Story Update

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Hi everyone!!!

So, as we all know season four of Cobra Kai has officially wrapped filming which means I get to make two big announcements!!

First off, Inseparable is getting a sequel called Inextricable!! I am SO unbelievably excited for the sequel and I can't wait for you all to read it when the time comes.

I already started writing chapters for it and Yasmine and AJ's friendship is already top tier. And of course all the drama with Sawyer will still be there because you can't have a Cobra Kai story without a rivalry. I also promise that our favorite couple will have so many cute moments together like (spoiler alert) a tattoo (not matching, just had to clarify)

On to my next piece of news, I am writing another Cobra Kai series!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!

Okay so, the new series is called 'The Gum Series' because each book is titled after a different flavor of gum. I promise it will all make sense after the first book. It is a Demetri fanfic series because I love the other half of the Binary Brothers duo.

The first book is titled 'Bubblegum' and it will be out right now so go check it out! The updating schedule is different from Inseparables because I am graduating soon and do not have as much time as I did before. For the new series I hope to get a chapter out every other day but it might switch to every two days depending on my work load.

I'm so excited for you all to meet the new main character, Emersyn 'Emmy' Rogers, because I already love her.

I hope you all are ready for both the series, sequel and season because I know I am!!

-xoxo m <3


Season five has been officially announced which I freaked out about!! But I am here to mention that while Inseparables sequel is in works, I also released another complete story called The Four. If you guys read it I will give you al kisses on the forehead!!

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