Liebestraum (Kurama X OC)

By Arielle1850

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During the Dark Tournament a mysterious girl appears with a rare and potentially dangerous gifting. At first... More

Chapter 01: A Prima Vista (Or, quite literally, at first sight)
Chapter 02: A Due (Or, a musical direction meaning "for two")
Chapter 03: Consolation (Or, the act of offering comfort to someone)
Chapter 05: Accent (Or, a momentary emphasis on a particular melodic detail)
Chapter 06: Hohe Liebe (Or, the first movement)
Chapter 07: Cambiare (Or, to change)
Chapter 08: Harmony (Or, the sounding of two complimenting notes)
Chapter 09: Anima (Or, played with feeling)
Chapter 10: Un Sosprio (Or, literally, a sigh)
Chapter 11: Dolente (Or, played with plaintive emotion)
Chapter 12: Modulation (Or, the process of changing from one key to another)
Chapter 13: Etude (Or, a composition intended to improve aspects of technique)
Chapter 14: Prelude (Or, a musical introduction to subsequent movements)
Chapter 15: Dissonance (Or, the feeling of stability in relation to tension)
Chapter 16: Fermata (Or, to stop, pause, and hold)
Chapter 17: Poco a Poco (Or, little by little)
Chapter 18: Seliger Tod (Or, the second movement)
Chapter 19: En Dehors (Or, a directive to make the melody stand out)
Chapter 20: A Serenade (Or, a performance delivered in honor of someone)
Chapter 21: Liebestraum
Chapter 22: Dolore (Or, with an emotion of pain and distress)
Chapter 23: Ecstasy of Gold (Or, in a trance)
Chapter 24: Dreams of Love
Chapter 25: Avec (Or, free and unrestrained)
Chapter 26: Solo (Or, a section of music played by a single performer)
Chapter 27: Legato (Or, a group of notes that are joined up instead of separate)
Chapter 28: Affrettando (Or, hurrying and pressing onward)
Chapter 29: Loop (Or, a section of music that can be repeated indefinitely)
Chapter 30: Coda (Or, a section of music indicating the end is approaching)
Chapter 31: Prima Volta (Or literally, the first time)
Chapter 32: O Lieb, so Lang du Lieben Kannst (Or, the final movement)
An Afterward from the Author
The sequel is here!

Chapter 04: Nocturne (Or, a piece of music of a nocturnal mood)

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By Arielle1850

There was a light knock on the bathroom door. Asuka knew Kurama would be upset, but he was the only person who could give her council. If this night didn't go exactly right she would endanger team Urameshi. If Sakyo discovered she had Foresight, the outcome would be even worse.

"Come in," she said with a scratchy voice.

The door creaked, and Kurama snaked his head through until found her sitting on the bathroom floor. "You called for me?"

She nodded and breathed in again, attempting to steady the fear. "Did they tell you?"

His raspberry stained hair swayed as he moved into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. "Botan said you would tell me. Asuka, what is it?"

"Well," she said nervously, "I guess I drew too much attention to myself."

He narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

Asuka swallowed and looked away. "After I had breakfast I noticed a piano in the corner of the hotel lobby and—"

"I heard you playing."

She was unable to keep the surprise off her face. He was listening? For how long? She didn't remember seeing him in the crowd, but then again, it was Kurama. What did he hear?

"O-oh," she stammered. "You did?"

He nodded and placed his hands in his pant pockets. Asuka tilted her head upward to meet the gleam of his eyes. His presence felt much larger than his body. It wasn't menacing, but Asuka couldn't put her finger on the feeling she was getting from him.

"Did you learn something about yourself?" he asked.

A contented smile settled on her face. "I did, and, I'm so happy."

Kurama turned his head away, as if he were contemplating something. It confused her, and the contentedness melted back into anxiety.

"Sakyo," Asuka forced out as she tried to change the subject. "He found out about my piano playing and wants me to play for him and some guests. Tonight."

Emerald eyes stared at her, waiting to see if there was more.

"Kurama, I'm...scared."

Immediately the man before her dropped to one knee and placed his hands on her arms. "Asuka," he said firmly, "I'm going to teach you a better method of ki suppression. I know you've been hiding yours, but with mine, you should appear to have almost no discernable ki. When I was a thief, this is how I hid my presence."

She nodded, then put her hand on her forehead. "I'm sorry," she said. "Kurama I—"

Kurama shook his head, his words surprising her. "You couldn't have anticipated this. Now, are you ready?"


He put his other knee on the on the bathroom floor and sat on his legs.

"Most people suppress their ki by metaphorically trying to put a lid on it," he began. "The problem with this method stems from how limited a technique it is. To truly suppress your ki, you must concentrate it down first."

