Happy Memories Come To a Close

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Ray's eyes shot open and automatically landed on the unconscious girl laying on the ground. His eyes traveled to a yellow flower standing next to Y/n's sleeping bag, not being sure if it was there a few seconds before.

 He was quick to notice the unfamiliar object the hand he wasn't holding clenched tightly. Some sort of long needle that looked like a hair ornament, when he tried to touch it, Y/n's hand only held it tighter. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Y/n, I'm sorry...' Ray is pulled out his thoughts when he hears an unknown voice call his name, he turns around to be greeted by no one, the moment he returns his attention to the girl he notices how she had let go of the object. He stretched out his free hand to inspect the peculiar object, yet the moment his fingers made contact with it he felt his world go dark.

"Mister? Hello~! Sir?" He heard a nostalgic voice call out, causing him to shoot his eyes open once again, Ray found himself in a dark place, black surroundings with no sign of anything else other than water-like floor. "Took you long enough!" A young voice comments, "Y/n—!" He stops himself when he sees a much younger version of Y/n staring at him. "What happened to you— What is this place? Are yo—" She gasps, "You know my name?" She asks excitedly, "...What?" He murmurs, 'Is she perhaps someone else—?No, this is her... just where and what the hell is this place...? She looks like when she was first brought to the House, maybe even a bit younger...'

"...Are you listening to me?" He hears the girl ask, "Er— Yeah— No— Sorry." He admits, causing her to giggle and reach for something inside the flower basket she held, "Here, take it!" She says, handing him a purple flower he recognized in a heartbeat. "A helleborus dark flower?" He asked as a memory of the two of them years ago hit him like a baseball in the head.

"Ray looks like a helleborus black flower!" She tells him with a cheerful smile which the boy returns by looking away with dark red blushed cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm glad you know it! What's your name?" She asks, Ray let out a sigh—His theories being confirmed when he saw the ribbon the child wore. "Ray. It's Ray." He told Y/n, "Nice to meet you, Ray! I'm— I suppose you already know..." She said while connecting her hands behind her back and rocking back and forth. "Say, what are you doing here?" Ray asked her as he kneeled down to her level, she tilted her head. "Aren't you supposed to be asking what you are doing here?" She replied.

"Would you tell me?"


Ray stared at her taken aback for a few seconds before she giggled. "I couldn't! I don't know what you're doing here either, Ray." She clarified lightheartedly, Ray looked down for a second as he thought. "...I'm here looking for someone." He said, and he could've swore he saw stars lighting up on her eyes. "They must really mean a lot to you, huh! It's really difficult to reach this place, let alone leave it, at least that's what Mommy says." She told him, "...How did you get here, then?" He asked, "...Hmm, I should ask mommy, she knows thi~is much!" She answered, stretching her arms widely in the air. 

"Where is sh—?" "I know! I'll help you find your friend! Mommy says I have to help anyone who needs it whenever I get the chance, she gets really happy when I tell her I help Mister Butler. C'mon, Ray! Let's find— Eh, who are we trying to find?" Ray stares at her uneasily before sighing, "I think you two would get along really well. Let's call her older Y/n for the moment." He told her as he ruffled her hair, causing her to give him a cheeky smile. 

"Well then, let's find future me!" She told him, the moment she reached to grab his hand, the water-like floor was replaced with millions, maybe trillions of flowers, the black surrounding changed to a clear sky. The depressing background that he was in just moments ago turned into a picture perfect flower meadow landscape of all different flower types. "Just what the hell is this place...?" He murmured, "Did you say something?" The girl asked unfaced, "Did you not—? Were we always here?" He asked confusedly, the child tilted her head before laughing, "Whoever she is, she must have a whole lot of patience with you, doesn't she? You're weird, Ray!" She giggled.

Together, Always (TPN x reader fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat