Chapter 14: Crowns

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Yn's P.O.V

I was caring for Cyan when I heard Brown screech again. I rushed out, it had been two weeks since Brown reported Purple and Pink's bodies. I walked up to Brown, he was shaking.
"What is it?" I asked, he pointed forward. I followed, and there lay Yellows body. I screamed.


I was rubbing Browns shoulder, poor Brown. He found another body, thats to stressful for him. This time it was his best friend. And I need to have a talk with Blackenend.
"Who was it?" Cyan squeaked.
"It was Yellow, Brown, I wouldnt speak. You can't speak English untill you calm down. So, just need or shake your head if you agree or disagree, Ok?" I said. Brown nodded. I rubbed his shoulder more. He nodded.
"So, where was it?" Blue asked.
"Storage" I said. Brown was messing with his oxygen tube that cinected him to his airpack. I wrapped my arm over his shoulders. Blue looked around. Mini, Cyan, Blackenened, me, and brown. That was all that was left here. The mission to mars was terminated.  The NASA people was working on diresting the ship back home. It had been 2 hours since they notified me. Then I decided to tell them.
"Uhm, I also have news," I announced.
"What is it, Yn?" Blue asked.
"Well, uhm, the Mission was terminated-"
"WHAT?!" Blue yelled.
"Yeah, uhm... NASA Had terminated it because all of the deaths, so they are working in sending us back home... we should be getting the directions back to Earth here very soon. But for now, They said to take it easy, and prepare to go home." I said, gasping for air after saying that much. Blue looked at me, then to poor Brown. Brown was sobbing. And I held him closer.
"So, we're not finishing the mission?! After how far we had gotten?! Are you serious!?" Blue yelled.
"Blue, just stop it! We will be safe when we get home! We dont have to look over our shoulders anymore when we arrive!" Cyan said. Blackenend just stayed quiet. I knew he was not going to say anything. And speaking of him, I need to talk to him, Without cyan.
"Alright, Meeting over, I need to have a talk with someone-" I glared at Blackenend. I grabbed Blackenend's hand and drug him to his room.

Upon arriving at his room:

"What the heck Blackenend!? What Is wring with you? Why are you killing them?" I asked with pure anger.
"I dint." Was all he said, his Russian accent was strong.
"Dont you lie to me. I know that Cyan would never. And why would Brown or Blue kill Yellow?" I asked, angry.
"Zhut up."
"No, tell me why you killed yellow."
"VINE IV JOU ZHUT UP Я VIL! DAMN OT HUOMAN!" Blackenend yelled, a growl leaked from him.
"Я kil 'm bekauz 'e vaz kloze tu vind uot." (Я=Ya=I in russian)
"About you being the Imposter?" I asked.
"Да" (Да=Da=Yes in russian) " 'e gunna ju trie tu ejekt mah. Ond azk 'ue tu halp 'im."
"Well, we would have been safe if that happened Blackenend-" I growled at him. He growled straight back at me.
"Whatever. I'm gonna go now." I said, but as I was about to go, Blackenend grabbed me, and pinned me against the wall. I squeaked.

Blackenend's P.O.V:

  I pinned Yn against the wall. I could just kill them right now. But, no. I can't because they knows their way back to Earth. The only reason I'm on this Damn ship was to get it back to earth, and repopulate it. Yeah, they might be half me and Half human. But that is what I have. Then, I smelled them, and and I shook my head. They smelled wonderful. Like-(Insert ur smell here lol). And I just stood there, inhaling their scent.
"Ca-can you let me go now?" They asked.
"Нет" (Нет=Nyet=No in russian).
"Thank God for my russian lessons-" I heard them whisper under their breath. Then J lifted them.up and threw them on my bed. K-thunk was the sound of them hitting my bed. I made my way over, and sat on the edge. I was gonna ask them why they were here.

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