Inseparable//A Cobra Kai Story

By madalynflynn03

238K 5.7K 5.7K

--------------------------------------------- Everything was going downhill. A karate rivalry was raging on. ... More

Full Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Alternate Ending
Story Update

Chapter 12

6.8K 174 277
By madalynflynn03

"Dude your house is so nice!" Tory told AJ as they walked into her room.

"Thanks" AJ told her with a smile as the two of them sat down.

Tory nodded as she looked around the girls room. The both of them had plans to hang out before they headed to Golf 'N Stuff with a few of the Cobra Kai boys. They talked for an hour about different things that they liked before AJ said something that she didn't expect to say.

"I think I like Hawk!" AJ blurted out randomly.

"Holy shit what?!" Tory stared at her with a shocked expression.

AJ stared at her blankly before answering "I think I like Hawk."

"No fucking way!" Tory screamed excitedly "AJ that's so cute! You guys would be so cute!"

AJ laughed a bit, she had never seen the girl this excited about something "You can not tell him though because he is coming over soon to hang out with us."

"I won't I won't!" Tory told her "Tell me how did you know you liked him?"

"We were just sitting out on my balcony messing around with playing my guitar and I couldn't stop thinking about him after he left so yeah." She explained.

Tory nodded with a smile "This is so amazing!"

"What's so amazing?" Hawk asked as he walked into the room.

AJ quickly thought of something to say "Tory is going to pierce my septum again!"

"She is?" Hawk stared at the two of them.

"Yeah she is?" Tory muttered staring at AJ.

AJ nodded as she looked at them nervously, "Yep!"

"I mean I have done piercings before so that's why I agreed" Tory said looking at Hawk.

"Okay" he said as he walked more into the room trying to figure out why the two of them were acting so weird.

"So do you have any stuff to do piercings with?" Tory asked.

AJ leaned back against her wall as she watched Tory stand up to go get the kit she pointed at.

"Hey Tory have you ever pierced a nose before?" AJ asked her nervously realizing she should have thought it through a bit more.

"I've pierced ears before how hard could piercing a nose be?" Tory shrugged as she sat down on the girls bed across from her.

AJ glanced at Hawk who shook his head at her.

"Good enough for me!" AJ shrugged looking back at Tory.

Hawk rolled his eyes as he began to play with Jackson while the two girls tried to figure out how to pierce AJ's septum.

Tory sat in front of AJ and looked back at Hawk before back at her.

"So are you going to make your move or what?" Tory whispered to her with a smirk.

AJ glared at her before realizing that Hawk wasn't even listening, "I don't know" she whispered back "I think he's still hung up on his ex, that and I don't think he likes me that way."

"Does it matter? You're way hotter than his ex trust me" Tory told her "That and he definitely likes you that way. You just don't see it because you're never looking when he does this, but he stares at you whenever you talk, laugh, or just punch someone at Karate. He never takes his eyes off of you ever. It's like you're the only person in the world and nothing could ever separate the two of you."

AJ bit her lip nervously staring at the boy who was still playing with her dog "I don't know"

"Don't be a pussy!" Tory said loudly.

Hawk finally looked over at them an eyebrow raised.

"Just pierce my nose already!" AJ exclaimed quickly before Tory could say anything else.

Tory laughed softly before holding AJ's chin so she wouldn't move. AJ felt the needle that they were using slide through her nose. She winced a bit but was mostly focused on getting the ring in once the needle was out.

AJ walked to the mirror and put the ring in before turning back around to face the other two "Well?"

"I think it looks good, Hawk?" Tory asked looking over at the boy who was staring at AJ.

"Y-yeah, really good, really beautiful" Hawk nodded a bit.

AJ felt her face flush "Thanks!" She said looking at him then back at Tory who was giving her a 'told you so' look.

AJ rolled her eyes at her as she sat back down. The three of them hung out for a while just talking about random things and Cobra Kai.

"Well I should go now because I have to pick up Rickenberger and Johnson before heading to Golf 'N Stuff." Tory stood up from AJ's bed.

"Yikes you got picked as their designated driver?" AJ looked at her with a frown.

"Yeah" Tory sighed as she grabbed her bag, "we also might be a little bit late because I have to grab my paycheck before we head over."

AJ and Hawk nodded "Just text us when you get to Golf 'N Stuff" he told Tory.

"I will" She told them before beginning to leave AJ's room but not before she looked at the both of them and said "Make sure you use protection" Tory winked at them as she walked out of the door.

