Evolution: A Draco Malfoy Fan...

By withluvshaya

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Evolution is defined as "the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex for... More

The Beginning
Baby Z
Bonnie and Clyde
Hogsmeade, Again
Sweet Cinammon Roll and Tart Apple
Twisted Triangle
The Yule Ball-Diana Only
Words Made of Poison
Christmas at the Malfoy Manor
The Letter-Diana Only
The Wedding
I Hate You Cedric Diggory
The History of the D'Ambrosio Family-Diana Only
Let Me In-Draco Only
I Will Not Get Detention
Warning Labels and Caution Signs
Quidditch and Date Night
The Inquisitorial Squad
Dumbledore's Army
What to Believe
The Road to Recovery
Cloudy With a Chance of Forgiveness
The Truth
Birthdays (with Pansy perspective)
O.W.Ls, Letters, and Love
Narrator+Theo: Betrayal
Return to Hogwarts
The Welcome Back Party
Resurfacing Feelings
Memory Attacks
Boxing Session-Draco Only
October 15th, 1996
The Funeral-Diana Only
The Announcement-Diana Only
Singing in 1997
Who I Am v.s. Who I Used To Be
A Day of Hurt
Emotional Rollercoasters
The Task-Final Chapter

The Second Task

64 2 36
By withluvshaya


"I'm telling you, Draco. Crabbe likes any and every girl he sees!" I laugh as we walk back to the dungeons.

"Even Pugface?" He asks.

"ESPECIALLY her! He couldn't stop staring during Potions!" We both laugh as we enter the Common Room.

"Astronomy Tower at 11?" He asks.

"I'll be there," I smile and head to my dorm.

"I need to rant," I say to Milicent and Daphne when they get back.

"Go ahead," Millicent sits comfortably on her bed.

"Okay so," I take a breath. "I think I like Cedric," I start. Daphne looks at me with wide eyes.

"Go on," She urges.

"I don't know what happened! I realized when I hear about Cho. I felt, blinded by love. Which is really weird. I didn't like him in the first place, it was just a stupid plan. But now Cedric is caring and kind and funny, but he can be controlling. I mean look at me!" I look in the mirror.

"I miss hardcore Diana. She was fun," Millicent says as she plays with her quills.

"I know, but... Actually, I don't know what I want anymore," I huff.

"Are you seeing Draco soon?" Daphne asks.

"Tonight at 11 in the Astronomy Tower," I reply, putting on a sweater I stole from Blaise. 

"I think you should be with Draco. Dump Diggory, tell Blaise, and be happy already," Millicent says.

"Easy for you to say. You're not me," I reply as I head out. I sneak past Filch, him not even noticing me anymore. I open the door and Draco is already there.

"Hey," I smile. He kisses my cheek and we sit on the roof.

"The second task is tomorrow," Draco notes, breaking the silence.

"And the Yule Ball is in a week," I remember.

"I hate dances so much," Draco scowls.

"Believe me, I know," I reply. I lean my head on his shoulder. 

"So you're not going?" Draco asks.

"Oh no, I am. I have to go since..." I don't bring up Cedric's name. "I wish you were taking me. You're more fun,"

"Glad you realized that, Baby Z," He jokes and I laugh a bit.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," I look at Draco. "Mother wants you to stay with us for the holidays," He offers.

"Sure, why not? It's better than going home," We share a smile as we look back up at the sky.

"Okay I really didn't want to bring this up but," Draco takes a breath. "What is going on with you and Diggory?" 

I lay down and Draco laughs, joining me. "I have no idea what I'm doing anymore," I confess. Draco takes my hand. 

"I'll wait for you. Make your choice and I'll wait for you," He says.

"I choose you, Draco. That's who I will always choose. You know what? After the Yule Ball, I'm going to tell Blaise and finally be happy with you," I decide. Draco smiles.

"Good. Well, I should get some sleep since the second task is tomorrow. We can walk back together," Draco helps me down and we head back until someone pulls me aside.

"Hello, Ced," I greet him politely.

