How You Love To Hate me

By jeonsolace

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Lisa and Jungkook are both enemies. They have spent their whole life hating each other, ever since they were... More



902 32 2
By jeonsolace

"WAKE UP!" I'm woken by both Jae and Taehyung screaming in my ear. I groan grabbing a pillow and throwing it at them both. On top of that, I have both Tae's dog, Yeontan, and my dog, Coco barking in both my ears. I crawl further into the blanket. It's too early for this. Too early for Taehyung and Jae to start annoying me. I swear when Tae stays over, they both have the time of their life annoying me and pulling pranks on me, and I can't do anything since they're both much older and stronger than me.

It's weirdly quiet for five minutes.

I slowly drift back to sleep, Coco and Yeontan barking in my ear occasionally. Where did they go? Then suddenly I hear whispers in the room and Yeri's muffled laughing. I peek from the blankets. Taehyung's got a hand on her mouth stopping her from laughing out loud. I'm confused, but I'm more suspicious than anything.

I didn't see Jae with a jug in his hand.

Then suddenly, I hear footsteps coming closer to my bed. Then, slowly, something wet drips onto me. Water. I yelp jumping from the bed onto the floor banging my head onto the bedside table and proceeding to drop my mason jar full of water, onto my head. The jar tips over, and pours slowly onto my head. Water drips from my hair onto the floor. I take a deep breath before screaming, "Jae you motherfucker I will murder you!" I jump up grabbing the half-empty jug from his hand and without hesitation, I tip it over him. I stop halfway when two hands cover my face.

Tae appears from behind me putting his hands on my cheeks, shaving foam all over them. He covers my face with the shaving foam squishing my cheeks, before wiping his hands on my face, like I'm some towel and looking at me with a proud smile.

"You should look at yourself in the mirror." Yeri appears out of nowhere laughing. She's in the weirdest position, taking a video from under her leg, she's being overdramatic, doing a forward roll on the ground pretending she's some spy or something.

"You know we only wanted to spill a little water on you, you brought the other thing on yourself," Jae says pointing at the mason jar. "Hmm, is that why you had a full jug of water?" I ask sarcastically. "AND WHAT ABOUT THIS?" I turn to Taehyung pointing at my face. Before he can say whatever snarky thing he was going to say, Mom screams from downstairs.
"Is everything alright?" I'm about to scream that it's not, but Jae beats me to it, Taehyung covering my mouth just like he was doing to Yeri earlier. "Obviously everything's alright, why wouldn't it be?" He has a hint of cheekiness in his voice, that you just can't miss, and Mom doesn't. "Is Lisa alright? You haven't done anything stupid like dropping ice cubes on her, or putting a spider on her bed?" She says listing what they both did last night. It's not only them two though, I know Yeri's behind it all. I let out a scream, but Taehyungs still covering my mouth. So I stamp on his foot and seconds later we're both on the floor fighting, his hand on my hand, and no matter how many times I try to move it, his hand doesn't budge.
Jae and Yeri are both laughing and making fun of how weak I am.

During this mini fight, my mom calls my name multiple names, and because of Taehyung, I'm not able to answer back. "Lisa?" My mom calls, she's at the bottom of the stairs now. I spit on Taehyungs hand and he recoils disgusted, running to the bathroom as fast as he can. I finally answer my mum, who's called me almost twenty times now.

"Yes?" I shout. "Come downstairs!" Mom screams from downstairs. "Why? Is it because of the burnt spot on the carpet-?" I ask. "No-" She says, but I continue to talk. "That's because I was minding my own business when Jae comes running around with his stinky ass socks so I threatened him that if he comes close to me with them I'll set fire to his homework, but fun fact- I'm actually scared of fire so I used a lighter, that also a fun fact- I actually found in Tae's coat pocket, don't ask me what he's doing with a lighter, I think you'll have to tell his mom to raid his things, who knows what you'll find? Anyways-" I look at Taehyung who's just entered the room, giving me look that would kill, I pretend I haven't seen him and carry on talking, "-Yeah, after I set fire to his thirty-page essay, I didn't know what to do, so I accidentally dropped it on the floor, but thankfully, there's one clever person in this house, so Yeri ran and got water, whilst Tae pissed his pants, Jae being the selfish person he was, ran out saying it wasn't his fault- which to be honest it wasn't- and Jennie screamed 'oh my god there's a fire' like no shit sherlock I didn't see it right there on the middle of the room-" Jennie screams from downstairs, "I DID NOT-" Mom interrupts us both. "Girls be quiet, Lisa you burnt the carpet?"

Crap. She didn't know, I'm gonna be dead meat.

You know, I should really keep my mouth shut. There's a moment's silence as I look around at everyone, all of them trying to hide their laughter, before Mom speaks again, clearly trying to be calm. "Just come down." She says, tapping her fingers on the railings of the stairs. "Why?" I ask. "Did Jae not tell you? Dad's here." I shoot out of my room to the landing of the stairs, and I'm about to come running down before Mom stops me. "Lisa, you can't look like this, we have guests downstairs." Jennie comes out from the front room, carrying a tray with biscuits in her hand. "And just in case you didn't know, they all heard your screaming, and everything you just said about the burnt carpet, you know you're so loud, they heard everything." Jennie hisses to me in a gleeful manner.

I don't know why she's so happy.

I shrug my shoulders, why should I care? I'm never going to see them again anyways. I run to the toilet wash the shaving cream off my face, and in my haste, miss a bit but I don't bother since I couldn't care less, run to my room grab a hoodie, and put it on before running down the stairs.

And tripping.

I skid halfway down the stairs and crash into the Yeontan in front of me. I guess Taehyungs parent's senses start tingling, because the moment I crash into Yeontan, he comes running down the stairs grabbing Yeontan and whispering, "It's ok my baby, I will never let you near that clumsy thing ever again." He then proceeds to kiss Yeontan everywhere. "You are such a weirdo," I muttering under my breathe before walking away. Taehyung glares at me still holding Yeontan close to him, so I glare at him too.

My dark expression quickly fades when I see Dad sitting in the room as I peep through the door. There are other voices, but I can't really recognize them. I open the door wide and in my excitement, it bangs onto the wall beside, and the guests turn to look at me, but I don't care. I run to Dad and hug him. "Do you want to know how Jae greeted me? He looked at me once, said 'hi', and walked off." Sounds like him.

"Greet the guests too." Mum whispers. I turn around to the guests. I honestly can't tell if I don't mind or do mind. I continue to keep smiling as I greet everyone, bowing slightly at both Jungkook's parents. I smile at Yongsun and shake her hand and stop at Jungkook giving a noticeable fake smile before shaking his hand harder than normal. Yes, we have gotten closer but he's still the same annoying boy at the start of the year.

The moment I do so, I yeet out of the room and trip again skidding on the wooden panels outside the living room. "Shit." I mutter. My head bangs on the door. Taehyung calls from the kitchen, "I said you were clumsy." I stand up to say something but Mum interrupts me.
"Lisa come here." She says looking confused. She pulls on my hair, shaving foam on her fingers. Oh. "Why do you have shaving foam in your hair?" Dad asks. "I was shaving my beard, obviously," I say sarcastically and I hear Taehyung snort from the other room. I give one last smile to Jungkook's parents and quickly glance at Yongsun and Jungkook. Jungkook laughs a little and Yongsun stifles a laugh. I'm forced to stay for a few minutes and I contemplate how to get back at Jae and Tae when I get upstairs.

Dad asks Jungkook a few questions about school, friends, grades, etc and he speaks in a quiet shy voice, which is funny to see since he's usually so confident. He catches my eye and I turn away quickly looking at Yongsun and Jennie and I can feel his eye on me as I continue to stare at them. I quickly stand up and slip out of the room, mainly to stop the feeling of Jungkook's eye on me.


Twenty minutes later finds me, Jennie and Yeri sitting in my room on the bed applying makeup,

On Jae and Taehyung.

As Yeri uses her unnatural super strength to hold down Jae and Tae, Jennie and I kneel down in front of them, heaps of all of the most vibrant makeup I could find scattered around us, some half-open, the others broken. The funniest thing, is that Jae and Tae don't even complain. They literally stare into our souls not saying anything, like they're done with life.

Jennie grabs an electric blue eyeshadow, dabbing some gently on Jae's eyelid. I open my Snapchat zooming into Jae's face multiple times threatening to post it and dragging it on for about ten minutes before deciding to save it for blackmail material and send it to our group chat consisting of only me, Yeri, Jae, Jennie and Taehyung. She does a perfect winged-liner finishing off with some bright pink blush and dark blue lipstick. I then zoom into Taehyung staring at me with no emotion, before finally saying, "Lisa, you are a devil." I pull him a finger heart, saying in an over-sweet voice, "Don't worry you're next." He pulls a face at the camera and I end the video.

