45th Nights

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"Y/n Cetra, the last possible ancient that this world may have." A man with dark skin who had glasses and an X shaped scar on his bald head  said, cleaning his hands with a handkerchief, "Still don't understand what your point is with telling us all—Hey, can I eat them later? " A girl who had brown hair with pink streaks asked as the group walked through the cold hallways of the facility, pointing at a man-eater's corpse. 

"Who cares? Do what you want." A stout young man with short black hair patterned with a white "X" replied, waving around a bloodied nunchaku. "I'd tell you to cut it out, but ye will just do it anyways." He added. "It pisses me off that we're always the meat, y'know." She replied with a sly smile.

"The 'point', as you say, although I'm certain there must be more fitting words in the English vocabulary to describe the subject." The stoic man from before interrupted. "Is that this girl is vital to the demons' civilization, which makes her a key detail to Boss' plan." He explained. 

"Ahg?" A new voice said, coming from the user who wore a paper bag to hide his face, it only having two holes for his eyes' to peek through.

"Sooo... We just have to get rid of her?" The female guessed, earning a sharp glare from the man. "Don't be foolish. We need the girl, more specifically, what's inside the girl-alive." He corrected, the brunette huffed but smiled anyways as she moved from topics.

"Always us, raised as cattle... It pisses the hell out of me." She confessed, "Yeah, I get that... I'm as pissed as ya." The ravenette from before agreed. "I supposed I should say I'm... 'pissed' too. Don't you have any more words in your vocabulary?" Asked the man with glasses.

"Awah..." The paper head said. "For example? Any suggestions, smart guy?" The man with the nunchaku inquired hotly. "The possibilities are endless, surely. You could say you are enraged, furious, vexed... brimming with righteous anger at the injustice of the era?" 'Smart guy' offered easily. 

"What?! What does that even mean?" He asked as they entered a much larger room filled with children— if they could even be called that, although a more fitting word would be preserved corpses— sitting in rows hanging against the walls. The group was greeted by the back of a slender albino male. Unbothered nor surprised by their presence, only focused on the horrific scene in front of him, without looking over his shoulder he answered; 

"It means your heart explodes with anger at the way things are."

The darker skinned male walked next to the albino who finally removed his sight from the corpses to look at him. "The security?" He asked, to receive a quick reply of, "All destroyed while we came in, like you ordered."

The black haired male and the brunette  struggled to keep their focus on the conversation as their eyes remained glued in disgust at the sight. "Just awful." One murmured, "It stinks! Disgusting!"

"A clean looking building on the outside, but inside it turns out to be the worst kind of mass-production plantation..." The dark skinned man explained, disgust not lacking his face features. 

Locking his gaze upon the sight in front of him, "Zazie." The albino ordered the male wearing a paper bag who understood. He unshed the sword that hung on his waist and with one clean strike, broke the bars keeping the 'children' sitting straight. The albino kneeled in front of one of them and extended his hand.

"Come. We're here to help you." He offered to no avail, for the child's head who he extended his hand at  only tilted to the side tiredly as a tear escaped his eye. "Aa...Uh..Uuh." Was the only reply he got. Without warning, the albino hugged the child, making the two from before frown in pity and maybe a hint of repulsion.

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