AJ's face turned bright red as she watched the girl leave. Hawk choked on air and began to cough a bit looking to the side.

"So are the others on their way here?" AJ asked the coughing boy.

"Pretty sure" Hawk managed to say.

"Cool, cool" AJ nodded as she sat back down on her bed "You know you should have let Tory pierce your ear"

"I'm good" Hawk told her with a small laugh "That and I think my mom would actually kill me this time."

"Oh for sure" AJ laughed.

"Speaking about being killed by parents how are yours going to react to the piercing?"

"Ummmmm hopefully not as bad as last time" AJ thought about it "I may have to buy them ice cream or something to make them happy before I tell them."

Hawk nodded "Smart" he said before checking his phone. "They're here"

"Okay let's go Mohawk" AJ stood up from her bed.

"After you Rapunzel" He laughed as he held the door open for her.

"How sweet!" AJ laughed as she walked out of her room with him and down to the car that was waiting for them.

Once the group got to Golf 'N Stuff, the boys of the group began to run ahead to the entrance.

"Oh yeah don't wait up!" AJ yelled after them sarcastically.

Hawk laughed before running back to her grabbing her hand pulling her along. AJ giggled softly as she ran with him trying to hide her very red face.

The group ran through the area causing destruction. AJ laughed as she watched Hawk knock a basketball away from a kid.

One of the other Cobra Kai boys grabbed the tickets as Hawk yelled back "Thank you!"

AJ rolled her eyes at them as she sent the kids they took it from a small apologetic smile. She realized in the process Hawk had dropped her hand. AJ turned back around and ran to catch up with the group.

"Hey buddy!" Hawk greeted Chris behind the counter as he slammed the tickets down.

AJ laughed softly before moving to stand by Hawk.

"Hey prize wench." Mitch said with a smile.

"Wench?" AJ muttered to herself confused.

"What do you guys want?" Chris sighed looking at them.

"Well, to spend our hard-earned tickets of course." Hawk told him with a grin.

"Duh" AJ said in a flat tone as she jumped up on the counter sitting on it, crossing her arms.

Hawk laughed a bit watching the girl before turning back to Chris. "Why don't you be a good girl and grab us a bobble head?"

AJ's eyes widened a bit as she heard the nickname before clearing her throat softly looking to the side.

Chris stared at the boy before walking to go get them.

When his back was turned the boys jumped over the counter to grab the different prizes. AJ laughed a bit watching them before getting down off the counter to run off with them. Chris started to yell protests at them but of course they didn't listen. As they started to rush out Mitch, Hawk, and AJ all turned around to yell stuff back at Chris.

"Thanks Chris. Tell your mom I miss her!" Mitch yelled to him.

"Tell her to stop calling me!" Hawk laughed.

"And tell her to start calling me!" AJ threw her head back laughing as Hawk wrapped his arms around her running out of the room with the group.

The Cobra Kai's ran into the abandoned laser tag place still laughing.

"This is epic" AJ mumbled as she looked around at everything before sitting up on a block with graffiti on it.

"Hey sweetheart, I grabbed this for you." Hawk laughed as he tossed her a stuffed shark that he grabbed.

AJ caught it with a smile before looking down at the shark "Thanks Mohawk"

He nodded a bit as he smiled at her for a moment before going over to the other members of the group.

AJ began to text Tory about where she was. Sure she loved the Cobra Kai boys but sometimes she did want to punch them in the face.

She looked up and saw Hawk kick a stuffed animal off of a block. AJ smiled a little as she looked down at the shark in her hands. She felt her face flush as she bit her lip wondering why he would give it to her. AJ knew it probably meant nothing other than friendship just like the ring. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Mitch's voice. 

"Brew time man" Mitch laughed as he grabbed his bag.

"Sweet" Hawk laughed looking at him.

Mitch pulled out one of the cans and said "Who's up for a warm one?"

AJ raised an eyebrow at his statement setting down the shark next to her.

"Who the hell wants a warm beer?" Hawk asked, "You didn't bring an ice pack?"

Mitch shook his head and slowly put it away as the other members hit him asking what was wrong with him.

"Sounds to me like you guys are just pussy's." AJ got down from the block she was sitting on "Give it to me."

Mitch looked at her confused "What?"

"Give me one!" AJ repeated as she held her hand out to him.

Hawk watched her with a small smirk as Mitch tossed her one of the beers.

