The Beginning of The End

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Y/n's eyes and hands trembled, eyes glued on the object her hands held, teeth clenched as tears threatened to fall. 

Her (H/c) hair danced along the wind as a déjà vu feeling flooded her throat, maybe trailing back to three years ago, when the house she had learned to love burned to ash in front of her. To anyone who didn't know any better, they'd think she was just staring into the vast desert on a calm night. Unless they saw the communication device she wore on her ear, appreciating every single moment of silence coming from it.

"Listen here, Y/n. I have a plan, but you gotta promise you'll follow through with it." Yuugo told her, she quickly nodded, she was about to say something before he stopped her, "Promise it, you'll follow through it. No negotiation or else I'll leave you on the blank."  He warned, her eyes widened and mouth became dry, "I—" She tried to speak, "Promise it on your family." She stayed quiet for a few seconds before looking up and nodding.

 "Lucas and I'll take the remaining bastards, I need you to wait outside the shelter, at least 20 meters away from the shelter. Once we're finished wiping them out we'll leave the shelter, and then we'll blow the place up," He takes out the auto destruction device of the shelter and handed it to her along with a communication device ear-piece.

"If anything goes wrong," He told her, "I'll  signal you, and you'll have to press it without us there—" "I can't do that—!"  She argued just to be stopped," Shut up and listen!!"  He snapped, shutting her up in a flash at the surprise of being yelled at. " That would be the worse case scenario, Jeez! Damn kids always looking at the glass half empty, this' what happens when you spend too much with Ray..." He murmured.

"We still have places to go together right?  I ain't letting you go off that promise that easily, so don't cha go giving up on your old man that easily just yet." Yuugo told her while ruffling her hair with a smile. Y/n felt a bump on her throat that refused to let her speak, "Y-yeah, I s-still have to hold you to that picnic, don't I..." She managed to choke out, offering Yuugo an off-brand copy of his smile.

'That's right, stupid dads. We still got places to go together with everyone...' She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in trying to calm her heart who threatened to jump out of her chest any second now. "Isn't that right, Norman?" She asked while giving herself a sad smile.

--Flashback to 11 year old Norman and Y/n--

Norman's eyes shot open from the sudden feeling of a new presence around to be greeted by the familiar face of his friend standing above him with a large smile, "Norman, you overconfident dummy. I knew I'd find you laying around without a care in the world." She nagged while crossing her arms in 'disappointment'.

Norman laughed nervously with a hint of pink on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his head, sitting up straight from the tree he was laying against. "Guess you've found me, huh. I suppose there isn't anyone left, good game." He congratulated her as she sat down next to him, "Yeah right, it probably took you three seconds at most to find this place. I've been searching for you for almost a whole hour now!" Y/n told him, Norman chuckled in surprise.

"But~ I suppose a good challenge is good once in a while." She adds while looking at the sky above them. "Hey Norman," She says, gaining the albino's attention, "Yeah?" "Once we leave the house, let's meet again and travel places together. Emma, Ray, you and me." She offers, Norman's heart skipped a beat at the last part. 

"I'd like that." He replied with his signature smile, "But...selfish, isn't it." Y/n suddenly asks, although it came out more as a statement, "To want more than this? We don't lack anything in the house, we have friends, mom, food, clothing, shelter..." She says, Norman shakes his head quickly before reaching to hold her hand, "Selfish people don't consider how their behavior affects others, their own convenience is all that matters. Y/n isn't like that," He gave her a reassuring smile, "You care for everyone in the house, just like Emma. So please don't describe yourself as selfish, 'kay?" He asked her.

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