Asuka stared blankly as she tried to picture what Kurama was saying in her mind.

"Think of a piece of paper," he said. "The more you fold a paper in half, the smaller it becomes and the less space it takes up. The paper becomes infinitely more difficult to fold as you continue, but the smaller it is, the better it can remain unseen in your pocket."

In theory I see what he means, but just how would you go about applying the principle to your ki?

He looked at her thoughtfully. "In order for you to understand, I will first demonstrate. Come closer?"

As she scooted forward, Kurama took her wrist and gently guided her hand to sit on his stomach just below his ribcage. His muscles involuntarily flexed when she placed her hand and Asuka became aware of how she was invading his personal space. She could smell the scent of roses and musk, hear his steady breathing, and feel the hardness of his abdomen through his clothing.

Even though he wasn't outwardly showing it, Asuka knew the physical contact was making him uncomfortable. Kurama wasn't a person who liked his privacy invaded, much less his person.

He's dealing with it for my sake. I can't be distracted. Ki emanates from the center of the body. By having me touch him, I'll be able to sense his process much better. I don't have a lot of time to master this.

"Concentrate on my Yoki," he said softly.

She unconsciously bit her lip to keep her thoughts from wandering and focused her senses outward. Feeling his ki like this was different then when he pushed it through her body. Instead of being surrounded by a rose garden, Asuka felt like she was looking at one from a short distance.


Asuka was so mesmerized by what she saw she forgot to reply, but Kurama seemed to understand. He began to pull inward, and it felt as though all the wonderful colors were blurring together. She could practically feel the spacious garden getting more cramped as the flowers began moving toward the middle. The blooms got smaller as they returned to bud form, the walls continued to shrink, and the colors became shades of gray. He continued to compact his ki, folding it on top of itself until all that remained was a large concentrated seed surrounded by darkness.

It felt awful, like everything beautiful in the world had been taken away, and the blackness rang hollow in her mind. She just wanted to see that comforting place again. The emptiness was suffocating.


She opened her eyes and nearly hit Kurama when her head jerked. Something wet was running down her cheek. Asuka took her hand off his abdomen and scooted back, pulling her knees inward and wrapping her arms around them. Kurama's face was impassive.

"How can you stand it?"

His lips turned upward slightly. "I have been using this method for quite a long time. The effects are...adverse, but I hardly notice anymore. This will be difficult for you, but we do not have much time. Before you try and concentrate your ki to the degree I have shown, try concentrating it one third."

-* ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ *-

For the next two hours Asuka practiced squishing her ki and just as Kurama said, the process was painful. As time passed it became a little easier, though she could not suppress it to the degree Kurama demonstrated.

"Good," he said with a satisfied look in his eye. "While you could use some improvement, I believe that will suffice for now. Will you be able to suppress it while you play?"

Asuka rubbed her temples and shifted due to the hard tiles on the bathroom floor. "I don't have a choice."

"No," Kurama said softly. "You don't."

She let out a quiet laugh then sighed, content to sit silently for a moment. It seemed Kurama felt the same.

A light knock caused Asuka to sharply lift her head.


"It's me, Botan," the voice said to the other side. "You only have ten minutes or so before the car comes to pick you up. Are you ready?"

Asuka swallowed. "No but, I'm coming."

Kurama stood up first, then offered his hand which Asuka took. His grip was strong but not overbearing as he pulled her upward. Without a word he gestured for her to walk in front of him and Asuka opened the door.

Yuki, Botan, Keiko and Shizuru were standing just outside with concerned faces.

Botan stepped toward her and took her hand. "Asuka, we've been so worried about you."

She looked down at her hand sandwiched between Botan's, thankful for the contact.

"I've taught her a better method of ki suppression," Kurama said behind her. "She should be better prepared for this evening."

Botan's eyes traveled to Kurama's and she gently pulled Asuka to the side so she could address him directly. "That's good. I'll follower her on my oar in case something happens. I can get her out if I'm fast enough."

Asuka regarded Botan a moment. "That's kind of you Botan but...."

"No but's," Botan waved cutting her off. "I'll be fine, and I want to make sure you're fine."

The sincerity of Botan's face meant the idea was not up for discussion, and once again Asuka found herself grateful. She meant to say thank you, but was instantly distracted the moment her eyes saw the blue creature in Keiko's arms.

"Is that...?"

"Puu," Keiko said with a giggle. "We call him Pusuke."

The little soul beast flapped its ears and floated towards Asuka. "Puu Puu!"

She laughed and held her arms out. The closer Puu got, the more he resembled a stuffed toy. When he landed in her arms Asuka rubbed her face on the side of his head, earning a squeak of delight from the creature.