"Keys." AJ told the designated driver of the group.

He tossed her the keys that she caught with one hand.

"What are you doing?" Hawk asked her as she stabbed the bottom of the can.

AJ smirked up at him "Have you never shot gunned a beer Mohawk?"

Hawk slowly shook his head at her along with the other group members.

"Hmm" AJ laughed a bit before holding the can you to her mouth before opening the tab drinking the entirety of it.

The other boys watched her with interest as Hawk just smirked a bit.

AJ brought the can down and crushed it "Who's next?" She turned around and went to go throw it away.

"Okay now I know why everyone finds her hot" one of the boys said to the others once she was out of earshot.

Hawk glared at him and punched his shoulder roughly. He didn't know why it made him so angry that he called AJ hot, it just did.

As AJ walked over to the group the lights went out and the doors flew open. The Cobra Kai group turned to face the doors where a group of Miyagi-Do kids stood glaring at them.

AJ sent a quick text to Tory that read 'Sam's here'.

She set her phone down and walked over to stand by Hawks side.

"What do you want?" Hawk asked Sam annoyed.

"Payback" Sam spat at them.

AJ groaned as she crossed her arms staring at her annoyed "Let's go then bitch"

Sam glared at her before shoving one of the Cobra Kai members. AJ and Hawked backed up a bit figuring out a plan.

AJ saw a Miyagi-Do member stand to the side. She smirked and walked up to him.

"Hi I don't think we've met yet! My name is AJ Mills-"

"I don't care!" The boy scoffed at her.

AJ faked a frown "Hey, I'm just trying to make friends and you're being really rude! So I guess I'm not that sorry for doing this!"

She kicked the boys stomach causing him to double over in pain. AJ smirked as she continued to go after him with a series of punches and kicks. The boy held cheek as AJ kicked him in the face with her heel. He fell to the floor and stayed down.

AJ turned back around and watched Sam take a few people down. She walked over to Hawk and made sure that he was okay. He nodded in her direction before they ran off and joined the fight once more.

AJ saw Demetri take down a member of Cobra Kai. She smirked and walked up to him.

"Hi Demetri!" AJ said from behind the lanky boy.

Demetri froze as he turned around to face the girl.

She smirked and swept the boy to the floor and was about to attack before Sam tackled her to the ground.

AJ groaned as she looked up at the smirking girl.

"Need help princess?" Sam asked her.

AJ shook her head as she stood up kicking the girl into a wall. The two girls stared at each other for a moment before the doors swung open again.

"Sam LaRusso!" Tory yelled as she stormed in, "Where are you bitch?"

Sam froze hearing the girls voice. AJ paused watching her for a moment. As AJ stepped forward Sam took off running to go hide.

AJ laughed a bit before running to go join Tory. The two girls smirked at each other before AJ joined in with taunting Sam.

"Samantha LaRusso come on out girly!" AJ yelled "You're a prize winner today!"

Tory and AJ laughed as they both teamed up to take down a Miyagi-Do kid.

The two girls smiled at each other before walking off in different directions. AJ paused when she saw Hawk and Demetri staring at each other with glares.

"Show yourself LaRusso!" She heard Tory yell.

AJ watched the fights in front of her as all of the Miyagi-Do kids started to lose.

She moved over to stand behind Hawk as he took Demetri down with ease. AJ bit her lip as she noticed the position Demetri's arm was in.

Soon she was joined by the other members of Cobra Kai who began to cheer on Hawk.

"No! Please, stop! Eli, stop! Stop!" Demetri yelled "Its me! Don't do it! No!"

AJ felt her heart start to race as she began to hear Sawyers cries mix in with Demetri's. She now realized how the fight between her and Sawyer looked like to the outside eye. AJ began to feel guilty about what she did but then she remembered what Sawyer did. Still did she really have to break her arm? Sometimes she still had nightmares about her cries and everything that happened. AJ didn't want Hawk to feel the same way she did so she chose to stay silent while the other Cobra Kai's cheered.

Tory was next to her grinning as she yelled out, "Do it!"

The other Cobra Kai's laughed in agreement. Tory nudged the curly haired girl with a grin. AJ looked up at her and nervously laughed still choosing to stay silent.

"Finish him!" Tory yelled.

"Do it Hawk!" Rickenberger called from behind AJ.

"No! It's fine I'll go!" Demetri pleaded.

"Hawk, finish him!" Tory screamed staring at him.

