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3rd person POV

There was a long pause between the three children, only the clocks ticking was what kept the room from complete silence. Ray then smiled at the two kids "What are you saying? What's wrong, Norman?" Ray asked the albino in front of him.

"You already know by now, right?" Norman told the raven-ette. Y/n just looked down at the floor, her (H/c) bangs covering her eyes.

"I set a trap for three people, To Don, I said it was under my bed. To Gilda, I said it was in the second floor's bathroom's ceiling. That's what I told you Ray. But actually, I told Don it was in the dinning room, and Gilda that it was in the library." Norman told him, as Ray heard that, his smile fell.

"Then the rope under my bed disappeared. Then what about the other two locations? Should we go check them now?" Norman asked Ray.

Ray threw himself on the bed and started laughing before answering the albino, "Dang, I thought I was doing so well." Norman had looked at his friend worriedly.

"That's right, I am Mom's spy, but did it ever crossed your mind, that there was more than one spy?" Ray asked Norman, which made Norman looked at him shocked, "What are you saying?" Norman carefully asked the raven-ette who just smirked as a reply.

"Way to throw me into the water, Ray" Y/n complained as she crossed her arms but smiled, "I told you not to be naïve, it's not my fault you messed up" Y/n told her friend as she walked closer, then she turned to look at the albino and smiled "Bet you didn't saw that coming" She said to the albino who just stared shockingly at the (H/c)-ette who was acting like her usual cheery self unlike the boy next to her.

"Unlike Ray, my job is to spy on someone else, can you guess who?" Y/n asked the boy.

He nodded " Sister Krone." He answered as the girl nodded back.

"I was 'hired' to keep Sister on the 'less problematic side of the road', or at least that's how Mom stated it."


 (Y/n is telling the story as her own POV but I'll place it in 3rd person POV because that's how it was before) 

"Let's make a deal" Isabella told the the girl in front of her.

The girl in front of her just smiled and nodded.

"My dear Y/n, I want you to keep Sister Krone in the less problematic side of the road since you already seem to have her favor. If she starts getting too naive she might get in the way." Isabella told the the (H/c)-ette, who was suspiciously staring at her.

"In other words, you want me to stop her from telling 'headquarters'?" The girl asked the woman who shakes her head in response.

"I want you to not let her step over a line, for example doing naive moves, you and your siblings are valuable merchandise, after all. Today's game of tag would have been quite troublesome if someone had gotten hurt." Isabella told Y/n who flinched at the word 'merchandise'. 

"As a reward, I'll get you any object you want. But only once I know you've done it correctly." 

The girl thought for a moment, 'What could come in handy once we escape with everyone?' 

Then it hit her, since she couldn't guarantee that any information the woman in front of her was real, she decided to test her luck.

"I want a radar, or better known as a tracking devise" Y/n told her Mom, which caught her off guard.

Together, Always (TPN x reader fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant