Can't Even Think Straight {19}

Start from the beginning

                “Why would I be mad at you?” I asked, instantly hypnotized as our eyes locked.

                “Exactly,” he said, releasing me. “Now let’s get back to the lunch table before they get too suspicious.”

                He paused before kissing me deeply and leaving the room. I followed after him, my legs weak and shaky. I tripped over air and started falling towards the ground.

                Sebastian effortlessly caught me and righted me. “Oh Evan,” he said with a sigh. “What am I going to do with you?”

                “Love me,” I said automatically. I blushed and slapped a hand over my mouth.

                “I just might,” he said, smirking. He steadied me before releasing me.

                We began to walk down the hall together. I nervously rubbed the back of my neck as I glanced at Sebastian.

                “So…uh…are we…” Hm…how would I word this?

                Sebastian got a thoughtful look on his face. “It won’t be official until you tell your parents. I refuse to date you if you won’t tell your parents.”

                “I’ll tell them,” I said automatically. I’d do anything to be with Sebastian. Hell, I’d lick a monkey’s ass if it meant we would date.

                Not that I was desperate or anything.

                “Good,” Sebastian said with a smile.

                We went into the lunch room and over to our table. We sat down in our normal seats, and I mentally yelled at my heart to stop racing.


                “WE’RE IN LOVE I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU, WE’RE IN LOVE!” I gripped Rory’s shirt as I spoke, basically shouting in his face.

                “That’s great. Now can you hand me a damn napkin?” Rory asked impatiently, smacking my hands off.

                “Rory, did you hear me? WE. ARE. IN. LOVE. WE’RE GOING TO DATE AND BE TOGETHER FOREVER AND HOLY SHIT I’M SO HAPPY!” I was basically bouncing in my seat.

                I looked over and saw that Sebastian had his face in his hands, his shoulder shaking from silent laughter. He pulled his face away from my hands, saw my bouncing, and started laughing all over again.

                “You’re a moron!” he said, trying hard to get his laughter under control. His face was turning red from the force of it.

                “But I’m your moron!” I said smugly.

                Sebastian nodded, finally getting a hold of his laughter. “Yes, now you are my moron,” he said, shaking his head in amusement.

                “Am I missing something here?” Murphy asked in confusion as he looked between us.

                “I’ll fill you in afterschool,” Sebastian said.

                “Are we hanging out afterschool?” I asked Sebastian eagerly. I just wanted to be with him. I had never been so happy in my entire life.

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