With her words Hawk snapped Demetris arm. AJ let out a small scream but no one heard it over Demetris yells. The other Cobra Kai's laughed and cheered.

Hawk took a few steps back towards the group as Tory muttered "Pussy"

"Damn!" Demetri wailed on the ground holding his arm.

"Nice" Tory muttered as she hit Hawks arm as the others patted him on the back before walking away.

"Good shit man!" Mitch laughed before walking away.

AJ tried to keep her breathing under control as she stared at Demetri on the ground. She looked back at Hawk who was standing there with a blank expression.

AJ rushed up to him and grabbed his arm "We have to go come on!" She said softly "Stop looking it makes it worse."

Hawk looked down at the girl shaking a bit as he nodded remembering that she had once done the same thing. As they walked out AJ grabbed the shark handing it back to him.

"I have to head in to work so keep it for the rest of the day and I will pick it up when I come over tonight." AJ told him with a gentle.

Hawk nodded a bit as he stared at her not wanting to talk. They joined the other group out in the arcade area.

"Wait what?" Mitch asked only hearing the ending of her sentence, "you two..." he trailed off as he pointed between them.

"Oh no!" AJ exclaimed quickly, a little to quick for Hawks liking. "No, our parents are friends and we do family dinners."

"Yeah absolutely nothing is going on" Hawk added on hurting both his and AJ's feelings.

Tory winced as she watched the two of them awkwardly try and explain themselves.

"So AJ you have work right? I can take you if you want?" Tory spoke up saving the two of them from saying anything else.

AJ took a deep breath before walking away from Hawk and the group quickly "That would be great, let's go Tory!"

Tory followed the girl out of Golf 'N Stuff.

"I don't want to hear about how much of a train wreck that conversation was" AJ told her as she walked to Torys car with her.

"Okay" Tory nodded laughing a bit "but did you really have to make it seem like dating him was such a bad thing."

AJ stopped "Is that what I did?"

"Well you answered very quickly!" Tory unlocked her car.

AJ sighed as she opened the door "Fuck me."

"That's his job" Tory mumbled softly before dodging AJ's punch.

"Just drive Nichols!" AJ told her as she laughed a bit.

Tory laughed as she drove off to both of their works.

Halfway there AJ remembered something "Weren't you supposed to also drive Rickenberger and Johnson?"

"They'll be fine, they didn't drink." Tory told her.

AJ nodded a bit "But they don't have a ride home."

Tory paused for a moment "They can walk"

"Yeah, Rickenberger needs some fresh air, hopefully it will stop him from being so annoying."

Tory laughed as she pulled up to AJ's work "Have fun!"

"Oh yeah it will be great!" AJ called back sarcastically as she watched the girl drive away.

AJ walked into her work and changed into her uniform. She sighed as she looked into the mirror biting her lip. AJ looked at her new nose ring and smiled a bit liking how it looked. AJ played with one of her rings as she tried to stop hearing Demeti and Sawyers screams. She also couldn't stop seeing Hawks glare as he did it. If she was being honest it kind of scared her, but then again she did the same exact thing so it wasn't fair.

AJ walked out to do her shift. Her shift was going well until a surprising guest showed up.

"Sensei?" AJ asked looking down at Kreese.

"Hello Miss Mills" Kreese answered looking over at the girl "Come sit for a moment"

AJ nodded a bit as she sat down across from the man.

"How are you liking Cobra Kai?" Kreese asked her.

AJ smiled before answering "I love it! It's way better than my old dojo and I love everyone there. You are also a way better Sensei than my old one."

Kreese nodded "What do you think about having new recruits joining us soon?"

"I think new recruits would be great." AJ told him with a small smile before looking back at her boss. "I should really get back to work now"

"Of course" Kreese said as the girl stood.

AJ began to walk away. "I'll see you at class Sensei"

Kreese smiled "Oh Miss Mills one last thing."

She turned back to him "Yes Sensei?"

"Remember that loyalty is the most important part of Cobra Kai."
So the fight at Golf 'N stuff has finally happened!! Also the picture above is Odessa who is AJ's FC. If you look she also has a septum piercing so of course I had to add it in. Also the laugh that AJ does at Golf 'N Stuff is kind of modeled after Quinn's laugh in Glee where Sam makes a joke and they walk out laughing together. The next chapter is another family dinner obviously and I'm very excited to write it. Also what do we think about Kreese's words about loyalty???? Anyways thank you for over 3,000 reads!

-xoxo m<3

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