Girls Und Panzer Tankery's End

By KingDiscord

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Japanese Sensha Do is a sacred piece of Culture for the people of Japan. it dates back for decades the use of... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Authors Note
Alt. Chapter 1
Alt. Chapter 2
Alt. Chapter 3
Alt. Chapter 4
Alt Chapter 5
Alt. Chapter 6
Alt. Chapter 7
Alt. Chapter 8
Alt Chapter 9
Alt. Chapter 10
Discord Server Notice
Alt. Chapter 11

Chapter 38

969 21 29
By KingDiscord

Chapter 38

The rode to Hoja City was, at this point, completely familiar. Everyone in the Joint High School team was familiar with the trips to and from Hoja City, with the exception of Johnathon and the Edison team. The roads were familiar enough for Maho to correctly guess where they were and how far they were to the city. Driving the tanks for nearly half the island wasn't an enjoyable task and Maho wanted to just reach a bed and curl up into a warm ball to sleep. She smiled as she visualized it. Wrapped in a blanket, on the bed, and in Edwards arms.

Maho's smile faded as she thought of Edward. It reminded her of what Samuel had checked up on when she vomited yesterday. She knew Edward would worry about her condition if she told him. Right now Edward thinks its just a smaller thing then it actually is. He'd baby her and take care of her if he knew the gravity of her condition. She knew it to. She wasn't fit to ride in a tank. The risk was to great. Those were Samuels words.

Maho sat shocked as she took in what Samuel had just said. The condition of her health was that serious? Maho couldn't believe it. She sunk her head in her hands and stared at the floor. Samuel just watched her and sighed.

"I'm sorry Maho but this is in regard to you being unable to command a tank for the rest of the game. I'm going to have to put you on leave until this is all situated." Samuel said. Maho said nothing. She just sat there in silence. Samuel sighed again and laid a hand on her shoulder. "If anything you should be ok to ride to Hoja City, but after that I cant in good conscience let you into a tank let alone a battle. The risk is to great."

"Ok." Maho meekly said.

"Would you like me to tell Miho and Ed about this? I can write up a note and get you out of that conversation." Samuel suggested. Maho shook her head.

"No, I'll tell them. especially Edward. He'll want to hear it from me." Maho said. Samuel nodded and wrote down on a note. This would be his Doctors order. Commander Maho would not be able to ride in a tank after arriving in Hoja City for the rest of the deration of the game.

Maho remembered that conversation perfectly. It upset her that she couldn't be part of the battle. It was terrible, stupid doctors note. She didn't blame Samuel in any way no, he was just doing his job. Making sure everyone was safe and healthy.

"Commander look, the city is in view." Erika said bringing Maho out of her thoughts. Like she said Hoja City was directly ahead of the Joint High School team. The tall buildings and many glass windows never looked so inviting. Maho smiled at the sight. It was good to be back.

After another few minutes of driving the whole Joint High School team had once again reunited at headquarters. Rivers and Kay were out front waiving their arms in welcome to the arrivals. A time was spent to harvest the reunion with hellos and a mass of embraces.

Night time blanketed the sky. The sun set roughly two hours ago, meaning many of the High Schoolers would be preparing for bed. Miho, however, was not one of them. she felt antsy, nervous, maybe even scared. She honestly didn't know why, what was there to be scared of? She had faced Akari before and won, she wasn't scared of her mother or anyone else in the Federation, so what was it?

Motion outside Miho peripheral vison caused her head to turn. Moving a little closer she saw Christian, Hana, and Johnathon talking. Actually it looked like Johnathon was apologizing once again. He honest to god felt terrible about what he said and did, he felt as if no one truly forgave him. Christian and Hana's faces showed the exact opposite of that. They spoke kind words to him and even embraced him, showing the newly kindled friendship between the three. It was warming to know things had come to a complete positive light in regard to the High School team.

Christian and Hana made motion to leave and waved their goodbye's at Johnathon, who returned the gesture. After a moment he sighed and sat down on a bench staring up at the sky. In his hands he clenched something Miho couldn't make out, but her curiosity got the best of her, as it had many of the High Schoolers throughout this game, and she ventured over to him.

"What's that?" She asked. Johnathon jumped when he heard her voice. She must have given him a start.

"O-oh, Miho. I didn't see you there, I'm sorry." He said. Miho smiled and nodded then sat down next to him.

"So what it that?" she asked again. Johnathon sighed and opened his hand showing a beaded bracelet. The beads were colored green, white and dark blue all mixed up together. It was so simple it was cute.

"Oh how nice. Did you get that from one of the girls?" Miho teased. Johnathon laughed at the jest.

"No actually. I uh, made it." He stated. Miho raised an eyebrow; she wasn't sure if he spoke the truth. In fact she might believe he was to shy to tell the truth, however his soft gaze at his bracelet told her he was telling the truth.

"Why? I cant imagine you being interested in making jewelry." Miho teased again. Johnathon rubbed his chin before looking at her.

"I actually made it for you Miho." He said. Miho blinked. He made it for her? why?

"Why?" She asked him.

"You were the one that snapped me out of my own sense of whatever I was going through back at Glendale. Then you found me later that night and helped me accept that I made a mistake. I'm grateful. This was all I could think of to show my gratitude. So here." Johnathon presented the bracelet and Miho just looked at it. It was so simple yet so thoughtful. She smiled and took the bracelet from him and put it on her left wrist.

"Thank you. It's nice. I don't think I've received a gift so simple yet so thoughtful before." Miho said. Though her family would get her nice things for Christmas and her birthday this little something from Johnathon seemed way more valuable.

"I chose the beads colors specifically because it matches your uniforms from school. Green and white for your class uniform and dark blue cause of your Tankery Jacket. I hope it finds your liking." Johnathon said. Miho mentally smacked herself for not seeing that connection. Again, it was so thoughtful.

"Thank you Johnathon. If anything good were to come out of this wargame, I would say this is it." She said motioning to the bracelet. Johnathon sighed again and looked back at the stars deep in thought about the next few days events. One last battle against Akari and then this whole thing would be over. Only one more to go.

Miho had similar thoughts. After this whole game was done she would go back home for a while and then restart school. Yet 'civilian' life seemed such a distant thing now. Or even a thing of the past. Would she be able to refit into school life again? Would she miss the hard and tough life of this island? Would she be able to make it if no one else was there? These questions ran through her head. She became so uncertain of what reality would be like afterwards that in a way she felt suffocated. How could she make it through that possible obstacle? She would have her friends of course. And Maho was only a phone call away. yet she still didn't feel sure that that would be enough. She felt that she was missing something, but what.

"Anyway, It's getting late. I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight Miho, and thanks again for helping me come to my senses. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. And I mean anything." Johnathon said. He then walked back towards the Edison barracks with intent of getting some sleep. Miho just watched him go, no real look of whatever was on her face as she watched him, but her feeling of missing something went away. was that it? Was that all it was?

Miho sighed, closed her eyes, and subconsciously gripped the bracelet Johnathon had just given her. she squeezed it and just breathed for a minute. After that she opened her eyes and stood from the bench. With a smile and determination she walked back to Ooarai's sleeping quarters with her own intent on sleep. It seemed that all she needed was some comforting words from someone she who she couldn't interpret.

Morning was early for Hoja City. The entirety of the High Schoolers were up and dressed for the day by the suns rise. This day was the last that could be spent on finishing last minute repairs and addons onto the tanks. Word had arrived from Rivers scouts. Akari had taken every single working Challenger from Mishima to strengthen what was left. She had parked her remaining Type-10's at a crossing north-westward of the city and just halted there. She wasn't moving and it didn't seem like she was going to.

With most preparations done in the city most of the High Schoolers were lax in activities and such. It seemed like everyone's drive was going out. their inspiration back at Glendale seemed to have diminished. But the thought waving through everyone's minds already had an answer. When would this game be over? Technically all they had to do was take control of Mishima. They could bypass Akari all together and head straight for the town. That would end the game. Colonel Abernathy was moving westward from the north while the High Schoolers planned to engage Akari to give Abernathy time to take control of Mishima. However with Akari planted where she was it was estimated that she would divert her forces to attack and harass anyone that moved towards the town. She was willing to play a guerrilla game just to spite everyone. Logical yes. Practical no.

Austin sat within the field of the high school positioned next to the Joint High School teams HQ, he fiddled with his Cello strumming the strings with his fingers making random not caring what music he was actually hitting. This caught the eyes of some of the girls from Ooarai. The first years in particular.

"Austin!" The six ran up towards him calling his name and catching his attention.

"Hey girls. How's It going?" He asked. the girls sighed pointed directly towards him.

"We're bored. Can you entertain us with you music?" Aya asked. the girls beamed their eyes at him practically daring him to refuse. Austin gave off a chuckle and nodded.

"Alright, you girls have anything in particular you want to hear?" Austin asked. the girls looked at each other and nodded. Azusa pulled out her phone, opened it, and showed Austin what song they had in mind. "Oh you got to be kidding me." Austin facepalmed.

