Only Hope (Conclusion) | Loui...

By Itskennedy112233

345K 8.5K 4.4K

Louis Tomlinson remembered the year of misery he went through when Brooke was gone. All he ever wanted was to... More

Only Hope *Conclusion to FFY*
Only Hope Prologue
Only Hope Chapter 1
Only Hope Chapter 2
Only Hope Chapter 3
Only Hope Chapter 4
Only Hope Chapter 5
Only Hope Chapter 6
Only Hope Chapter 7
Only Hope Chapter 8
Only Hope Chapter 9
Only Hope Chapter 10
Only Hope Chapter 11
Only Hope Chapter 12
Only Hope Chapter 13
Only Hope Chapter 14
Only Hope Chapter 15
Only Hope Chapter 16
Only Hope Chapter 17
Only Hope Chapter 18
Only Hope Chapter 19
Only Hope Chapter 20
Only Hope Chapter 21
Only Hope Chapter 22
Only Hope Chapter 23
Only Hope Chapter 24
Only Hope Chapter 25
Only Hope Chapter 26
Only Hope Chapter 27
Only Hope Chapter 28
Only Hope Chapter 29
Only Hope Chapter 30
Only Hope Chapter 31
Only Hope Chapter 32
Only Hope Chapter 33
Only Hope Chapter 34
Only Hope Chapter 35
Only Hope Chapter 36
Only Hope Chapter 37
Only Hope Chapter 38
Only Hope Chapter 39
Only Hope Chapter 40
Only Hope Chapter 41
Only Hope Chapter 42
Only Hope Chapter 43
Only Hope Chapter 44
Only Hope Chapter 45
Only Hope Chapter 46
Only Hope Chapter 48
Only Hope Chapter 49
Only Hope Chapter 50
Only Hope Chapter 51
Only Hope Chapter 52
Only Hope Chapter 53
Only Hope Chapter 54
Only Hope Chapter 55
Only Hope Chapted 56
Only Hope Chapter 57
Only Hope Chapter 58
Important author's note
Only Hope Chapter 59
Only Hope Chapter 60
IMPORTANT Author's Note

Only Hope Chapter 47

4.6K 137 120
By Itskennedy112233

Only Hope Chapter 47

Brooke's Pov:

" You know what I want most for my birthday," Louis whispered in my ear. We sat on the couch in our pyjamas, with me on his lap and his arms around my waist. I smiled, knowing what his answer is. "What might that be?" I laughed. "You with me in the bed and I can take you to a whole new world," he huskily whispered. His voice was raspy, and he nibbled my neck, causing me to laugh.

"You're so horny," I said. "Only for you," he said, making me blush. "Brooke. Louis. Good morning. And happy birthday, Lou," Gemma greeted as she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee.

Kyle followed her down the stairs and sent me a smile as a greet, but stopped in his steps as he saw me with Louis. "Brooke? Uh. . . Who is that?" he asked. "Oh! This is Louis. Louis, this is Kyle, Gemma's boyfriend," I said. "Hey mate," Louis said, smiling. Kyle furrowed his eyebrows together and asked, "I- uh. . . What about Tommy?" "What?!" Louis boomed, standing to his feet and looking down at me.

And of course, to make things even more worse and cliché, Tommy walked in through the door and sent me and Kyle a smile. "Hey Brooke-" "And you are?" Louis spat. Tommy's eyes diverted to Louis and he simply smiled, oblivious to Louis' behaviour.

"Tommy. And you are?" I mentally face palmed myself. This couldn't go any worse. "Louis." I sighed, standing up and wrapping my arm around his to hold him back. "I better go in the kitchen. . ." Kyle muttered awkwardly before he took off to the kitchen for Gemma.

"So you're the punk ass who was playing with my fiancé," Louis sneered. "Do I have to beat your ass? I can't believe you hooked up with this jerk-off, Brooke." "Louis-" "Fiancé?!" Gemma exclaimed. "Wow," Kyle gasp. "What are you talking about?" Tommy asked. Louis pulled out of my grip and charged at Tommy, but Kyle ran and held Louis back.

"Brooke? You guys are engaged!? What about Christian Grey?" Gemma exclaimed. Louis pushed Kyle aside and turned around to face me. "There are two guys!? Where is this Christian Grey?" Louis shouted. My mother ran down the stairs in her black, silk robe to see what the nonsense was.

"What is going on?" she asked. "Nice going, Kyle," I said. "Louis! Listen to me." Louis crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Christian Grey is a fictional character from that stupid book called Fifty Shades of Grey. Damn it, Gemma. You made him think I was with a fictional character who I think is disgusting and abuses women," I said. "A what?" Louis asked, his features softened.