"I think he likes you," Kekio said with a wide smile.

Asuka pulled away from Puu and lightly ran her fingers through the tuff of black hair. "I guess Yusuke has a squishy soul."


Shizuru chuckled. "So it would seem. Only, don't tell him that."

The girls shared a laugh together before the hotel phone rang and cut them off. After staring at it for a moment, Asuka let go of Puu and picked up the phone.

Hello?" she swallowed.

"Miss Asuka, I am here to escort you to the stadium," a voice on the other end said. "I am waiting out front."

"Oh, yes. I...I shall be right out."

The phone clicked.

I...I can do this. I have to do this.

Asuka slowly put the receiver back on the hook, and when she turned, Botan was already in her traditional Kimono.

"Don't worry Asuka. You won't be alone."

"Right," she said nervously.

The girls each said their goodbyes and wished her good luck. Asuka thanked them before walking to the door where Kurama was waiting for her.

"I'll walk you out."

She tucked a loose strand back behind her ear and stepped through the door to find someone just getting off the elevator. Her and Kurama got on, and they rode silently to the lobby. She could feel Kurama's eyes on her back as they neared the outside door. What he was thinking, she could not even begin to guess. Asuka reached for the handle and pushed.

"I'll see you when you get back."

She whipped around, but all she could see was a faint smile playing on Kurama's lips as the doors reclosed. The man who called her was standing next to a town car, and at Asuka's approach, held open the door and bowed.

"Good evening, Miss Asuka," he said as she stepped in.

"Thank you."

The interior was decorated with the finest tan leather and was complimented by black accents. When Asuka slid into the car, the bench gently gave way and instantly conformed to her body. It was deliciously comfortable. In the center on the floor was some kind of console lit by floor lights. Curious, Asuka leaned forward and opened it to discover a mini fridge stocked with various drinks. Most were alcoholic, but she spotted orange juice and took it immediately. It had been some time since she'd eaten breakfast and she was hungry.

It'll be a long night.

The driver got into his seat and glanced backward to make sure Asuka was situated before taking off. As they drove down the road, Asuka became more and more curious about the island. As far as she was aware, the two arenas and hotel were the only buildings. How did the structures get built? And who was managing the island for the rest of the year when the Dark Tournament wasn't taking place?

"May I ask you something?"

The driver looked over his shoulder. "Of course, Miss. What can I do for you?"

"The island," Asuka gestured. "As far as I know, there are only four buildings. Is that correct?"

"Yes Miss," he replied. "The entire island belongs to Sakyo's corporation. He has trusted members of his business come and tend the island when no one else is here. There are also a few yokai who live here permanently, under contract by Mr. Sakyo."

"I see." She looked out the window as the scenery rolled by.

"There is an unofficial market that pops up by the western gate every year," the driver said pleasantly. "They have goods for yokai and humans alike."

Asuka craned her head to meet the driver's eyes in the mirror. "Really?"

"Yes Miss."

"I'll have to go there tomorrow, then."

If I actually survive this.

In a car, the journey to the Dark Tournament arena only took a few minutes. Once they pulled up to a gated entrance, the car slowed to a stop.

"This is exclusive access gate, Ma'am," the driver said. "Please allow me to get the door for you."

Asuka tucked another loose strand back into her bun before getting out of the car. It was only then she noticed the man was thin, and just under the cap of his uniform, was another set of eyes.

She smiled. "Thank you."

He tipped his hat, revealing the top of his head to be misshapen. "You're quite welcome."

After stepping onto the sidewalk, Asuka looked around briefly and fought the urge to look for her friend that was in the sky. She wouldn't be able to see Botan in any case, and it might appear strange.

She's there, I know it.

Inside the gate a woman dressed all in black with sunglasses greeted her. "So, you're the piano player, huh?"

Asuka tried not to fidget. "I am."

The woman lowered her shades revealing deep blue eyes that looked over the sunglasses rims. "You're a pretty thing, aren't you?"

Asuka blushed. "M-me?"

"Yes you. Very skinny, but beautiful nonetheless. We won't have much trouble dolling you up." She narrowed her eyes. "But you'd be prettier if you wore the right size. Those clothes are much too loose on you."

The woman was right of course, and Asuka brought her eyes downcast, ashamed that she had nothing to her name except the 6,000 Yen she earned this morning.

"Come, follow me," the woman said turning. "You're expected in one hour. We haven't much time."

Dutifully, Asuka followed the woman further into the stadium and up a few levels to a small room with harsh lights and walls that sorely needed a fresh coat of paint. Towards the middle of the room there was a rack of dresses, many different pairs of shoes, a hair cutting station and a folding privacy screen.

It's a little overwhelming.

The woman clapped her hands together, startling Asuka.

"Stop daydreaming and come here," she pointed next to her by the rack of dresses. "We got some intel about you, but most of these are much too big." She separated about three quarters of the dresses on the rack. "You can look through these. Pick three you like, then go over there and try them on."

Asuka reached for the dresses numbly, anxiety jabbing at her mind as she slowly moved through the dresses. She couldn't afford to have a panic attack here, so she closed her mind and concentrated on the feeling Kurama's ki gave her, silently begging for it to work. Sitting in a garden on top of a hill at sunset, with colorful, fragrant roses all around her was where she was. A place impossible to feel stressed.

Botan is here too, she reminded herself again.

"Well?" the woman said impatiently.

"Sorry," Asuka mumbled, and tried to focus.

The dresses were designer and each one must've cost over ten-thousand Yen. She felt the fabric of a short black one between her fingertips. It was silky to the touch and made her smile. She took it off the rack and the woman removed it from her fingers. The next dress she chose was sleeveless with a high neck and a tad shear at the bottom.

One more.

A dark smoky purple dress towards the end immediately caught her attention. The hooks made an obnoxious squeaking noise as she passed over the remaining choices until Asuka revealed the dress in its entirety. What she saw was stunning.

"You've got a good eye," the woman next to her said appreciatively. "That is Chanel. The fabric is organza with a sweetheart bodice and a sheer crisscrossing halter."

The woman took it and urged Asuka back behind the privacy screen, hanging the dresses on a previously unseen rack. She then retrieved some potential matching shoes before stepping to the other side to give privacy.

Asuka stripped and took the Chanel dress off the hanger, frowning when she realized the back was exposed. Her scar was low and it looked much better than it had, but she was still worried someone would see it. If this dress exposed her secret, then she'd have to abandon it.

Gingerly, Asuka stepped into the dress and twisted it to the side so she could zip up the back. If her hips were a normal size she would have needed help, but since she was tiny it wasn't an issue. Asuka straightened out the dress and pulled it upward so the bust was in the correct place. She crisscrossed the halter and fumbled for a moment with the buttons until they hooked. Asuka then turned around so she could see the back the dress.

Oh, I'm so happy, she sighed in relief. The dress came up higher than expected so her secret remained safe.

The dress' bodice was solid, while the halter and skirt used the same sheer fabric. It was perfect. Asuka tried on different types of shoes until she felt satisfied with a black pair that had ankle straps. She stepped out from behind the privacy screen.

The woman in black who'd been helping her smiled for the first time.

"It's magnificent. Come, sit," she said pointing to the chair at a small square table. "Your stylist will be here shortly. In the meantime, eat."

As if on cue, Asuka's stomach growled causing the woman to frown. "That's why you need to eat."

The woman wasted no time in unhooking Asuka's halter, gently laying it on her lap and then completely covering her up with a salon cape.

The food was wheeled in along with the smell. A tray was placed in front of her with salad, rice, and Wagyu beef in a light sauce. In addition, a small plate with black watermelon was placed on the table behind the main dishes. The spread made her salivate. It was made up of some of the most expensive foods in Japan. She put her hands together to receive her meal and dug in.

She ate the beef first because it should be eaten hot. The flavor was so wonderful and so rich that she involuntarily sighed when she put it in her mouth. After her first bite she picked up the bowl of rice to have some with the beef. Asuka couldn't imagine being rich enough to eat delicacies such as these on a regular basis, but in the moment, she was eternally grateful for Sakyo's wealth.

Everyone should eat this good once in their lives.

When the beef was gone she moved to the salad, and then had the black watermelon for dessert. It was extra sweet, crispy and the sticky juice ran down her fingers. It was fortuitous she wearing the salon cape and the thought made her smile. Someday, she'd buy this kind of watermelon for her new friends. Less than ten-thousand were grown in Japan every year and they deserved a slice.

When Asuka was finished, she felt satisfied but not overly full. A tall, slim Japanese woman with large lips walked in wearing a salon smock and gestured with her finger. Asuka stood up and walked over to the woman who took off her cape, revealing her dress. Asuka clasped the halter so the dress sat properly on her body and the woman nodded appreciatively.

"That smoky purple matches your eyes. For your makeup we will do black eyeliner and nude lipstick. Now for your hair."

Nervously, Asuka pulled the messy bun and let her chestnut hair cascade down her body.

The stylist's eyes widened, and she gently reached out to run her fingers through a long strand.

"Your hair," she said softly, "Is beautiful."

Asuka tucked one of the shorter layers behind her ear and looked away as the woman appraised her.

"I think we should leave it down and lightly style it," the woman said with a firm nod.

