Evolution: A Draco Malfoy Fan...

By withluvshaya

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Evolution is defined as "the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex for... More

The Beginning
Baby Z
Bonnie and Clyde
Hogsmeade, Again
Twisted Triangle
The Second Task
The Yule Ball-Diana Only
Words Made of Poison
Christmas at the Malfoy Manor
The Letter-Diana Only
The Wedding
I Hate You Cedric Diggory
The History of the D'Ambrosio Family-Diana Only
Let Me In-Draco Only
I Will Not Get Detention
Warning Labels and Caution Signs
Quidditch and Date Night
The Inquisitorial Squad
Dumbledore's Army
What to Believe
The Road to Recovery
Cloudy With a Chance of Forgiveness
The Truth
Birthdays (with Pansy perspective)
O.W.Ls, Letters, and Love
Narrator+Theo: Betrayal
Return to Hogwarts
The Welcome Back Party
Resurfacing Feelings
Memory Attacks
Boxing Session-Draco Only
October 15th, 1996
The Funeral-Diana Only
The Announcement-Diana Only
Singing in 1997
Who I Am v.s. Who I Used To Be
A Day of Hurt
Emotional Rollercoasters
The Task-Final Chapter

Sweet Cinammon Roll and Tart Apple

82 2 31
By withluvshaya

                                                            Diana's POV:

This past week has been, well, eventful. Cedric kissed me for the first time, but it wasn't anything like Draco. We officially became a couple, and to be honest, he is refreshing from Slytherin boys. Cedric is kind and loyal and always makes me laugh. Not only that, but he and Harry Potter got into the Triwizard Tournament. How Harry got in, I don't know, but he did.

As for Draco, he's still making me smile, and I'm teaching him how to play the piano better. If I can teach Blaise, who can't sit still for longer than ten minutes, I can definitely teach Draco.

I was walking around during my free period when someone calls my name.

"Diana!" Someone calls. I look around, not seeing anyone.

"Up here, genius!" I turn to see Draco sitting in a tree.

"What are you doing up there?" I ask, chuckling.

Draco shrugs. "Nice view. Come look," I smirk and climb up to sit next to him. He smiles when I reach him.

"See?" He asks.

"Yeah," I nod, taking Draco's hand in mine for a moment. Draco points to Potter.

"Potter!" He calls. I smirk, this will be interesting.

"My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you could last ten minutes in that tournament. At least I was more generous than my father, he gave you five minutes," I laugh at that one.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks!" Harry snips.

"Now Draco, be nice. He is the Chosen One after all. Give him until the first task," The two of us hop down the tree with our friends behind us.

"Well, my best friend here has a point," Draco looks at me before smirking at Potter.

"Won't your boyfriend get jealous, Diana?" Harry asks.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I quip back. Blaise leans against the base of the tree, laughing with Theodore Nott. Cedric stands with his posse, laughing along.

"Darling, come stand with us," Cedric takes my hand as we walk away from the group. Cedric spots something and tells me to wait. He hands me a pretty flower.

"I love it, Ced. Thank you," I put it behind my ear.

"Just as pretty as you," Cedric says and I feel my cheeks flush. We take a walk around the grounds, but our sweet moment was interrupted by his posse rushing up to him. I took this as my exit queue and went to find my friends. Blaise is laughing at something Theo said, and Draco is listening in. They all smile when they see me.

"You okay?" Theo asks me.

I nod, not feeling like speaking. While everyone else was ahead of Draco and me, Draco brushes his fingers against mine.

"Can I beat up Diggory?" He asks hopefully. I laugh.

"It wasn't his fault. Him being in the Triwizard Tournament is getting him a lot of attention," I reply as we catch up to Blaise and Theo.

"Still not an excuse," Draco replies as we walk into Potions. I ignore that comment and sit next to Cedric.

"Sorry about earlier," Cedric apologizes before the lesson starts.

"Don't worry about it," I smile at him and listen to the lesson. Snape uses me as a volunteer for today's lesson about how to correctly modify a potion to make more or less than the recipe calls for.

"10 points to Slytherin for Miss Zabini's excellent work," Snape drones, making all the Slytherins smile with pride. Cedric beams proudly when I sit next to him again.

"Amazing job, darling," He says quietly as Snape continues with the lecture. I hear the envy of every other girl in the classroom behind me. When class is over, a group of Hufflepuffs call my name.

"Is it true you're dating Cedric?" One asks me.

"Yes, what's the point of the question?" I ask.

"He wouldn't date a Slytherin," Another Hufflepuff spat. Cedric comes up behind them and puts his head on mine.

"Are these girls bothering you, love?" He asks sweetly. The girls look shocked.

"Trust me if they were," I shoot them all a death glare while twisting my wand between my fingers. "I would have handled them by now," Draco calls my name.

"I'll see you after class, alright?" I plant a kiss on his cheek and run over to Draco.

"Don't get jealous," I tell him as we walk to Divination, Blaise's best class and one of my worst.

"Easier said than done," Draco notes as we enter the class, sitting next to each other.

"I know," I say softly as class begins.

                                                                   Draco's POV

That evening I head to the Room of Requirements, but Diana isn't there yet. I patiently wait by the fire until the door quickly opens and closes.