"Your dress arrived. I just wanted to give it to you," He kisses me and I feel so weird. I thank him and run back to the dungeons.

The dress is white. White looks horrible on me. It's long and flowy towards the bottom, like a waterfall. The top is crisscrossed and the back is open.

I absolutely hate it. This isn't me, I'm not a prissy princess. I will never be a prissy princess.

I throw open the bathroom door. "This is disgusting. I look horrible," I tell Blaise and Daphne. Millicent and Draco were raiding the kitchen for some snacks.

Blaise covers his snickers. "Go ahead, laugh. This is ridiculous," Blaise laughs out loud.

"That was not meant for you. It's nice I guess, but so not your style," Blaise clarifies.

"I feel so bad for you, Diana. You already had your dress picked and everything and now," Daphne waves her arm in the direction of the dress. Millicent and Draco open the door, each munching on a treat.

"Is that the dress Cedric gave you?" Millicent asks. I nod.

"I see the pain," Draco nudges me.

"Merlin help me," I groan and flop in a chair.

"This," Millicent holds up my dress. "Is what she was going to wear," The dress was spaghetti strapped, tight, and had a chain belt at the waist. I would pair it with black nylon tights and boom, done.

"Now THAT's my sister," Blaise replies.

"You know what's worse? I'm supposed to be performing at the Yule Ball and I can't even wear that," I complain.

"Wait, back up. You're performing?!" Draco asks.

"Yeah. Flitwick asked me to and he said anything so..." I smile and my friends cheer.

"That's amazing! What are you gonna sing?" Blaise asks.

"I'm afraid that information is classified," I joke. "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you,"

The next morning was normal, but it was also the day of the Second Task. So, no one was focusing in class. Everyone was anxious. During Potions, Professor Mcgonnagal pulled me out of class.

"I'm terribly sorry, dear," She said before waving her wand over me and I fell into a deep sleep.

I don't remember much, but I do remember Cedric hauling me out of the water and Blaise letting out a huge sigh of relief. I also remember Draco not being there.

I also remember the way Cedric grabbed my waist. I hated it. It was tight and controlling like I was an object he didn't want to break.

Draco saw that. He looked hurt. I wanted to run to him and laugh and talk but Cedric wouldn't let me leave his side.


"Breathe. She's going to be fine," Millicent tells Blaise and I. Blaise is freaking out, even two calming draughts didn't help him.

"They took my sister! I'm losing my faith in Diggory, he's been down there for too long," Blaise panics. Ella comes for backup, watching from a distance.

"He's coming back up!" Ella cries, making everyone run back. I stay behind, I didn't want to face Diggory or the possibility that Diana may still love him. So, I hung back.

The second Diana got out of the water, everyone cheers. Cedric grabs her close and waves to everyone, his hand on her waist. She looks towards me for help, but I don't go anywhere near them. I couldn't go, I don't know why.

Eventually, Diana shoves Cedric off of her and walks towards me, clutching the towel closer to her.

"I hated that so much," She declares as I walk her back to the dungeons. She shivers.

"Here," I hand her my jacket and she tosses it over her shoulders.

"Thanks," She leans her head on me and smiles. "I'm never doing that again," We enter the Common Room.

"Good because Blaise was freaking out," I tell her as I walk her back to the dorms.

"Classic Blaise. Give me five minutes and I'll be back in the Common Room," She kisses me before heading inside. Bold, I thought.

Five minutes later, Diana trots down the stairs, her brown hair wet and straight. She looked so pretty. Blaise runs to hug his sister.

"I'm fine, don't worry," She laughs into his hug.

"That took way too long for my liking," Blaise says, making Diana smile. 

"You missed it! Fleur's sister couldn't get out, so Potter went back down and helped her!" Ella chatters excitedly.

"Of course he did. You'll never guess what I saw at the owlery. Harry got rejected by Cho Chung!" Theo bursts out laughing along with everyone else. Diana looked worried.

"Did she say who?" Diana asks.

