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So quick update on author's life no one asked for:

I just finished the fourth episode of TPN season two... and though I'm disappointed there are no bunkers dads in sight YET (I'm still not giving up hope 〒▽〒) I'd like to ask; HOW TF CAN THEY SHIFT FROM A WHOLESOME  EPISODE TO GOING DARK THAT QUICKLY?! like I was smiling like an idiot at my screen half the episode and then went

 and though I'm disappointed there are no bunkers dads in sight YET (I'm still not giving up hope 〒▽〒) I'd like to ask; HOW TF CAN THEY SHIFT FROM A WHOLESOME  EPISODE TO GOING DARK THAT QUICKLY?! like I was smiling like an idiot at my screen half...

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in less than half a second!!! Ehem... anyway, enjoy the chapter and sorry for keeping you here so long!


I struggle to open my eyes as I feel my consciousness awake the rest of my senses. I felt myself lay somewhere comfortable, probably a bed... A bed? I open my heavy eyelids to find myself in a dark room, I recognized the place in a heart beat. B06-32's infirmary.

I felt someone holding my right hand and turn to look at whoever it was. A smile crept into my lips as I observed Ray's sleeping form, 'cute...' his head was laying on the side of the bed while his body sat on a wooden chair. My eyes move to our intertwined hands as I just realized I had been holding his all along, the matching star bracelets' metal colored chains slightly shimmering on the dark.

I slowly pull my hand away not before kissing his forehead and standing up just to see other familiar faces sleeping on the bed next to the one I was in a few seconds ago. Thoma, Lanni, and Dominic where all three sleeping next to each other while Yvette, Jemima, and Alicia slept on the lower part of the bed, Emma was laying in the middle of the bed along with them. Chris, Rossi, and Eugene were sleeping on top of a blanket on the floor with a few pillows around them.

Sitting on three chairs were Lucas, Zack and Oliver just as asleep as the rest, Violet was sleeping against a wall while sitting on a blanket spread on the floor with Gillian's head on her lap. Happiness washed over me the moment reality hit me, they were here, they were all here safe and sound, as if Goldie Pond had been just a bad dream we shared together.

 I giggle quietly before looking over at the nightstand next to my bed, there I spotted the familiar 'pocket watch', I reached out to grab it before slowly leaving the infirmary not before wrapping one of the white fleece blankets around myself. I walked around the deserted hallways of the shelter, guessing that everyone was asleep already. I made my way into the dining hall, then into the bedrooms where everyone was supposed to be sleeping in to spot everyone else who we had saved in the hunting ground. Everyone but one.

I opened the radar in search of one singular dot and followed it until I found myself in front of the metal ladders. I climbed them and opened the entrance door of the shelter, allowing the cool night wind to come in before spotting him staring at the sky. Dad turn sharply when he hears the door close behind me, he stands up from the sand and we stare at each other for a few seconds. I place my hands behind my back and smile sheepishly before opening my mouth to speak but get cut off him hugging me tightly.

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