Panic rose within Asuka stemming from the dream she had. "," she stammered. "I'd like it up, please."

Her stylist gave her a confused look. "Why? Your beauty will shine most this way."

Asuka resisted the urge to fidget as she tried to come up with a good reason. " gets in the way of playing," she said quickly. "Having it up is better."

The stylist sighed and then gestured to the salon chair. "If you must. But it is a shame to hide all that beautiful hair."

Asuka, relieved, said nothing and the woman put a fresh smock around her body.

"When is the last time you washed it?" she asked.

"Last night."

The stylist looked in the mirror meeting Asuka's eyes as she took a brush out of her smock. "That's good. Your hair will stay in place better. How about we use chopsticks in your up-do? Black, to match your eye makeup?"

"Yes please."

It only took fifteen minutes for the stylist to wrap her hair in a large intricate bun on the back of her head. She left the shortest strands of her layered hair to delicately frame her face and curled them ever so slightly. Her stylist moved in front and reached for a makeup bag, telling Asuka to pull her cheek taught, close her eyes and the like.

When she was finished, Asuka stood up and the solon cape was pulled off. She hardly recognized herself. Her reflection showed someone who looked a lot older, someone poised, wise even. It gave her a shot of confidence for the evening and she ran her fingers over the fabric of her dress.

"Come," the woman in black said. "Sakyo will be receiving guests soon. He wants you to be playing before the dining starts."

Asuka nodded and took one last look in the mirror before walking down the hall behind the woman in black. She was surprised to learn the room she'd be playing in wasn't far from where she got ready. The woman opened the door and held it, gesturing for her to go inside.

"Thank you," Asuka said. "I didn't catch your name?"

The woman looked at her for a moment. "Names don't matter," she said finally. "Good luck."

The door Asuka came in was on the side and it gave her a good vantage point to appraise the room. The space was large and the piano was near floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the arena. Green carpet adorned the floor and large, gaudy chandeliers hung from the ceiling. About 15 meters from the piano was a long and elegant table decorated with candles, flowers and place settings for twenty people. On the other side of the room were couches around a table. Asuka pulled the piano bench out and sat down, lifting the lid. She breathed in, made sure her ki was suppressed enough, and began to play.

Chopin's nocturnes.

Though Asuka wasn't sure how long she was supposed to play for, there were twenty-one nocturnes and she seemed to know a lot of them. It was an odd feeling. How many piano pieces did she know? And how could she know so many without remembering anything about her past?

It hardly matters right now, anyway.

The first nocturne, OP 9 No 1 was a somber sounding piece, but Asuka found it fitting for the mood the Dark Tournament arena gave off. The minor notes felt appreciated here in this empty space.

It wasn't long before the main doors opened and she heard the voices of men, indistinguishable over the sound of the piano. To her right she could hear the pulling of chairs as they sat down for their meal, the exact subject of their discussions remaining unknown.

A good thing. I'm not liable for whatever they're saying.

She felt no menacing ki, so it was safe to assume Toguro or his other teammates were not among the men sitting at the table. She was relieved, and with that, she allowed the tight suppression of her ki to loosen just enough to feel comfortable. Now she could concentrate on the music and the emotions Chopin was trying to convey. Most of the pieces were gentle, expressive, and had less flair than Liszt's counterparts, but no less lovely.

Those two. Friends and rivals. Chopin the introvert, Liszt the extrovert. They were always fighting but, they admired one another.

Perfect music for a gentlemen's dinner.

Asuka found herself being pulled deeper and deeper by the piano and the sound it was making. Her eyes closed and she drowned out the distant chatter of the dinner as she progressed though the pieces. She felt peaceful and at home, forgetting herself surrounded by men who could easily exploit her gifting if they knew of it.

She arrived at Nocturne OP 27 No 2 and remembered it was always one of her favorites. Maybe because it was a reminder of her favorite Liszt pieces. She leaned in just a little closer and turned her head to the keys as her fingers played delicately, feeling the music. Light trills, high notes, and happiness.

In her own universe, Asuka progressed through a few more of Chopin's pieces until she felt a tall presence standing directly next to the piano. She opened her eyes briefly to see Sakyo, and closed them again to concentrate on finishing the piece she was playing. After the last note hit and she took her foot off the pedal, Asuka opened her eyes again. She placed her hands on her lap, looking up at Sakyo expectantly.

"Beautiful playing Asuka," he said lighting a cigarette. "My guests this evening are quite smitten with you. Won't you come say hi?"

It wasn't a request, but Asuka stood up gracefully and took Sakyo's hand as he led her to the area where his cohorts were standing. They all had cigars and whisky and at her approach they stopped, giving her their appreciation.

"You play like a professional," one gentleman commented. "Do you play for private parties?"