"Does it matter?" Theo replies.

"You're right," Diana says, apprehension still stuck to her voice. The rest of the group chats about the Yule Ball. Who's going with who, the dresses, the dancing, everything.

"Malfoy, you have a date?" Blaise asks.

"Pansy," Is all I say. I asked her two days ago. She was so ecstatic she could have exploded. Diana's eyes fall the slightest bit. No one else saw it, but it was clear as day for me.

"Shoot, I have to run. I'm meeting with Professor Flitwick for rehearsal," Diana lies and runs out of the Common Room. Blaise gives me a look.

"What?" I ask him.

"Shouldn't you go follow her?" He asks.

"You're her brother, remember?" I reply.

"She doesn't talk to me when she's upset. Go," Blaise practically pushes me out of the door. I walk around, heading to the Room of Requirements out of habit. I hear the strumming of a guitar and light humming.

Diana starts to sing. The song is fun and interesting, but it seemed like a jab to someone. I don't know who, and it didn't sound like it was for me.

"Hey," I close the door.

"Hey yourself," Diana replies, strumming her guitar. Her guitar looked like it was made of glass and had little swirls of black inside.

"Cool guitar," I compliment her as she keeps strumming.

"Thanks," Diana replies shortly. There's silence except for Diana's strumming.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask her finally.

"Believe me, you would know if I'm mad at you," Diana says coldly.

"You're mad at me," I confirm. Diana puts down her guitar.

"I guess I was just part of your plan, wasn't I? To make Pansy jealous and to make me think that you actually liked me?" Diana asks, tears in her eyes.

"It's about me asking Pansy to the ball, isn't it?" I ask. Diana nods.

"It doesn't mean anything, I promise," I assure her.

"To you, it may seem insignificant, but not to me. Remember what you said last night? I'll wait for you? Was that all a lie?" She asks.

"Of course not. I'm still waiting but..."

"With someone else. Got it," Diana walks away.

"Diana, wait!" I call and follow her. Diana walks faster, taking sharp turns as quickly as she can. 

"Diana!" I keep calling her name, but she heads to the Gryffindor Common Room. What was she doing in there?

"There's our favorite Slytherin!" Fred says happily. Diana smiles and wipes her eyes.

"Hey hey," She replies.

"Why the long face?" George asks.

"It's nothing. Anyways, what are you two up to besides making trouble without me?" Diana jokes.

"We were wanting to ask you," Fred starts.

"If you would like to spend Christmas with us," George finishes.

"I would love to! I'll write to my mother and ask, but no doubt it's already a yes," The twins cheer and say goodbye to Diana as she walks away, a smile on her face.

"Hey," I call. Diana looks behind, realizes it's me, and keeps moving.

"You can't ignore me forever," I tell her once I catch up.

"Watch me," She doesn't even look me in the eyes as she keeps moving, muttering the password and letting the portrait close on me. I can see Diana's satisfied smirk from outside. I mutter the password and walk in. Millicent and Diana talk in hushed whispers before Diana laughs.

"Seriously? Wow, my brother is a dork," Her eyes drift over to me for a split second.

"What's up with him?" I hear Millicent ask.

"Pansy is what's up. I heard Theo say he found them snogging during Draco's rounds a few nights ago," Diana says. I hang by the corner so I wouldn't be seen.

"And you trust Theo?" Millicent asks warily.

"Blaise saw it, too. When you had come back to the dorms," Diana replies.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" Millicent asks.

"Nothing," Diana replies. "I mean, it's only fair he gets to date Pansy and I get to date Cedric. Although Cedric isn't a great guy..." She drifts off.

"I'll be back," She heads towards me.

"I can see you, Malfoy," Diana laughs. "Sorry for snapping at you," She apologizes.

"No problem," I smile. Diana waves goodnight and heads to her dorm where Daphne is eagerly waiting.

"Oooooohhh," Theo teases.

"Shut up," I say, still smiling.

A/N: I know I haven't updated in a while but here we are! Hope you enjoyed :)

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