"You have to sing it to." Ayumi said. Austin just gave a deadpanned look.

"I'm not singing that song, no way." Austin refused. The girls started pleading with him, begging even. Austin was very adamant on the subject until he felt a tap on his shoulder. There stood Saki looking at him before she opened her mouth.

"Please sing?" She said. Austin sat besmirched. He hadn't heard Saki speak before and she said it more like a question rather then anything. Austin looked around him making sure no one else was around and sighed deeply.

"Fine" Austin Groaned. The girls cheered. "It wont be perfect with my Cello, but I'll try my best." Austin set his Cello up and placed his fingers on the strings. The girls all sat in front of him gleaming with anticipation. Austin gulped and did one more look around before he started.

Austin strung on the high strings giving off high notes. It was quickly paced and light hearted. Austin gave one last glance of his surroundings before he started singing.

"You are my sweetest love, this love I always wanna hug, because I really love you, the world just has to know." He sung. The girls started giggling at his singing to which Austin gave them a stink face.

"I'll do anything for you, there is nothing I wouldn't do, Snuggle, Cuddle, and then Hug me, With you I always want to be." Austin finished singing to first verse and rolled his eyes as he went La la la to continue the song. During this time Nikoli and Klara were passing by and noticed the girls watching Austin as he played and sung. One they heard what he was singing Nikoli slammed his hand over his mouth to stop him from laughing. Klara gleamed and ran towards the nearby building to fetch a certain someone who would love to see this.

"My love is deep and true, I'd be lost if not with you, so long it would have been, if not for you and me." Austin continued. He felt so embarrassed doing this, but the looks of joy on the girls faces made him silently chuckle.

"I'll do anything for you, there is nothing I wouldn't do, Snuggle, Cuddle and then Hug me, with you I always want to be." Austin sung the chorus again and focused more on his Cello. During which Klara returned to Nikoli's position with Nonna in tow. Seeing her boyfriend sing such a song out in the open made Nonna smile gleefully and, like Nikoli, made her place her hand over her mouth as to not give away their position.

"Our feelings are so strong, And our hearts will beat as one, a never-ending story, is what I have with you." The six first years had softly begun swaying in course with the song and were still giggling. Especially now that they saw the others watching from behind Austin.

"I'll do anything for you, there is nothing I wouldn't do, Snuggle, Cuddle and then Hug me, with you I always want to be." Austin then did the chorus again oblivious to the now growing crowd behind him. His tank crew had arrived and were silently laughing their rear ends off, Noriko and the volley ball team were nearly failing to keep themselves quiet, and Nonna just looked at him with awe and a loving gaze.

"You are my sweetest love, the love I always want to hug, because I really love you, the world just has to know, I'll do anything for you, there is nothing I wouldn't do, Snuggle, Cuddle and then Hug me, with you I always want to be." Austin sang the last verse and then stopped. He placed his face into his hand shacking his head. What he goes through for girls. The first years clapped and cheered for him with honest appreciation for his performance.

"That was great Austin." Yuuki said.

"Way to go." Aya cheered.

"I'm going to drown myself in juice later." Austin said. He stood up and before he could move any where he felt another tap on his shoulder. Turning around he saw Nonna smiling at him, with his tank crew and some of the others watching a ways away. "Oh you got to be kidding me." Austin said.

Nonna giggled and simple embraced him as the first years cheered again. Before giving Austin a rather dangerous question.

"Hey Austin. If you sing that song again would you dedicate it to Nonna?" Katrina asked smugly. The girls giggled and oooh'd at him. Nonna even rose an eyebrow at him waiting for his answer.

"If, and that's a big if, I ever do that again. Then yes I would think of Nonna when doing so." Austin said. The first years laughed and pointed to Austin and started a chant.

"Austin loves Nonna, Austin loves Nonna." The girls skipped around the two clapping their hands. At this point their friends over yonder were laughing and falling to the ground, unable to support themselves. Austin, getting fed up with the shenanigans decided to act.

"Alright you little twerps come here." Austin playfully yelled as he scooped up Aya and Katrina by their waists and twirled them around. The two girls were playfully screaming as Yuuki and Ayumi jumped on the boys back in attempt to save their friends. Azusa and Saki grabbed his legs to hold him down, yet instead Austin fell backwards and landing on his rear end. To which the six girls all jumped on top of him to over come their enemy. Yet they all were laughing and having what seemed to be a great time.

These were the times that were worth fighting for.

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