Asuka was so flattered it took her a moment to respond. "Oh, well, thank you. That's very kind. Normally I don't but Sakyo called and requested me this evening."

The man seemed genuinely disappointed. "Well, I host a lot of private parties. Here's my card, should you decide your services are for hire in the future."

Asuka took the card and immediately felt her ability attempt to kick into high gear.


Instead of the roaring pain she normally received, all she felt was a dull ache. The colors of her vision were muted and there were no sounds or feelings associated, but she could still see blood, and it was everywhere.

"Something wrong my dear?" Sakyo asked.

She looked up at him, and very much realized his friendly demeanor and amicable nature were all an act. He was going to murder these men tomorrow night. She forced her shoulders to relax and blinked rapidly.

"Forgive me, Mr. Sakyo," Asuka said as smoothly as she could. "Nothing is wrong. I just had something get into my eye."

He nodded unconvinced, but clearly gave her the lie anyway. "Not a problem. Would you like to go freshen up?"

Her instincts said to run, but if she took even a bathroom break, her actions would be seen as suspicious. She could freak out later.

"No, that's not necessary," she said reaching for her eye and gently wiping it. "I think I've gotten it."

He looked satisfied. "Very well. Shall we continue?"

"By all means."

Asuka didn't think she was good with small talk, so she simply listened to each of Sakyo's partners and thanked them when necessary. After she met most of them her instincts lit up and she immediately forced her ki back into its bottle to hide within the depths of her being. The feeling made her woozy, but she ignored it. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

"Are you ready to play some more for us Asuka?" Sakyo asked her. "Perhaps two more pieces?"

"I would be delighted."

She steadied herself as she walked back to the piano. What would she play? Ending with more Nocturnes seemed to be less than ideal, but by the time she got back to the bench she had an idea.

Debussy. Arabesque Number One.

It was faster than the other pieces she'd been playing, but not so outside the night's theme to appear brash. Smoothing her dress, she slid onto the bench, reoriented herself, and began to play.

The first note was a C sharp, and her hands delicately flitted down the keys. This piece made her feel like she was seeing children playing outside in freshly falling snow. The descending melody certainly sounded like flurries, and she tried to keep that image in mind for those sections. Ice skating, making snowmen and joy was what Asuka saw as her fingers danced. But just as the song was ending she felt a menacing, ugly ki come from the back of the room.

No. Is it Toguro?

It was Yoki, that was certain, and it was dripping with malice. Whoever it was, she could feel their eyes on her. Asuka could simply look toward the door and confirm for herself who it was, but that would be unprofessional. She needed to keep playing, finish this evening and leave safely. For her final piece, she decided to pull the blanket of Liszt's Consolation Number Three over her.

It couldn't completely erase the dread she was feeling, but the further Asuka got into the piece, the better she felt. She breathed in and out, her body involuntarily moving as she poured out her heart and soul. Something about it was connected to her. Asuka may not know who she was, but she was sure the sum of her could be said in those notes.

When she opened her eyes after finishing the piece, Asuka found the Yokai whose ki she felt standing over her. His long silky black hair fell over a breathing apparatus and a putrid odor wafted around him. He was powerful, and his purple eyes, a shade near her own, pierced. It was Karasu.

"I hear you've been spending time with the fox."

Kurama, she thought as her heart sped up. Karasu knows he's a fox Yokai? And more unsettling, how does he know Kurama and I have been spending time together?

"Who?" she tried.

Karasu narrowed his eyes. "You know exactly who."

Asuka gulped, and Karasu leaned over her further, using the difference of their heights to intimidate her.

"He's quite graceful."

If she lied, there was no telling what he'd do. Asuka had never seen Kurama fight, but even his ordinary movements were executed with precision and care.

"Yes, he is."

Karasu fluttered his eyes, and Asuka got a sick feeling in her stomach.

"Does he practice martial arts on a daily basis?" Karasu asked. "In the mornings and at night?"

He moved closer and Asuka froze as his cold, clammy fingers brushed her neck, eliciting an involuntary shudder. The act made her see another vision, deadened to her senses but clear enough to understand. In her mind's eye Karasu was running his fingers through Kurama's hair and touching his face. He looked utterly terrified.

"Those gi's suit him," Karasu sighed. "But I might prefer to see him without anything at all. Have you seen his exposed from?"

Unable to help herself, Asuka immediately thought of Kurama shrugging off his uniform shirt in front of her, and the physique he displayed.

"Ohhh," Karasu growled. "You have."

She knew exactly what Karasu was thinking about and her heart raced. How was she supposed to defuse the situation when the demon standing over her was clearly fixated?

"Karasu," Sakyo's voice warned. "Don't intimidate my guest."

