A Certain Boy and Summer of M...

By Riguill01

165K 3.8K 3K

Summer vacation has officially started. What better way to spend it but to go to the beach? - such was the th... More

Chapter 1 - Water gun
Chapter 2 - Detour
Chapter 3 - Contest
Chapter 4 - BBQ Party
Chapter 5 - Slip away
Chapter 6 - Twins
Chapter 7 - Trouble
Chapter 8 - Weakness?
Chapter 9 - Swimming Lessons
Chapter 10 - Massage
Extra story 1
Chapter 11 - Books
Chapter 12 - Arcade
Chapter 13 - A Day with the Twins
Chapter 14 - Under the Shade
Chapter 14.5 - Illustrations (slight NSFW)
Chapter 15 - Firework Festival
Chapter 16 - Sakura Village
Chapter 17 - Ceremony
Chapter 18 - Forest of Trouble
Chapter 19 - Protect
Extra Story: A Christmas Party
Chapter 20 - Sword Training
Chapter 21 - Waterfall
Chapter 22- Forage
Chapter 23 - The Nun and The Shrine Maiden 1
Chapter 24 - Golden Chains
Chapter 25 - Party Trick
Extra Story: First Chocolate
Chapter 26 - New Cycle
Chapter 27 - Longing
Chapter 28 - New Mystery
Chapter 29 - Born as a Kaslana, Always be a Kaslana
Chapter 30 - Bronya's Worries
Chapter 31 - Village Meeting
Chapter 32 - Rest
Chapter 33 - Black Box
Chapter 34 - Operation Start
Chapter 35 - Herrscher of Corruption
Chapter 36 - Prey
Chapter 37 - The Nun and The Shrine Maiden 2
Chapter 38 - The Selfish Wish
Chapter 39 - Yae Sakura
Extra Story: Halloween at St. Freya
Chapter 40: City in Blaze
Chapter 41 - Fenrir
Chapter 42 (End) - Allegiance
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Extra Story: Valentines at St. Freya

5K 77 67
By Riguill01

"Eh, for me?" Glynne asked and pointed at himself as he was presented a box of chocolate.

He looked the girl in front of him as her face is red while her body is fidgeting. "Yes! Please accept it!"

"Uh.., yeah." Glynne was dumbfounded by her enthusiasm and just unconsciously accepted the box of chocolate.

After her gift left her hands, the girl immediately run away to her friends. He tilted his head as he noticed them surrounding her while giving their congratulations.

Glynne looked down to the box of chocolate on his hand. He let out a huge sigh as he scratched his head.

"Oh, aren't you glad?" he heard a voice to his side as he glance to see see Kiana with her arms crossed. For some reason, she was glaring at him. "You must feeling happy for getting a chocolate from a cute girl."

"Rather than being happy, I'm feeling troubled." Glynne replied as he shows her a bag full of sweets. "For some reason, I've been getting a lot of gifts today."

"You, don't tell me... " Kiana let out a exasperated sigh. "Did you forgot what today it is?"

"Today?" Glynne tilted his head. He brought his phone to check it. His eyes soon widen when he realized that today is the fourteenth of February.

"You, seriously just realized it now?" Kiana questioned while raising her eyebrow.

An awkward laugh came out of Glynne's mouth. He look away while scratching his checks. "Well, a lot happened this past few days... It kinda slipped out of my mind."

Kiana sighed, she somewhat understand what he is getting at. They have been quite busy with their own internship. Not to mention, their last mission was quite difficult.

"Fine, I overlooked it just this once." Kiana said in a stern manner as the boy let out a relieved sigh. "Anyways, I'll see around."

"Eh?" Glynne was dumbfound the white haired girl walk pass him. 'Is that all?!' he asked himself. He felt disappointed for some reason as he watch her back go further away.


"Glynne, are you feeling well?" Bronya asked while poking the boy's head which plopped on his desk.  Glynne slowly raised his head as his eyelids seems to be a bit droopy.

"Bronya..?" He said in a sleepy tone as he let out a yawn. He look around to see it was still free time. "Do you need something?"

"Mn" Bronya nodded. She rummage something in her pocket and brought out a red box with the word "Pocky" on the front. Glynne immediately got where this is going as he scratches the back of his head.  "Nom"

However, he was taken back when Bronya opened the box and pick up a thin bread stick coated in chocolate. She bit on the other end as she gestured Glynne to bite the other.

