Secret Garden

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--Y/n's POV--

I stand up after staying like that for a few seconds and walk toward the village, "If I was dead I wouldn't feel so worn out... Let's see, I was taken by something and the last thing I saw was... I don't know..." I recall out loud before spotting my bag in front of me, 'How did it end up here--? Now it's not the time. Where are Mister and the others? Are they safe?' I mentally ask myself before reaching to search my bag's contents. "Let's see, a few pieces of bread, the weird pistol,  a few bandages, the letters, a pen-- The pen!" I gasp, 'This is bad... How are they going to continue without the pen? But then again, Mister is with them... Let's just count that as a plus for now...' I think to myself.

I feel a chill run down my spine, 'Guess taking off my jacket wasn't at my best advantage, huh.' I think, 'At least the shirt and pants are black so the heat should stay there for a while.' I think before placing my bag over my shoulder and opening the radar, There weren't any dots apart from the red sparkle-like symbol in the middle of the tracker that showed the radar's location, "So they aren't anywhere near..." I murmur before closing it, clipping the chain in the top of my pants, and placing the 'pocket watch' in my pant's small pocket. and walking towards the town, It looked like the one in fantasy books and it had a 'Welcome' sign on the entrance. It gave off a happy-paradise feeling at first sight. 

'Everything's so colorful... It's like being in a fairy tail... Yet it still feels confined' I think, "I don't like this place..." I murmur before continuing to explore. 'Is this place for human..? No, it can't be it's too quiet, there isn't a single person here...' I think before spotting a windmill some distance away. 'I can't see clearly from here...' I think as I spot a carnival banner hanging from two light post, I smile to myself before removing it and pulling it to test it's strength. Once it didn't break and it seemed to hold up rather strongly, I rip off the papers hanging from it, leaving the rope alone and tying a rock to one of the ends.

'Let's see, what were Don's arm movements back when we escaped?' I think before moving my arm in a circular motion back and forth various times before throwing it, I failed five times before managing to wrap the rock around a rooster wind vane on the roof of one of the houses, I let out a relieved sigh, 'Don has my respects for managing to pull that off the first time... Let alone the distance... I'll definitely see them again, I promise.' I think to myself before beginning to climb up the rope, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched, but I kept going. I jumped from rooftop to rooftop (Almost lost my balance a few times) until I was able to see an open field where the houses stopped and I could see the windmill from before clearly along with what seemed like a country mansion.

I slid off the rooftop and fell on my feet before walking towards the open field but stopped on the stairs. 'I shouldn't go there yet... Think, a village, farm fields, a forest and a mansion... But I still am in the demon world, right? The weather, it feels like it's spring and the fauna in this place is extremely different from the ones we were in yesterday... And how am I unharmed? If  'ancients' are so important in their society, shouldn't they place them in a place where it's harder for them to escape? This all doesn't make sense...' I begin to walk back into the village.

'I can't even say 'yesterday', maybe days have passed since I last saw the others, what do I do if the trip here truly was weeks--?' I think before another thought hits me and I gasp, 'Idiot! I was so worried about them not having the pen I didn't realize I had it' I think before reaching to take out the pen but stop myself, "You can come out now, you know." I tell the person who had been following me for a while, "My name is-- Wait!" I try to say before they run away, I manage to catch a look at their purple hair and human body, 'Another human!' I think to myself before following them.

"Please wait!" I shout before running after them.

--???'s POV--

'Did that girl really manage to escape the farms? She looks like a clutz...' I think to myself as I watch the (H/c) haired girl fail miserably at what she was intending to do before she was able to wrap the rope around the wind vane, 'Though I got to give it to her, I wouldn't have been able to come up with an idea like that..' I watch the girl start climbing up the rope and disappear up the rooftops, It was getting harder for me to follow her from there so I had no choice but the follow her from land.

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