The moment I try to apply some bright pink eyeshadow onto Taehyung, he scrambles, but luckily, Yeri holds him down, one of her hands cuffing both of Tae's hands the other cuffing Jae, who looks like he's given up all hope. "You are going to be dead, lisa." He says finally. "Sure," I say offhandedly.

Surprisingly, Taehyung doesn't move as I put gold makeup glitter near his eyes. In fact, I think he likes it. I move back assessing his face, proud of myself. I decide to take a photo. I grab my phone, zooming into both of them, Yeri still holding onto them, looking bored as they both try to escape. "Say cheese," Jennie says smiling, pissing them both off. I count down, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1." On the last second Taehyung quickly changes his expression, from pissed to a pervy smile. Jae finally gets his hands out of Yeri's hold, putting up his middle finger, before jumping off the bed and running out of the room, the bathroom door slamming a few seconds later.

And then Jennie bursts out laughing, "I think they need more." She says. "Why?" I ask confused. "It-" But Yeri interrupts, "Even makeup can't hide their ugliness." She says bluntly. "You're such a traitor." Taehyung says. "I know right? You can't suddenly just join their side." Jae shout from the bathroom. "Well, you can't just be so weak and boring to do pranks with." Yeri shoots back. "Oh we're talking about this now?" Jae shouts again. "Yes we are!" Yeri says. Me and Jennie look at them confused. "I'm sorry that we couldn't buy tarantulas and put it on her bed, or cut her hair in her sleep-" Taehyung starts. "You are such a psychopath!" I say to Yeri. They ignore me. "We were considering it, but even if we did it, Mom would blame us, not you, because you're so innocent." Jae says continuing to shout from the bathroom. I grab a makeup brush and throw it at Taehyung, "You were going to put tarantulas on my bed?!" I say, the thought horrifying me. He puts his hands up, "I wasn't going to, it was Yeri's idea and Jae's the one who actually though about doing it." Tae says, defending himself. "What?! Liar, you're the one who said to put a snake instead!" Yeri shouts. Taehyung gives an over exaggerated gasp. "No, all I said was that tarantulas are too small, I said do something like a snake, but no, you said-" He stops talking when he sees the look on my face. "Lisa, I swear I'm innocent, Yeri you two-faced bitch-, wait you're too young I can't say that- please Lisa I didn't do anything-"

You can guess how that ended.

***A few hours later, we're all forced to go downstairs, as Mom screams from downstairs, "Manoban Youngjae, Kim Taehyung, Kim Yerim, Kim Jennie, Manoban Lisa get your backsides down here right now, so you can set the table!" Turns out, Jungkook's family were actually staying for dinner and weren't just coming for a visit. Yipee! Note my sarcasm. Taehyung and Jae went downstairs and instead of setting the table, they decided to play the PlayStation with Jungkook, whilst Yongsun and Jennie, who are literally best friends now, are in the guest room talking about who knows what. However, Yeri and I are stuck in my room forced to clean the mess of shaving foam and broken makeup that Tae and Jae couldn't be bothered doing themselves.

After going downstairs in a hoodie and being rejected by my mother three different times, I'm being forced to wear a dress. It's not that I don't have any, it's just that I'm not exactly a big fan of wearing short, skimpy dresses. "Since when did we have to look good to eat food?" I mutter, annoyed. "Just because we have guests like food deserves more respect than any guest, but it doesn't complain-" Yeri interrupts me, "What the hell are you even saying Lisa, just shut up." I cuss at her and she throws a dress at me, the one that Mi Sun bought for me as a joke the previous year, the black lacy one. I chuck it back in the cupboard.

"Just wear this one." She says, throwing me a velvet romper dress in the color red. "This isn't mine, or is it one of those dresses I dumped at the back of the closet?" I ask her. "It's mine." She says "Will it fit me?" I look at Yeri, expecting her to make fun of me. "Obviously, we're like the same size." A smirk playing on her lips, but she doesn't say anything. Instead of sharing clothes with Jennie, which makes more sense since we're the same age, I share with Yeri, since we're the same height, pretty much, I'm just a slight bit taller.

Jennie and Yongsun walk in the room, "I see you're going for a scandalous look, Lisa!" Yongsun says as soon as she enters. "Are you hoping for a hook up-?" Jennie says and Yongsun throws her a dirty look knowing exactly what she's thinking. I throw them both annoying looks before walking past them, not wanting to hear any of the other rubbish they have to say. I jump down the stairs two steps at a time, remembering that everyone's in the living room. There I see Mom, Dad, Jungkook's parents, Taehyung, Jae and Jungkook himself sitting. The adults talk while Jungkook and Jae play on the PlayStation, Taehyung watching.

