Lets see you try and survive this

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--Y/n's POV--

"They are like candles..." I murmur. I reach to touch the tree's trunk, "It's... stone?" Emma murmurs, "Definitely wasn't in any of the books in the house." I say, which makes us both giggle before catching up with Ray and Mister. "There's no end to them." Mister says, we look at him. "The ones in this area... They're wild, but know how to form packs. They always keep in groups. Where there's one, there's more. On top of that, all varieties are very aggressive. In other words, you're seen, you're dead. They will call for more... And the band will fall on you. They will share the food together and crunch the bones." He tells us, blood drains away from my face and I can tell Ray and Emma felt the same.

"I can think of only one way to survive an encounter... Kill the hell out of 'em before they call for more. But with twerps like you three? Zero chance of pulling that off..."


'Therefore... Do not be spotted, don't let them near, and advance. If we cross this area before sunset, we can sleep away from their nests at night...' Yeah, I won't argue with that.' I think as we walk through the candle-forest. "How long do we have left?" Emma asks, "Maybe two hours before it gets dark." Ray replies while looking at his watch. "I see, let's do our best." Emma tells us. "Yeah, the distance's not bad either. So far the trip's been alright." Mister says, I beam cheerfully. 

--3rd person's POV--

'What's up with these three? The trip so far... Alright? They learn fast... Way too fast, actually. It's crazy. Though they're total newbies at everything... In these few hours, they've become able to walk without noise. Though I wonder why cyclops is always staring at Sherlock like she'll get snatched away any second now.' The man thinks while taking a side glance at the three kids, specially certain raven haired boy who watched over the (H/c)-ette carefully. "To the right." He tells them, "To the right? really?" Ray asks as he spots the fresh inhuman footsteps. "No, left." The man corrects which makes the boy grow an irk mark and the two girls sweat drop.

"Damn you-" Ray angrily murmurs, "I didn't spot it" Emma says, "Nice catch, Ray!" Y/n congratulates which makes his cheeks go pink for a split second. 'So that's it, huh...' The man thinks. 'Antenna is probably the heart, the black haired one, the wits. And judging by the brats' behavior, Sherlock's the guide and motivation. In other words, both girls are a pain in the ass, Sher is fundamentally more troublesome and better choice if I want to destroy their motivation, Antenna is Sherlock's right hand though. And cyclops is the one who basically lends a hand from the background. I wonder which ones will shut up more when they see the other one dead...' The man thinks.

Emma flinches, "Emma?" Y/n asks, "What's the matter?" Ray asks both girls, "Don't you feel it?" Emma asks, they look around cautiously for a few seconds. "Emma, move!!" Y/n shouts before pulling Emma out of the way but causes her foot to get stuck on a branch. Emma reached for the gun that had fallen off her shoulder. Emma's finger froze and time seemed to stop before blood splashes out of the creature's face. Y/n manages to pull her foot free and rushes next to Emma's side along with Ray. "Emma!" They both call out worriedly. Y/n cups Emma's cheeks together to inspect her in search of wounds and Ray helps her stand up. "I'm... I'm alive..?!" Emma asks, still pale, that made the two others sweat drop. 

"Thought yer dead, didn't cha." The man asks smirking. "You died for real right now, kid. Couldn't even pull the trigger in time" He says seriously, "Man, that was funny! Guess ya never seen man-eaters come from above before, huh? There's a bunch in this area! Well, I already knew that." The man laughs mockingly which makes Y/n sweat drop and Ray grow an irk mark. Y/n walks closer to the man, "Thank you Mister, you saved me!" She thanks him smiling brightly.  "Right, let's move on... Before the rest of the pack find the body here. I didn't save any one, you know." He replies

"What?" The kids ask in unison. "No one's saved. Man-eater don't die that easily" The man tells them. "Huh..?" Y/n murmurs, they turn around and their faces go pale once again. "They rise again very fast... It'll call the others now." The man adds before the creature let's out a loud roar. The group began to run away from the creature who was now chasing them. "You bastard! If you knew it's not dead, say something!" Ray angrily yells, "It was on purpose." The man cheerfully replies, "I didn't kill it and kept quiet on purpose, to have fun with you." He explains, "Why you-" Ray says but gets cut off, "'s alright, it's alright! I am not dying here." He says as they begin to climb up a rocky path.

"But you three... bit of a pinch, isn't it?" He adds. They look down to see a whole pack of demons pushing each other to get the lead "You messed with their meal and attacked one of the pack, they're pretty pissed off. This is even more terrifying than just letting them call the band!" The man explains, "You goddamned jerk-" Ray says but gets cut off again, "This is just your first stop to your journey to hell. Your lives are mine to play with now. Well then kids, Let's see how you get out of this one now." The man tells the trio. Ray and Emma's faces go pale while Y/n's face simply turns into a confident smile, "Challenge accepted!" She says, taking the man by surprise.

"Let's see how long you'll be able to keep that act up." He tells the girl who let's out a confident 'hm!' 

'We'll manage to escape this. No matter what!...The problem is just figuring out how...' She thinks.

Word count: 1017

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