"Sorry I'm late. The Weasley twins and I finalized our prank on Seamus Finnigan," Diana kisses me quickly before getting out her notebook.

"You wrote a new song?" I ask and she nods, finding her bookmarked page.

"Yeah, I did. One for you," I flush a deep red and Diana begins to play. The beginning is soft and sweet, but it intensifies a bit in the middle before it returns to its beautiful, gentle melody.

"Wow," Is all I can say. Diana smiles and pulls out the song we've been working on called Blackbird by a muggle group called The Beatles.

"Ready?" Diana asks and I nod, beginning to play. I stumble a bit, but Diana doesn't mind. She places her hands on mine and we play it together before she gets an idea. She presses a few keys until she finds the right one.

"Let's do it together. You play normal, and I'll play an octave lower," She instructs and we begin. It sounds amazing. Strangly, neither of us mess up. We share a smile before cozing up on the couch. Diana tells me about the run-in with the Hufflepuff girls.

"I'm telling you, they are NOT cinnamon rolls. At least those ones," Diana laughs.

"Did you handle them?" I ask nervously. Diana has a fuse half her height, and when you get her mad, I suggest you run.

"I was so close. Had they said one more thing my wand would have pointing at them," My eyes grow wide.

"You're scary when you're mad," I tell her. Diana laughs.

"You're hilarious when you're mad. When you say your whole 'my father will hear about this'" I playfully hit her. "I can't help it, I die laughing. Like when Buckbeack attacked you," She erupts into a fit of laughter.

"You called it a CHICKEN!" Diana falls off the couch, making us both laugh.

"On, but the best part was Granger punching you in the face!" I shoot her a look but she keeps laughing.

"Okay okay, you can stop now," I tell her but Diana doesn't stop until I kiss her.

"Aww," She says and we both chuckle before she takes my hand.

"I promised you that you could ride my new broom. It came today," Diana whispers as we run to the Quidditch locker rooms. A locker engraved with "Zabini, Diana Aryelle Starr," is towards the front.

"Aryelle?" I ask, confused.

"My full first name is Diana Aryelle, but I prefer just Diana," She explains.

"I never knew that," I reply as she takes off the cover of the new Nimbus broom. It was a beaut, with shining polish and a clean finish.

"Not many people do. Oh wow, I'm going to nail Quidditch tryouts with this. Come on," We both hop onto the broom and fly into the air, Hogwarts getting smaller and smaller as we head up.

"Hold on!" Diana speeds forward, doing dangerous tricks and smiling.

"Let's do some trivia. You get something right, I'll go fast. You get something wrong, I'll do a crazy stunt. First up, what was the first thing I ever said to you?" I hold on tight while thinking.

"Here, you can have it. Referring to the last chocolate frog on the cart," I reply. Diana speeds forward, meaning I got it correct.

"Next, who was the first boy I fancied?" I think.

"Brian?" I ask. Diana flies straight into the goal and goes a loop. I felt like I was going to lose my dinner.

"Adrian Pucey," Diana confesses.

"What?! Really?" I ask, stunned. "I thought you had better taste than that, love," Diana attempts to buck me off.

"Remember who has the power here, Malfoy," Diana warns before gathering some momentum.

"Favorite teacher?" She asks.

"Snape," I reply confidently. Diana speeds forward and I smile, satisfied.

"Name of the first song I learned how to play on the piano," Diana does a loop around the bleachers.

"Do Rei Mi?" I ask warily. Diana speeds forward and smiles.

"Diana!" Someone calls. Diana lowers her broom to meet Cedric.

Great, moment ruined by Cedric.

"Hello, love! I got my new broom and was testing it out," Diana hops off and I wait for her in the building as she talks to Cedric. I think she's falling in love, or a great actress. After a few minutes, she waves goodbye and comes back to me.

"Sorry about that," Diana apologizes as she puts her broom back.

"It's fine, Diana Aryelle," I joke. Diana laughs.

"Kneel, my good sir, and I will give you the honor to call me Diana Aryelle," I kneel and she knights me with her hand, finishing it with a kiss.

"Wait, in public I can call you Diana Aryelle?" I confirm.

"Sure, why not?" I smile, holding so much power. We walk back to the Common Room, Blaise talking with Ella and Goyle.

"How was the broom?" Blaise asks.

"Amazing. Thanks, big brother," Diana sits next to her brother. Blaise smiles.

"I learned something new today," I pipe up as I sit in an empty armchair.

"What?" Blaise asks.

"I learned Diana's full first name is Diana Aryelle," I announce to the group. Ella's eyes widen.

"WHAT?" She asks, astonished. Blaise nods and so does Diana.

"Why were we not informed of this?" Theo asks.

Diana shrugs. "No one ever calls me Diana Aryelle. Well, except for Draco now," We share a smile. Everyone says goodnight and heads to bed except for me and Diana.

Excuse me, Diana Aryelle.

She fiddles with her wand before I sit next to her, putting my arm over her shoulder.

"Hi," She laughs a bit and we just sit for a bit before Diana starts to drift off.

"Night, Malfoy," She kisses me goodnight before heading upstairs.

A/N: Jealousyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

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