"Hey Lisa!" Tae says in a over-happy false smile. I give him a fake smile back. He's making fun of me because I had to clean the mess that he made. Jungkook whips his head around at me the moment he hears my name. "Oh hi Lisa!" He says in an exact copy of Taehyungs voice. So I give him the exact smile I gave Taehyung. Taehyung probably told him what he did too. He quickly turns back, concentrating on the game.

"Hey Lisa, do you mind setting the table?" Mom says. Of course I mind, but still, I go and do so anyways. "Oh and will you call everyone downstairs, we're going to be eating." I quickly go upstairs and call them. Jennie has started to wiggle her eyebrows everytime she makes eye-contact with me and its seriously pissing me off.

When they finally stop messing around and come downstairs, they go to the living room and I turn towards the kitchen. I enter the kitchen, not bothering to on the lights and walk towards the cupboard where the plates, cups, bowl are kept. Since the plates are on the top shelf, and I obviously can't reach it, I go on my tiptoes, and even then, the tips of my fingers barely even touch it.

"I hate being so fucking short." I mutter angrily. After realizing that my clumsy ass might end up smashing the plates, I give up and decide to get a stool. I turn around in the darkness, to see Jungkook looking at me, smiling. "Damn, Jungkook you scared the shit out of me." I laugh nervously. He doesn't say anything, instead walking to the tap, grabbing a cup and getting some water. Meanwhile, I grab the small fold-away stool. When I turn back around, Jungkook's opening the cupboard and is easily grabbing the plates. Show off.

"Give me the plates Jungkook," I say as he starts walking towards the door. "It's fine." He says. "But you're the guest here, you should be playing the PlayStation with Jae and Taehyung, who clearly aren't doing anything," I say in a false-sweet voice, trying my best not to be rude. "And you know, I can get the plates myself, I don't need your help," I say as I clench my teeth. He ignores me. I cover the door. "Just give me the plates Jungkook, please, you'll know I'll get into trouble if I don't put it out myself." I say and as he towers above me, I feel even smaller than before.

"Move out of the way, babes." He finally speaks, and his voice takes me by surprise. His voice is ten times lower than usual. I must have showed my shock because Jungkook smirks. He's doing this on purpose. "J-Just give me the plates idiot." I say, and I shock my self when I stammer. I literally never stammer. "Are you nervous babes?" He asks and his voice a whisper. "Obviously not." I say, in my best attempt of trying to be confident.

He takes a step forward. "Then why did you stammer?" He breathes. He's not that close to me, but he's like really close to me. I don't answer. "Now move Lisa." He says softly. "No." I say stubbornly. "Lisa if you don't move, I'll move you." I still don't move, he's not going to do that anyways. "If that's how you want it." He says smirking. He places the plates on the tabletop beside him, before putting his hands on my hips and picking me up in one swift move, switching our positions. Jungkook has his back to the door, just as I had a few seconds ago."Can we atleast turn on the lights?" I say my voice small. I try to reach for the light switch, but he covers it with his hand, and with the other, he grabs the plates off the tabletop. He's just playing with me, if he really wanted to go, he would've left straight away, but he isn't, he's teasing me even more.

"Maybe you should've listened to me, when I said move." I blush violently at how close he is. his face is so close to mine, I can see his eyelashes and even the colour of his eyes in the darkness. Does that mean he can see how red I've gone? And suddenly feeling super self conscious that he can see how much I'm blushing, I pull back quickly, turning to look anywhere else besides him. Suddenly, I feel his breathe and his lips brush my ears as he speaks, "You were blushing babes." He whispers softly before leaving the kitchen and closing the door, leaving me in darkness.

"So you two both take art?" Jungkook's Mom asks us as we eat. 

"Yeah, but he's like tons better, I just take it because it's fun, he takes it because he's actually good at it, I mean he could take any of the subjects and still be like the best in the year." I babble. "Don't lie, your picture of a gorilla was so good."

 He's teasing again.