He retracted his hand and began to step away, but not before saying in a low voice, "I hope team Urameshi wins."

With a small exhale, Asuka watched Karasu walk out of the room's back door.

Had he come just to...?

"Your payment."

Asuka snapped her head to find Sakyo standing by the piano with a mini briefcase about the size of her chest. She stood up and accepted it.

"Thank you for entertaining my guests this evening," Sakyo said smoothly.

Asuka bowed, and a loose piece of her hair fell forward. "Thank you, Mr. Sakyo."

"Maria will escort you to the car."

She looked at him quizzically until her eyes followed his hand gesturing to the woman in black. Asuka walked toward her with the suitcase and left the entertainment room behind by exiting through the same side door.

So close.

She followed Maria without saying anything until they passed the suite she first changed in. "Miss Maria?"

The woman turned and waited.

"Aren't...don't I need to change?" She pointed to the dressing room.

Maria shook her head. "Your things have already been sent down to the car. You can keep the dress."

Asuka looked down in wonder. "Thank you."

When they exited the stadium Asuka was hit by another powerful wave of Yoki. She jerked her head and the presence immediately vanished. Someone different than Karasu was watching her, though she didn't know from where.

I have to get out here. Now.

Her heart began thumping and her hand started shaking. In front of her, Asuka saw the same car she came in and crawled into it, relieved. She was exhausted and frightened.

Who was that?

The ki she felt was much stronger than Karasu's, and because of it Asuka had a stunning realization.

They know. They know the strange ki from the other day is mine. Tonight was the perfect excuse to test their theory. Even though I've been careful and have tried to suppress it, can I really say I've been doing a perfect job? One feeling is all it takes, as I've just discovered. How much do they know? Do they know I can use Foresight? Maybe they don't know exactly what I can do, but my unique ki is enough to pique their interest.

She buried her head into her hands.

But why let me go? Why pay me? Were they planning on trying to recruit me after the tournament? I suppose it makes no difference when they grab me.

She sighed. Her Foresight had also shown her terrible visions. All of those men would be dead soon. They weren't innocent. They participated in shady dealings, trafficking, underground gambling, governmental manipulation and gross mistreatment of certain yokai. But they were going to be murdered in cold blood, and she had seen it.


She also needed to warn him. Karasu was dangerous.

The town car pulled up to the hotel and the driver parked so he could open the door for her. After giving him her thanks, Asuka walked towards the hotel door. The moment the driver pulled away Botan materialized, hopped off her oar and pulled Asuka into a fierce hug.

"You did so good Asuka," she whispered. "I'm so proud of you."

Asuka returned the gesture and sighed deeply. "Thank you, for watching over me."

Botan pulled away slightly so she could look into Asuka's eyes. "Aside from that creepy guy, it looks like you managed to come out of it unscathed, huh?"


The Grim Reaper frowned. "Whatever do you mean?"

Asuka looked around with a face full of worry. "Did you see anyone when I was leaving the arena?"

Botan shook her head, causing her pony tail to sway. "Not from my vantage point, why?"

She didn't see anyone? Or feel anyone? I suppose Botan was quite high in the sky to avoid being detected, and her Raeki isn't particularly strong.

Asuka looked at her friend, debating.

"Nevermind," Asuka said, forcing herself to adopt a cheerful tone. "I think I'm just feeling a bit paranoid because of how tired I am."

The deflection worked perfectly, and it earned Asuka a smile.

"I don't blame you. Now, I'm going up to the hotel room. There's someone waiting for you in the lobby," she said in a sing-song voice.

Asuka furrowed her eyebrows curiously. "Who?"

An impish grin broke out on Botan's face. "You'll see."

Without giving Asuka a chance to ask more questions, Botan hopped onto her oar and flew upwards. Curiously she stepped inside the hotel and found Kurama sitting in the lobby looking alert, even though it was late. She was surprised.

He must've guessed what time I would be back and came down.

Karasu's future movements played through her mind and a lump formed in her throat.

As soon as Kurama saw her he stood up and quickly walked over. His eyes scanned her from head to toe and afterward he silently offered to take her bags by sticking his hand out and gesturing for them.

"Thank you," she said softly.

His eyes settled on the mini brief case and held it up, the corners of his lips turned slightly upward. "what is this?"

She smiled a tired smile. "It's my payment. Sayko said he was going to pay but, I guess I didn't really believe him."

"How much?"

Asuka shrugged. "I don't know. I'm guessing he gave me that tiny brief case because it's safer than an envelope with cash. Feels a bit excessive don't you think?"

Kurama looked down at the case again. "Difficult to say."

