fate: stay!"

Immediately after activating the ability, Asuka felt a surge of ki rush though her body and exit into his before she collapsed.

The Brute screamed, immediately dropping Yukina onto the ground to place his hands on his head. He stumbled backward, and an agonizing roar pierced the air. Blood streamed out of his ears, nose, mouth, and eyes.

"What did you do?!" The wormish one yelled in horror.

The Brute shook his head, and reached for his eyes, attempting to tear them out with his claws. He was in a complete state of frenzy.

I get away but...I can't move.

Asuka realized it was far worse than simply being immobile; she was losing consciousness.

She saw Botan charge the worm looking yokai who was still distracted by his partner's erratic movements and shrieking. Shizuru and Keiko leapt out of the forest and ran toward herself and Yukina.

"Asuka!" Shizuru shouted while grabbing her wrists. "Let's go!" There was more pain in her ribs, but Asuka didn't even have the will to cry out. Once she was far enough away, Shizuru helped Keiko bring Yukina over, who was still tied up.

In one swift motion Botan swung her oar and hit the wormish one in the face. "Take that, you filthy piece of dirt!"

The surprise attack pushed the wormish one directly behind the Brute. He tried to move out of the way, but it was too late. The wormish one shrieked as the Brute fell over and crushed him beneath his massive body.

Asuka felt like she was seeing everything happen in slow motion. Her body felt heavy as she blinked slowly at Yukina, who appeared unhurt. Her friends crowded around her and she saw their worried faces. Asuka wanted to tell them it was alright, but she couldn't stay awake any longer.

I did it. I saved her.

-* ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ *-

When Asuka awoke from a dream where she was standing in the middle of a rose garden, she found herself laying in a bed. Defined sunbeams streamed into the room from a large window and splashed onto green carpet. A short distance away she could feel the bed was sunk in. When she turned her head, Asuka found Kurama sitting and staring down at her. His head was illuminated by the light reflecting off his raspberry hair in a halo-like effect. His beauty was so defined in that moment, so other, that her heart involuntarily skipped a beat.

"You're awake," he said softly. "Looks like I was right."

Asuka blinked and tried to sit up. "Right about what?"

Kurama immediately reached for her, steadying her wobbly body by placing a palm near her collarbone. "Careful," he said gently, reaching with his other hand to place some pillows behind her back.

His ki was warm through his palm and she was close enough to smell the scent of roses and musk which wafted off him. After he propped up some pillows for her, she leaned back, comfortable.

"Shizuru and Botan described what happened," Kurama continued, "And it sounded like you forced your ki into the Brute who was holding Yukina."

Images of the fight rushed through her mind. "Yes," she confirmed with a hoarse voice. "It gave him the pain I experience, and Foresight forced him to see an overwhelming number of images. I don't know what he saw but, he tried to claw his eyes out."

Kurama nodded somberly. "You left yourself with barely enough to stay alive. I thought that by giving you a large dose of mine, it would jumpstart your system to refill your reserves."

"So that's why I was dreaming of roses," Asuka said softly.

An undefinable expression passed over Kurama's face. "What?"

Immediately, Asuka felt embarrassed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear while averting her gaze. "Oh, sorry. It's just, when you've helped me with my panic attacks, I see a garden filled with roses on a hill in the sunset."

"You see a garden?" he asked softly.

She nodded, still unable to look Kurama in the eye. "Its...comforting. I was just dreaming of that same place."

When Asuka finally dared to look up, Kurama was looking at her strangely. It made her want to crawl underneath the blankets and never come out again.

You shouldn't have said anything, Asuka said herself.

He stirred and gave her a small smile. "What you did was incredibly dangerous. You almost killed yourself and I wouldn't recommend using that power again. But, you saved Yukina. I'm sure Hiei will eventually pay you a visit to say thank you, in his own roundabout way."

Asuka sighed. "I should've been paying better attention. But what matters now is she's safe. After tonight all those men will be dead, and that will be the last of the people who know about Yukina besides Sakyo. He doesn't seem to care about her though."

"I told Hiei as much."

Kurama looked away at the window, and Asuka knew he had something else he wanted to say. She waited, afraid if she asked him what was on his mind, he'd say "nothing" and leave.

Please don't leave.

Her patience was rewarded. Eventually Kurama opened his mouth to speak, still staring out the window.

"I ran into Karasu. was just as you said."

Asuka's heart dropped, but she kept her mouth in a tight line. She knew too much fuss over it would push him away, so she remained perfectly still, hoping he'd say more.

Kurama turned toward her. "Did...he touch you, like that?"

That wasn't what she was expecting he'd say, and she shivered. "Basically. I'm sure he would've done more if Sakyo hadn't stopped him."

They sat silently together for a moment before Kurama stood up. "I will be fighting him tomorrow. I may have a means of beating him, but I must test it first."

Asuka nodded. "I have faith in you. Good luck, Kurama."

He paused, his face still troubled. "While you were sleeping, Genkai...."

His voice trailed off, and Asuka immediately knew what he was going to say. Tears welled in her eyes before she fiercely wiped them away.

"Get some rest, Asuka," he said softly.

"I will," she said sincerely. "But I already feel so much better. I'll see you tomorrow after the finals."

He studied her momentarily before walking out of the bedroom door. She could hear his smooth voice tell the other girls she was awake. Asuka heard squeals and she was rushed by Botan and Keiko. They jumped on the bed and pulled her into a fierce hug.

"I was so worried!" Botan cried.

Shizuru stood in the doorway laughing, and Yukina inched her way in with downcast eyes. Asuka stuck her hand out and indicated for Yukina to come closer. When she was close enough, Asuka grasped her friend's hand which was ice cold to the touch.

"You had some broken ribs," Yukina said quietly, "But I healed them. Thank you, for saving me."

Asuska gave Yukina's hand a firm squeeze. "You're welcome. I'm glad you're safe."

Her attention was turned back to Botan who was now sitting on the bed. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes, and Asuka knew that Botan was silently grieving for Genkai. It made her heart sad, but maybe she could do something to cheer her up.

"I feel fine," Asuka said honestly. "So, do you all want to play cards with me for the rest of the afternoon?

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With the timeline for the impending Apocalypse moving up on them, Yusuke and Kurama are approach by a myterious psychic who calls herself the Storyte...
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he wants to be her friend. she can't stand him. he finds her intriguing, she doesn't fawn nor obsess over him, which he likes; so instead he fawns...