 "See, and he just proved my point, it was a lion, not a gorilla," I say, seriously, I just complimented him for the first time ever and he does this? "Really?" Jungkook says in mock-surprised. I kick him from under the table and he winces. I quickly flash him a victory smile as his Mom looks at us confused. Our parents start talking about politics and everyone else starts talking about random things- mainly school. Me, Taehyung, and Jungkook are having a heated debate about Mr Jung. I know, from all the things we could've talked about, we talked about Mr Jung. "What do you mean, he's a rubbish teacher, he's the best teacher I've ever had, like ever." I say. "Because he lets you talk and because he's scared that if he shouts at you, he'll end up with a whole argument that lasts the whole lesson, so instead he says nothing." Taehyung rants. "And you don't even need to care because you already know everything anyways." He says to Jungkook pissed. "Whereas our family is dumb as hell and can't do an equation to save our lives." Taehyungs says angrily."Thanks Taehyung." Me, Jennie, and Yeri chorus sarcastically. "Well do you want me to lie? It's the truth." As them three start to argue, Jungkook kicks me under the table. "What?!" I hiss. He looks towards my phone vibrating on the table. Oh. I quickly grab my phone and a smile immediately appears on my face. Hyunjin. Hyunjinand I have been texting almost everyday for the past two weeks, and to be honest, he's such a funny guy to talk to. I hide my phone under the table as I read all the messages he had sent me in the past few seconds.Hyunjin: Why aren't you picking up???hyunjin: Have u gone somewhere?hyunjin: I've tried like nine times nowhyunjin: I give up.I quickly type back an answer.Lisa: I'm at dinner with jungkooks family.hyunjin: oh right.Lisa: and my phone was on silent.Lisa: I'm not lying.Jungkook kicks me again from under the table. "What?!" I ask annoyed. "Who is it?" He asks."None of your business." I say before quickly turning to my phone.

 Hyun-jin: I have something to ask u

Lisa: go on thenJungkook throws something from under the table. I lift up the tablecloth looking underneath. A piece of chopped cucumber. Honestly, the disrespect shown to food these days. But nevertheless, I myself grab a carrot and throw it at him. "What are you doing?!" He looks at me disgusted. "You did that yourself so you can't really say much." I roll my eyes before checking the new message sent by Hyunjin.

hyunjin: what are u eating?

Lisa: r u kidding, i thought it was going to be like something really important. 

Lisa: eww jk just threw a carrot at me

hyunjin: lol, do the same back

Lisa: i just didBy this time, there's a handful of carrots, cucumbers, and some random other vegetables under the table, and I know I shouldn't be wasting food, but it is what it is.

hyunjin: i actually have something else to ask u

Lisa: don't say something stupid this timeI don't get to know what his question was because at that moment, mom snatches the phone off me. Jungkook and everyone else look up curiously. I pray that she just turns it off and puts it on the table, but instead she reads through it. Shit. "Who's Hyunjin?" Mom asks and as soon as she does, Jungkook starts choking on his food, like proper choking. Taehyung laughs knowing how embarrassed I am, Yeri raises her eyebrows and Jennie lets out a low whistle. Yongsun looks plain confused. Why does she love to embarrass me?"Is it a boy?" My dad asks suddenly and I quickly say something. "No no no no, it's a girl, like you know Hyunjin is also a girls name, don't jump to conclusions." I say lying straight out of my teeth. Dad seems to believe me but Mom just raises her eyebrows. "Well, she just asked if you're free tomorrow." She says as she emphasizes she. Jennie deliberately takes a loud sip from her water. "Can someone save Jungkook, he's literally going to die." Yeri says to Jae who slaps a still choking Jungkook. "Is Taehyung ok?" Yeri says as we all turn to look at Taehyung with his arm covering his face front on the table, his shoulders shaking. "Its not that funny." I say.Yongsun speaks, "Guys, I still have no idea what's happening."


"So, what are you going to say back?" Jennie asks as we all sit in the living room, Jungkook's parent and mine in the back talking. Their continuing argument of politics can be heard. "Tell him to stop being a pedo," Jungkook says bluntly. "What's your problem with him?" I ask. "Number one, he's ugly, number five, he's an idiot, number seven he's stupid, and lastly number ten, he's like an idiot," Jungkook says as he aggressively moves the joystick on his controller. "A) you can't count, b) you mentioned the same point twice and, c) those aren't valid points." Yongsun says. Huh I didn't even realize he was counting in the wrong order. "So? They all make perfect sense." He says dismissively.

"Are you jealous?" Taehyung whispers in Jungkook's ears an evil smile on his face. Jungkook doesn't answer but instead gets distracted and misses the goal Jae had just sent it. "Shit." He mutters under his breath. He quickly turns to us, changing the topic. "So, what was happening when Lisa was screaming upstairs, saying 'Jae you motherfucker I will murder you?" He asks, imitating my voice and saying the exact same thing I said in the morning. I groan, knowing that Taehyung and Jae are going to have fun exaggerating every little detail. And that's exactly what they do. Yongsun and Jungkook are practically in tears after Jae's recount of what happened, and even Yeri who had already knows what happened is also laughing.

