Through the Dark // Liam Payn...

By everythingaboutluke

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Frustrated, I dialed again for the third time as I paced the kitchen. My nails found there way to my mouth as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Not an Update
Ariella (Jana Kramer)
New cover!!!
I'm back!ยก

Chapter 29

1.1K 78 25
By everythingaboutluke

Ariella's pov

My heart beat fast as I approached room 236. My stomach churned as I cautiously opened the door handle and entered the room. The lights were off, so I flipped the switch, and quickly dimmed the lighting so it was only semi-bright.

I gasped when I looked at the sight in front of me. Liam's lifeless and broken body laid flat on the bed. The color was drained from his face and his eyes were closed. His once perfectly quiffed hair was matted to his head.

I slowly walked up to the bed and took a closer look at his face. The large red gash looked a lot worse against his pale skin. His lips were no longer pink and plump, but thin and white.
Tubes ran it of his nose pumping oxygen to his weak lungs.

Carefully, I placed my hand against his cheek and sat in the edge of his bed. I shuddered at the cold feeling of his skin.

When Liam was home from tour and we went to sleep at night, I always cuddled up to him for warmth. It's hard to imagine how that felt after feeling his cold hard skin.

Every few seconds, a beep would go off. Curious, I looked around the room trying to find the source of the noise. A flashing screen next to the bed caught my eye. I stood up and walked to the other side, carefully avoiding a cluster of wires.

I peered down at the screen and a nearly flat green line was running across the screen. I stared at it in confusion until I heard a beep and the line rose ever so slightly. About six seconds later, the same thing happened.

That's when I realized this was the heart monitor. Startled, I ran to ask a doctor. She followed me in the room and gladly accepted all my questions.

She informed me that his heart rate could not get any slower. She was giving him the next five hours before it stopped completely. I thanked her and she walked out side the room.

I sat in the edge of the bed again until I heard a loud obnoxious knock at the door. Without giving me a second to get up, Karen barged into the room followed by Nicola and Ruth.


"Get away from him" she growled

"Karen stop" I whispered loudly.

Suddenly Louis walked into the room and assessed the mood in the room. He swiftly crept passed Karen and the girls and stood at my side protectively.

"Who are you to talk?! He doesn't love you or want you here so just leave!" She snapped

"Lower your voice your going to disturb him" I said lowly.

"Please" Ruth scoffed "your not even a part of this family. You're just another girlfriend that he'll get bored with and dump"

Usually comments didn't bother me, but this was caught my attention. Did Liam really not tell his family we're engaged?

I guess I don't blame him. I'm actually grateful that he didn't so I wouldn't have to deal with the drama while he was on tour.

They must have noticed the change in my expression because they began laughing a dry emotionless laugh.

"Look at her. She finally realized we're right" Nicola sneered

"No, actually your wrong" I spoke up with confidence. Without saying another word,
I held my left hand up to show them the beautiful ring Liam bought me.

They're eyes went wide as they gasped simultaneously.

"He didn't" they said astonished.

"He did" I remarked putting my hand at my side. "And it's sad that you need proof to see we're in love. So why don't you just go back to where you came from. You're not doing anyone any good just picking a fight."

"You can't tell us what to do" Karen said, but I saw a pang of fear flash through her eyes.

I slowly began to walk towards them and they cautiously backed up until they stood outside. With a smirk, I quickly closed the door in their faces and locked it.

Louis slowly began clapping and I actually laughed for what felt like the first time in ages.

"Where did harry Niall and zayn go?"

"Niall took them back home to freshen up. They should be back in an hour" I nodded and walked to sit back on the bed. I didn't realize how tired I actually was.

I laid down next to Liam, careful not to touch any part of him. Louis sat in the chair next to us.

"Only five hours" I trailed of breaking the silence.

"That's it??" I nodded

"Shh... What's that sound?" Louis asked standing up and listening.

"His heart monitor" I mumbled six seconds later when the familiar beep went off.

"It can't be! Thats impossible" Louis whispered loudly.

"I know" I said my voice cracking. I couldn't cry again. I've already done it like seven times today. Louis walked over and out his hand on my back and rubbed small circles.

"Louis what am I going to do" i asked desperately. "I-I can't live without him. We were supposed to get married and have children a-and" i stuttered trying to find words. I threw my hands up and let them slap at my side. I sighed in defeat and sat down as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

I rested my head against his shoulder and he pulled my closer. After a moment of silence, he spoke.

"I know how you feel, but everything is going to work itself out. It always has before... Just know mum and dad are with you" my heart melted when he said that. He really always knew what to say.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. I realized he was crying too and hugged him a little tighter.

"I love you lou, thank you" I mumbled

"I love you too. I'm always here" he replied and I smiled.

We pulled away when his phone rang.

"This is actually your phone, from the warehouse" he said taking out a mangled cracked iPhone 6. He smiled and looked at the caller ID.

"Hi Harry" I answered weakly

"Hello love, where are you?"

"Room 236"

"Ah right here" he said and as if in cue, he opened the door and walked in with Zayn

"Where's Niall?" Louis asked

Niall suddenly burst through the room followed by my little twin sisters laughing. I smiled at the sight of them so happy.

My smile quickly disappeared when Karen strutted into the room with Ruth and Nicola at her side. They were like her followers, which was weird since it's their mom.

"Ugh there still here, and they brought friends" Karen scoffed.

"Nice to see you too Mrs Payne" ZAYN smiled but I could tell he was being sarcastic.

"Hey zayn" Nicola said readjusting her shirt so her cleavage was showing

"Hi" he said not making eye contact

"Hello harry" Ruth said pulling her skirt up and shifting her weight to her right foot so her legs were parted.

"Hey" haz responded uninterested. I bit my lip to stifle a laugh.

"What happened to Liam?!" Phoebe shrieked just noticing his body.

"Yes do tell us" Karen said appearing out of nowhere.

"Phoebe come here" I said over-protectively. She came and sat next to me on the bed and Louis pulled Daisy onto his lap.

"He just got hurt, sweetie" I said calmly

Karen scoffed "please tell us how. What did you do to him Ariella?" Karen asked forcefully

"I didn't do anything, Karen" I said through gritted teeth.

"It was your fault he even had to take the bul-"

"Karen that's enough" Louis said firmly

"You're going to scare them" I warned

"They should know the truth" she replied mocking innocence.

"Karen they're 8, you're being ridiculous"

"Why don't you just get out" Zayn spoke up

"But that's my son. I have to be here for him" she protested

"Look what your doing Karen..." I challenged "you're trying to scare 8 year olds instead of being with liam"

"I'm not scaring they, it's the truth!"

"Do you hear yourself?! Do you think before you talk?! No, because you don't have a filter. Just leave" I said shooing her away and sitting back down.


"Just go" Louis said firmly

Karen looked at the boys in disbelief. I don't know why she thought they would help her, since they've never liked her since she began treating me poorly.

Niall opened the door and ushered her out. Finally. Why does she appear at the worst times. She needs to learn when to stop

"Proud of you" lou whispered

"Why?" I chuckled

"For sticking up for yourself"

"Yeah that was awesome" Harry said

"Did you see the look on her face?" Niall laughed so hard he was clutching his stomach.

"She had it coming" I laughed with them.

We were interrupted by the distinct sound of Liam's heart monitor. We all turned out heads to the machine. Six seconds later, it went off again.

"Ari what's that?" Phoebe asked me quietly

"that's Liam's heart monitor. That beep signals when his heart beats" I explained simply

"Why is it so slow?"

"Because his heart is weak" I whispered

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked

"I don't know.... I really don't know baby"


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Hope you liked it! Thanks for all your support!! Keep reading and recommend this book to friends!!

Love you all!!!!
Kat xx

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