He motioned to the elevator and the two of them started walking towards it. It was clear Kurama had much to ask but didn't want to have a discussion in the open. Once they got into the elevator and it began moving, Kurama pressed the stop button and drew a seed out from his hair.

He whispered to it and a plant grew from his palm. It released pollen that glowed blue like tiny fireflies. Asuka looked around in wonder as they floated around the elevator.

"Beautiful," she breathed.

Kurama said something else to the plant and it contracted back to a seed which he put in his hair.

"If there were listening devices or cameras, the pollen would've gravitated towards them," he explained. "But it appears we are safe." He looked over at Asuka again. "I assume you weren't hurt?"

She shook her head. "No. It was just about as straight forward as such a crazy event could go...well, until the end."

His face was pensive. "What happened?"

Asuka found herself incredibly thankful for his presence. Even if waiting for her benefited him personally, it helped her not to feel so anxious.

She raised a hand to her forehead. "My Foresight activated twice, but it was not as...pronounced as it normally is."

The emerald eyes which gazed at her held understanding. "Because you were suppressing your ki, perhaps?"

His suggestion made sense, and Asuka began to think of its implications. I wonder if my ability to use Foresight directly equates with how much ki I use. So far, I've been suppressing it out of fear someone will notice. If I were to allow my ki to swell, would I see more? The only way to test my theory would be to find a safe, remote place to experiment.

Asuka glanced over to find Kurama waiting patiently. She rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed her thoughts had gone down a rabbit hole. And judging from Kurama' amused expression, he knew exactly what was going through her mind.

It's hard to hide things from him.

She dropped her hand. "Kurama, those partners Sakyo has? They're going to be murdered before the final round of the tournament. Toguro will kill them on Sakyo's orders."

His eyes widened. "That's what you saw?"

She nodded. "The sensation was deadened, but it was still bloody and violent. They're not innocent people. They've done terrible things and yet, Kurama I," she choked. "I want to stop it from happening. But I know I can't."

"No," he said kindly. "You can't. What else did you see?"

This won't be easy.

Asuka bit her lip and looked away again, unable to meet the fierceness of his wide eyes.

"It's about me?" he asked, surprised.

He needs to know.

"Yes," she whispered. "At the end of the evening Karasu came. He approached me right after I finished playing and started asking questions. About you."

Kurama looked confused as he tried to sort through his mind. "I don't believe I've ever spoken to him. Why would he be asking about me?"

"I..." Asuka hesitated, "I think he's fixated on you. He was asking personal questions about you. Details about what kind of habits you keep. What you wear when you practice martial arts and if, if I've seen you...."

Her face felt hot with embarrassment and Kurama's entire body tensed. She forced herself to keep speaking.

"In my Foresight I saw a confrontation between you and him in a dark tunnel. It doesn't turn violent, but he makes his...intentions toward you known."

"I see."

"I know you are always vigilant and take every precaution," Asuka continued, "But all the same. Please be careful Kurama. If you get an opportunity to watch him fight, take it. Going into a match with him blind is less than ideal. He's dangerous. His ki is...ugly. Foreboding. Destructive."

"I'll be careful," he said softly, trying to quell her fears.

Asuka tucked her hair behind her ear. "Kurama, they know."

He frowned. "Are you absolutely sure about that?"

"Not completely sure," she hesitated. "But I'm nearly sure. As I was leaving I felt, just for a moment, Yoki that was so demonic, so evil, I know it must belong to one of the Toguro brothers. I did not see who, only felt him in that moment. But I know he was watching me."

Kurama folded his arms and shifted in the elevator. "If they do know, letting you return here is in their best interest. They know you are connected to us, and if you disappear now, we will come after you. Getting into an altercation with us before we've been eliminated from the tournament does not benefit them. People paying to watch them fight us, does."

"I was thinking something along those same lines."

He nodded. "Do you think they know about your Foresight?"

Asuka bit her lip and searched her mind. "I've been trying to decide that. I don't know but, the more I think on it, the more it seems unlikely. I think they confirmed I am the owner of the strange ki which everyone felt the night I arrived."

"That is the more likely scenario."

They stood silently for a moment until Kurama pressed the unstop button and let the elevator ride its course upward.

"Whatever the case may be," Kurama said in a gentler tone, "I believe we will win this tournament. So while frightening, I would advise not letting it cause you too much distress."

Asuka let out a breathy chuckle. "I'll do my best."

The elevator reached its destination and she found herself looking at Kurama long after he returned her bags.

"Thank you for everything," she finally said. "And for waiting up for me. I know it's late, and you have a match tomorrow. I'm...glad I can discuss these matters with you."

He gave her a tiny smile. "Good night, Asuka."

"Good night Kurama," she said watching the elevator door close.

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