The Snakes of Alvar Pinera

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--Y/n's POV--

'One of the two special books dedicated to us by Mr. Minerva. The one with Morse code that read 'Promise' was titled 'The Adventure log of Ugo'. A story of the main character Ugo and his lemur friend Marvine, and their adventures as the world'. I recall. "This is it! I read about something like this in this book when I was reading it in the infirmary... what page was it.. they were called the snakes of Pamela? no, wait.. snakes of Alma Melena? ... No, Snakes of Alvar Pinera! Yeah that's it!" I cheer while going through the book's pages as I carefully walked closer to Ray.

I finally manage to find the chapter where they where introduced and read it out loud. "The deep sea cave known as 'Alvar Pinera' turned out to be the nest of terrifying, poisonous snakes. The countless snakes intertwined with each other as if they were tree roots... And as if they were a single organism. They surrounded the walls all around us. The terror made the treasure by our feet feel even more beautiful. Are these snakes protecting the treasure? Or did they simply use the treasure to lure us in?- Quote from chapter 3. Sounds similar right? A cave, treasure, snakes. It's all talking about this tree! This book was truly meant to be a guidebook us!" I say, Emma's smile widens.

"Hold it, It does sound similar but... Well, I suppose it's possible. Let's give it a shot" Ray says, I nod. "If the book is correct, then the only way the tree can attack is.. Everyone back up a bit." I tell the others. Ray takes out his mug and throws it towards the roots. The touch it softly first with the tip of the roots then break it forcefully. "By touch!" Ray, Emma, and I say in unison.

"These things can only find us if we touch the tip of it's root!" Emma exclaims. We turn to look at Don and the others panicking. "Emma, Ray" I tell them, they nod. We walk towards the roots calmly to show them there was nothing to fear. We simply smile at them as they looked at us confused. "We'll be fine as long as we don't touch them!" Emma reassures them. 

"See, It's not scary if you think about it, right? So let's all calm down before continuing, alright?" I tell them. "Listen up!" Ray yells. 'So far with keeping a cool atmosphere' I think to myself. "Right now, our plan is to climb this trunk up the ceiling as initially planned. We have to make our way up there before the roots form a wall to reach us." He tells them, which makes them worried. "But I know we can do it. You all have tirelessly trained your climbing skills back at the house, right?" Ray reassures them.

"Then let's go, everyone!" Gilda tell them. "Let's get out of here quickly!" I tell them, helping the younger ones climb the first parts of the tree. 'The snakes of Alvar Pinera were all born from the ceiling of the cave. That's right. They were all simple rocks in form of snakes, this tree is no different. All of these wall roots are coming from the ceiling just like in the book' I thought to myself as I continued to climb behind everyone to make sure no one stayed behind. "Everybody, help me!" Emma shouts Emma says as she jumps and holds onto the ceiling's roots. A few kids copy her actions which makes the ceiling break. The roots back away as the cold winter wind hits them. We then climb out of the cave .

"Wow it really stopped" Lanni said while looking through the hole. "Woah, this place is suddenly really cold!" Don complains, I help Ray climb out of the cave by offering him my hand. I look at Mr. Minerva's book once again. 'Thank you, Mr. Minerva'.

 I see Ray walking towards me, "Can you sit down for a second?" He asks, "Uh, sure, why? I ask, "Anna says you should get your hand's bandage's changed. So show me your hands" "Oh it's okay I can do it-" I try to argue but he was already taking out the supplies. "It wasn't a question you idiot. Sit down on the root over there." He orders while pointing at a root, I do as told and sit on it. He kneels down before unwrapping the bandages and stares at the burns in in my hands. "It's a first degree burn so it should heal in a couple days" I tell him, He takes out a lavender oil bottle and starts applying it. "I'm sorr-" He was about to apologize but I cut him off. "You already apologized, silly, besides, you didn't ask me to catch it. It was my choice. And I don't regret it by a second. Yeah, it does sting a little but I can take it, It would be much more painful for you to die." I tell him with a a bit of pink in my cheeks. 

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