"I think I've heard of the books. . ." he trailed off. His features harden again and he turned to look at Tommy who backed up with his arms up. "What about him?" Louis spat. "He is only a friend who is exactly like Jack. He is a bit flirty and flirted a little bit with me but I didn't return it," I said. Louis' face fell and he walked towards me, placing his hands on my hips.

"You didn't flirt back? Or sleep with him?" he asked. I shook my head and cupped his face in my hands. He leaned into them and closed his eyes. "I would never," I said. "Oh," he whispered, awkwardly chuckling in embarrassment.

He pulled away and opened his eyes. Then, walking over to Tommy and holding out his hand. "I'm sorry, mate. I'm a bit protective over her," Louis apologised. Tommy laughed and shook his hand. "She wouldn't do anything. I promise," Tommy said, "but all is forgotten."

"Now we have that out of the way, you guys are engaged!?" Gemma shouted. "What?!" my mother screamed. I flinched at their loudness and my cheeks turned pink. "Oops," Louis mumbled, walking over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist from behind.

I showed everyone the ring on my finger and everyone gasped. "Does Harry know?" Gemma asked. I shook my head. "Louis proposed yesterday," I explained. "Plus I wouldn't want to ruin Harry's Christmas," Louis half-joked.

"Besides the point, I am so happy for you!" my mother exclaimed. Her and Gemma ran over to me and pulled me out of Louis' grip and hugged me. While the three males stood awkwardly to the side.

"I knew it! I just knew it. We even talked about this," Gemma said. I hushed her so Louis wouldn't hear but he raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. Again, I mentally face palmed.

"Thanks, Gemma. . ." "Sorry," she whispered. We pulled apart and I walked over to Louis, wrapping my arms around him. He wrapped one arm around me and the other stayed in his front pocket. "You're telling me later," he whispered in my ear. I shook my head and laughed.

"Oh, and please don't tell Harry or any of the lads. All of you, don't. Brooke and I are still trying to figure out a way to tell them," Louis said. The four them nodded in agreement. "Great. So everything is settled. I am going to go get dress before I go out and get what Louis wants for his birthday," mum said.

"I already have what I want," he said, looking down at me. "So original," I teased him. "Brooke and I will be upstairs. Gemma should know what I want," Louis said, taking my hand and pulling us upstair. "But I don't!" Was the last thing I heard Gemma say before we entered my room and closed the door, locking it before Louis turned around with dark blue eyes.

My eyes widen as he pulled me in his arms. "Can my present come early?" I giggled and said, "I hid it in the closet." He groaned and fell us back on my twin-size bed with him below me. My legs straddled his hips and I slowly began to rock my hips against his. He let out a grunted moan.

"I'm surprised," he gasp. "About what?" I asked, leaning my head down to trail kisses down his neck. His hands flew to my hips and gripped them, helping the friction between our bodies.

"Your family is downstairs," he said, moaning as I increased the friction. "So? We can be quiet," I said. "T-This feels so good. Puh-Please," he moaned, raising his hips and moving them with mine.

"You're being too loud," I whispered. "I-I can't help it," he said. The thought of having this control over him and trying to be quiet is exhilarating and intrigues me into sneaking around.

I slowed my movements and he whined. I giggled and looped my finger in the band of his pyjama bottoms before taking my finger out. "You're teasing me. That's no fair," he said. I gripped the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, tossing it aside and leaving me with a bare top.

"You're killing me," he complained. I smirked and pulled down his pants and he kicked them aside, leaving him in his tight briefs. He pulled his black shirt over his head and tossed it behind us.

"Should we continue?" I innocently asked, placing a kiss on his bare chest. "I think you know my answer," he gasp as I placed my finger in the band of his briefs by his lower region.

Before we could continue, a loud knock on the door interrupted us. Louis groaned out in frustration. "We are busy!" he shouted. A pound on the door shook the walls. "Fuck man. . ." Louis muttered. I rolled off of him and threw his shirt over.

He stood up and swung the door open to reveal the last person we were expecting. His green eyes glanced at Louis' almost bare body and behind him at me to see me in his shirt. His green eyes turned almost black and fire blazed through his eyes.

"I'm going to kill you, Louis Tomlinson!"

A/n: Okay I had to put in a bit more action between the two. But I would like to ask you how much of sexual context should I put in here. On a scale of semi to After (the book), how much? I want your guy's opinions because I feel like I've grown with the books and grown to know how to write scenes that have sex in it. Before I was uncomfortable with the topic of sex, but now I'm not.

But I want to know how you guys will feel about it since I don't know your age or anything.

The book WILL NOT be all about sex because I hate books and movies like that. There will be a few scenes and I want to show the growth of Louis and Brooke's relationship through those intimate moments.

Thank you for your opinions!!

Hint: Party

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