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"Why isn't you friend coming out?" He asks her, "You already know where she is, what's the point in her coming out?" She replies without dropping her smile. "I wonder if you received my message" She nods. "'My name is Leuvis, join the hunt and come at me.' Correct?" She asks, "Correct, my name is Leuvis. You are Y/n Cetra, daughter of M/n Cetra, gained the ID code of 29194 when you were placed on Grace Field. And your friend is Emma, I wager. 63194, a premium offering from the highly rated Grace Field brand. Yes, the name was Emma indeed. You have no idea how far the name Grace Field premium reaches, they say one particular superb breeder is raising beautiful... delicious minds." Slightly startled by the sudden shower of information yet refusing to drop her calm act she nodded once again.

"I see you've done your homework, you've got us right on point. We have a message for you too, from Lucas. 'What do you think of my move?'" She says. "I expected it was that boy.  That explosion really startled me, how reminiscent of the approach they used that day." He pauses for a few seconds before slightly chuckling before it turns into a giggle and then into a maniacal laugh. 'Emma... Help me..!' She mentally yells as the sudden feeling of fight or flight started to kick in, she'd gladly pick flight in any other situation but not this one.

"I'm quite shook! I never thought he'd survive. How wonderful, organizing this delightful rebellion from underground! On top of that, who better joining the party other than an escapee and a Cetra? I am glad! I am extremely happy right now!! You've moved me to my core!!" The Archduke yells, fighting the urge to tremble she continues the message. "'If so, Archduke, then let's play a little game, shall we? Just like back then' " She quotes while wearing a smile forced to be natural.

"A... Game?" He asks as if processing the words before bursting out laughing once more. 'I wanna cry... or play with Ray's hair, either one will do...' She thinks. "I see, from back then... Very well." He agrees, 'So far so good, this should distract him long enough...' She thinks once again before taking out her radar and smiling to herself. 'Emma managed to move without him noticing, great.' She thinks as she spots the dot moving at a familiar speed.

"The same game. A fair hunt lasting 15 minutes with the first 10 minutes for me to prepare." She explains, "So you now challenge me... To the first sport I proposed to him that distant night...Fair enough." He agrees, "However, there shall be no need for that." He adds, Y/n's face goes pale at the words. "Your motive is to buy time, Emma's is to guard you while you work as bait, I'm right, am I not? I believe such were Lucas' intentions back then too. Placing a canary as bait... that strategy surely brings me back. Killing you on spot would make Emma become the killer I so desire to face, she also has one of those whistles, doesn't she? I'm guessing that would mark the start of a backup plan. But it would surely be better to face both of you as opponents, and Lucas knows that, that's why you came unarmed, is it not?" He tells her. 

"If I take your bait, Emma nor you surely won't be coming at me in any satisfactory level. It would be a waste of ammunition, after all. You have no confidence that you'll be able to murder me by yourself. Lucas thinks the same. He well knows what happens when one tries to stand up to me alone. Yes, I say, he knows it in his bones, If I was in that boy's position, I'd only strike at such an enemy with my entire forces at once. Which means this game is but a means to buy enough time for that for that." Leuvis reveals.

'He read us completely..!' Emma thinks from her hiding spot as Leuvis lets out a chuckle. "You both are indeed two strong girls, but still... That was quite awful. Oh that Lucas! The boy shows up just to give such a terrible task to a first day newcomer, an Ancient at that! They  would be so outraged at something like that." He tells her.

A small cold sweat drop forms on Y/n's cheek before she smiles calmly at him, slightly surprising the archduke. "But that's alright, is it not? You said it yourself. 'What's the thrill of the hunt if both sides are not risking everything?'  How long has it been since the Archduke's last thrilling hunt? Ten? Thirteen years? I doubt you have had much fun hunting hopeless cattle all these years." Y/n tells him, Emma's eyes widen. 'That's right, Y/n is just as good at reading people as Norman was...' She thinks 'Simple phycology of the human brain works just as well with intelligent demons.' Y/n tells herself.

Leuvis laughs once more, "Very well. I'll give you the time you need." Leuvis agrees as he moves to sit on the village center's fountain (I know it's not a fountain but I ain't got a clue what the name of that is) "What was it, fifteen minutes? No, ten? I will wait. It's bound to be more interesting this way."  Leuvis replies, "However," He adds.

"If I am supposed to wait for you to strike, then strike you shall. Right now, I am extremely eager for action. If the ten minutes go by and still none of your comrades have reaches this village...

                   Then I shall dance with you until I get my fill of it, Y/n." 

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