"U-uhm.., Bronya?" Glynne was confused and wanted to ask some explanation. However, Bronya ignores him and just leaned her face closer while closing her eyes.

Glynne glances at the surroundings. His cheeks are dyed red as doing this in public is kinda embarrassing. However, it seems like Bronya didn't mind at all.

It took him quite a while before giving up. He slowly leaned in closer and bit on the other end of the Pocky stick.

"Buu!" Suddenly, a girl collapse on the floor while blood is coming of of her nose.

"Kaori! Get a hold of yourself!" a brown haired girl shouted in worry. She quickly lifted her friend to her arms.

"C-Claire, I can finally. die happy. now..." The collapsed girl declared with a satisfied smile as she slowly caressed her friend's cheeks. Not soon after she became limp.


While such drama happen in the background, Bronya proceed to take another bite on the Pocky stick causing her face to move closer. She didn't continue though as she stares at Glynne, urging him to do the same.

Glynne gave up to the pressure. With his cheeks still red, he took a small bite. They alternate between each other until their face was about an inch away to each other.

He can't continue due to embarrassment and gave up. Bronya used her finger to pushed the remaining snack to her mouth. While doing so, she lick her fingers in a seductive way. However, Glynne can't help but view her actions as something childish and cute.

"Another round?" Bronya asked while tilting her head. Her hand is already bringing out another stick.

"Ah, No... Please, spare me." Glynne quickly rejected. The first attempt is already embarrassing enough for him. However, the main reason is because of the icy cold stare he has been feeling on his back since a while ago.

He glanced to his back to see Kiana is busy having a chat with Mei. Even so, he swear that is where it is coming from.

"Glynne, here." the boy immediately shift his attention back to Bronya when he heard her. As he turned his head he was met with view of the little girl trying to feed him.

A single sweat drop from his forehead as he smiled bitterly. Even so, he just opened his mouth as he let Bronya do whatever she wants.


"Muuu, Glynne you idiot... " Kiana complained seeing the boy getting closer with Bronya.

Mei, who was besides her, couldn't help but smile wryly. "By the way Kiana, have you already given your chocolate to him?" she asked.

Kiana look at her for a bit before she proceed to scratch her chin. Her actions has basically already told her friend that she haven't yet.

"Geez, even though you were super excited this morning." Mei said while putting a hand over her cheek.

She recalled how they had to wake up early in order for the two to prepare and make a homemade chocolate. Luckily the recipe was quite simple and with her guidance,  Kiana was able to do it without sacrificing the kitchen. A small smile appear on her lips when she remembered how happy her friend was.

"It can't be help. Glynne was just accepting chocolates left and right so I missed my timing in the morning!" Kiana complained.

Mei sighed, she agrees that Glynne is partially at fault too. He is sharp when it comes to fighting but anything else other that it, he is quite slow on the uptake.

"This is why I told you to give it to him at the dorms, right?" Mei reminded her friend of her advice.

"B-but... I want it to a bit special.. And also... " Kiana voice slowly lowers as Mei failed to pick up the last sentence.

Mei became silent for a while. She is thinking of what to do to help Kiana with her predicament. She reached out under her desk as she brought out haft way her own homemade chocolate. "Kiana, what if we do it together? "

"Do what?" Kiana tilted her head.

Mei hesitated a bit but she chooses to continue. "U-uhm, giving Glynne our gif—"

"That's a great idea!" Mei wasn't able to finish her sentence as Kiana interrupted her. The white haired girl hold her friend's hand as there is a sparkle in her eyes.

"T-then let's go now." Mei said as both of them stood up with their chocolates on hand. They hold it behind their backs to hide it from him as they approached the boy.

"Kuhum." Kiana cleared her throat, interrupting Glynne as he turned around.

"Mei, Kiana?" He tilted his head. "Do you need something?"

"Actually, Glynne there's something I want to give you." Mei was first to reply. She revealed her homemade chocolate to him and presented it. "Here."

"Eh.., ah, thanks!" Glynne accepted Mei's gift with a smile on his face.

Mei homemade chocolate, it is hard to say that one wouldn't want to pass on such a thing. The creation of the goddess herself, such treasure was something to be kept forever.

However, Glynne knew what is the best thing to do with it. He immediately opened it and took a bite. His eyes widened as he writhe in delight.

"Is it good?" Mei asked with a hand over her chest. For some reason, she is feeling a bit nervous.

"Mn, it's great!" Glynne proclaimed while showing a thumbs up.