Yeri continues recounting what happened after Jae finishes. "And then, Lisa was so pissed, that she made me hold down both Tae and Jae on the bed whilst she and Jennie did their makeup." Jungkook stops laughing and looks at me, "Really? Do you have a picture?" Jennie nods and he collapses in laughter once more. I just sit there moodily, looking at everyone still pretty pissed at Jae and Taehyung. Since I left my phone upstairs, I grab Taehyungs on the sofa. I remember his password, but I'm not sure its the same. After putting in the numbers, to find that it unlocks, I squeal. "You're so cute Taehyung." Taehyung, looks at me in disgust. "I know I am, but you don't need to say it, especially someone like you." I roll my eyes at him, "No, why would I say you're cute, I mean you're password's cute."

"Oh." He says and now his cheeks turn red. "Why, what is it?" Jennie asks. "Irene's birthday." Yeri, Yongsun and Jennie say 'aww' making Taehyung go even redder. "Mate, you've had the same password for like more than a year." I say. "So? It feels wrong to change it. " He says quietly. That is actually so cute. I quickly go onto his photos, but he seems to have deleted it. I'm gonna send it to him over and over again, and I wont stop until it becomes his home screen. I run upstairs taking my phone off charge before running back downstairs, going onto my photos and giving it to Jungkook. He laughs, before flicking through the other ones I took of Jae and Taehyung.

"Do you actually like her?" Jennie asks in a sort of dreamy voice. "Well obviously." He scratches his neck awkwardly. "Do you love her?" Yeri asks, instead its not serious like Jennie's tone, but more mischievous. "Well like, yeah-" Before he can say anything we all make exaggerated 'aww' sounds, me clutching my heart, Jungkook holding his controller to his chest, Jae kissing the remote and Jennie said, "Taehyung's in love~"

We're so extra.

"-So does that mean, you've done it with her?" Yeri asks, wiggling her eyebrows, and suddenly everyone in the room is making protesting noises telling Yeri she's too young for this and that she shouldn't even be thinking about sex from such a young age. "My love life has nothing to do with you." Taehyung says embarrassed.

"SO YOU DID IT?!" I scream, and suddenly, we're all shouting over each other asking what it was like. "Did it hurt?" Jennie asks. "Did she give you a blow-" Jae starts, but we all stop him. "No, no, no, we are not going into details."Taehyung shouts and we all start screaming again. Yeri doesn't say anything knowing that we'll all shout at her and tell her she's too young. "Most importantly-" I say, starting the sentence as Jungkook finishes it, "-Did you use protection?" He looks at us with a dead face, "No then."

"What about you, Jungkook, do you use protection?" The question catches him off guard. His eyes widen, "What? I've never done it before, Taehyung, you know that." I'm surprised. "Never? You liar." I say. "I'm not lying, honest." Yongsun looks so awkward having to hear about her brothers love life. "Why not? You have like three girlfriends every week." Jae asks. Ugh, don't tell me him and Jungkook are the same. After Jae's question. his tone suddenly changes. "Eh, it doesn't feel right, I don't want a girl to lose their dignity to me when I know I'll probably never see them again, I'd rather they do it with someone that'll actually stay with them." He says in a shy voice, nobody says anything so he carries on talking. "I mean, I want to get into a relationship with a girl I actually like, you know what I mean? Like Taehyung and Irene." He says in a quiet voice. "Wouldn't it be nice to have someone who actually likes you and would stay with you and accepts you even if you're an idiot like me?" Jungkook being shy and talking about love is the cutest thing ever."For example, you Taehyung are like what you would call good looking right? But Irene doesn't care about that, she doesn't spend time with you just because your handsome, she spends time with you because she likes your personality, she likes you for yourself, she doesn't date you because you're popular." Honestly, I have no idea what it feels like, but I feel for him, I would say something snarky but he's talking about his feelings to us and I don't want him to feel embarrassed about that. Everyone's quiet, thinking about what he said.

"If you get into a relationship, knowing that the person doesn't love you, you're practically waiting for your heart to get broken, right?" He says as he looks up and we all nod. He looks at me, knowing that I've always been against him having so many girlfriends, and the way he looks at me is like he's waiting for me to forgive him. So when he makes eye contact with me, I smile. And that's when the thought comes into my head.

Honestly, Jungkook's not that bad.

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