Mei smiled brightly. She was glad that the boy like her homemade chocolate. However, she realized it late. When her gaze move towards her Kiana, she noticed her visibly trembling.

She unknowingly added a lot of pressure for her friend. Mei wanted to go first so that she could give some courage for Kiana to gift her chocolate. However, as you can see,  it backfired.

Now, Kiana can't help but get worried if her chocolate tastes alright. She was feeling nervous as her eyes begun whirling.

"Are you alright, Kiana?" Glynne noticed her condition and asked if she's okay. He stood up in order to take a closer look at her but Kiana immediately backs away. He took another step forward but only for the girl to took another step backwards. "Uhmm... What's wrong?"

"No-nothing! You idiot!" Kiana runs away, leaving those words.

"W-wait, Kiana!" Mei was not able to stop her friend in time and she only stretch her hand forward.


"Uuuu, Glynne you big dummy..." Kiana muttered while hugging both of her knees.

She only wanted to give him chocolate for Valentine but she was having a hard time. It was supposed to be easy for her. She just need to hand it over to him, as simple as that... And yet, why does she is feeling conflicted.

She brought out her homemade chocolate near her face. However, she widened her eyes when she noticed it all crushed up.

"No... " Kiana begun to tear up. Not only does she failed to give it to him, the chocolate that she work hard on is now ruined. She spotted a trash can nearby. She had the urged to throw it away and yet she felt hesitant.

She hugged her destroyed gift near her chest as she don't know what to do anymore. That was when she heard hurried footsteps as the door was swung open.

"There...you are..." Glynne said in between his breaths.

"G-Glynne, how did you found me." Kiana asked in surprised.

"I searched the whole school, you damn idiot." Glynne replied. He wiped his sweat as he calmed his breath down. He walk closer to the girl who has now nowhere to run. "Geez, don't run away like that. Everyone is worried you know."

"Sorry..." Kiana apologizes with a low voice.

Glynne can't help but furrow his eyebrows. The girl has been acting weird since this morning. That was when he noticed she was hugging something. "Hey, is that..."

"This... It's just some trash." Kiana replied as if mocking herself. She showed him the item she was hugging as it was a box with some of its contents being spilled.

Glynne has quickly realized it was chocolate. He can't help but let out a sigh as he scratched his head.

"Hey, about that..." He pointed at the destroyed box of chocolate. "Can you give it to me?"

"Eh?" Kiana was surprised and look at the boy's face. "W-why..?"

There was an awkward silence as Glynne is finding the right words to say "... To be honest, I was looking forward to your gift."

"Eh?! Even if it looks ugly? Even if it taste bad?" Kiana stood up and bombarded Glynne with questions. She approached him as their face was only a few inches away.

"Yes" Glynne answered in firm tone.

"No way..." Kiana felt her legs became powerless as she collapse to her knee. She can't believe it. She must have been dreaming.

"Kiana, are you okay?" Glynne kneeled down to match her eyesight. The girl stared at him for a few seconds before snapping back to reality.

"Uhm, then will you be happy with just this..?" Kiana asked in a meek voice.

"Of course!" Glynne replied with a wide smile. Kiana felt her face heating up.

"I won't blame you if you don't like it." she warned, only for the boy to ignore. She hesitated for a bit but she handed over the destroyed box of chocolate.

Looking at it, Glynne could tell he can't really save her gift for later. He had no choice but to eat it now. Well, he planned so in the beginning.

He slowly peeled off the crumbled pieces of paper as Kiana gulped down her saliva in nervousness. He then proceed to take a bite.

"How's the taste?" Kiana asked.

"Yep, it's good!" Glynne replied with a smile.

"Eh? No way, you're lying!" Naturally, Kiana can't believe him.

However, Glynne didn't say anything and just presented her the chocolate. His eyes saying to give it a taste. She seems to be hesitant but the boy didn't seem like he won't back down until she take a bite. In the end, she decided to do it.

"Hm? It doesn't taste bad..." Kiana muttered. It doesn't taste great as Mei or bad like a charcoal. In fact, it just taste like normal chocolate. She was surprised that she was able to pull it off and not mess up like swapping salt for sugar.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Glynne asked as he took another bite.

Kiana stared at him for a bit before showing a bright smile. "Yeah!"

"Is that so? I'm glad." Glynne sighed in relief. The two of them decided spend their time alone for a bit. At least until he finish eating the chocolate.

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