Chapter Four: What are you doing!?

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I screamed and then a hand covered my mouth, I had my helmet off, and (female choice my hair was pulled up into a nice ponytail). The hand was huge, and it had a dark color and or it was black colored. Then I felt something wet drip down my cheek. Then I was enclosed in someone's chest.
"Shuuuuut upp" Blackenend's voice commanded. Blackenend.
"Dontt zay a vorrrd, do you underrrrrstand?" He whispered in my ear, I could now hear his hard Russian accent. It sent a chill down my spine. No wonder he cold-bloodedly murdered Orange, but I still didn't understand why he asked me to be quiet. I nodded. He let go. But still had a iron grip on my forearm. I rubbed my cheek, I looked down at my hand, Blood. I squeaked. Blackened tightened his grip on me.
"Why did you take me like you were kidnapping me? Where even are we?" I asked. Blackened growled.
"You azk alot of questions." He said in a short and choppy way.
"Well why not? Anyway where are we again?" I asked again.
"Don't azk Cyan questions. " he said.
"Cuaze. You don't need to know anyzing about me."
"Becauze." Blackenend was getting annoyed.
"Telllll meeeeeeee"
"Why not?"
"I'm going to kill you"
"Why- wait what?"
"Just zhut up alrrready."
"You arrre the most annoying out zem all."
"Thank you"
"Nut a calment" (how some things that are spelled like this, is just an accent, I know how to spell.)
"Just tell me, wait, what do I want you to tell me? Oh well I forgot."
"Yourrr zoch uh dumb female/male."
"I have a name!"
"Don't knew it. And don't karrre, and never vill."
"Its Y/N."
"Don't karrre."
"What do you want though?" Blackenend jumped so suddenly and lifted me off the ground by my neck.
"I zaid tu zut up!" Blackenend growled in my ear, his accent growing stronger and getting in the way of speaking English. I nodded. He pushed harder. I gasped for air. I started to tap repeatedly on Blackenend's arm. He let me go and I fell to the ground. I looked up to see Blackenend groan, rubbing both of his temples, or the outside part of his helmet to where the temples might be. Then he whispered something I was terrified of.
"I can juzt kill him/herrr rrright now if I wanted tu."
"Your not the imposter I dont think." I said with sass.
"Jou dont knew that."
"Cyan would be dead if you were the imposter."
"That jourr rrright about."
"Se-" blackenend put his hand over my mouth to silence me. Then I heard footsteps. He inclosed me in his chest again. I felt like he was going to do the same thing to as he did to Orange. Then there was a sound of running footsteps heading past us. Blackened tightened his grip on my forearm. The footsteps went whizzing past me.
"Y/N!!! WHERE ARE YOU!? Y/N!!" Blue yelled. I wanted to yell back where I was, but from what I heard about Blackenend. No way. I prefer not to be in trouble from him. He already murdered Orange. Blackenend shifted. I wanted to take the chance, but I am to scared too. Blackenend turned me to face him.
"Now, I'll be watching jou. Watch what jou zay." And just like that, he let me go, and disappeared, like he always did. I ran forward to the hallway and ran out of the room. I ran after Blue to tell him what had happened.

Blackenend's P.O.V.

I watched Y/N run off in the direction where Blue was headed.  I growled because I wasnt stupid. He/she was going to tell Blue. But that doesn't bother me much, Blue watched his Older Brother, male Cyan on the first flight get his head ripped off by me because he didnt take my warning. I tend to be violent, but that's my role. I followed Y/N to where he/she was going, I stayed in the shadows to prevent being seen. I wasnt going to get caught spying on people. No way, I will never get caught, that is how good I am at lying. And how good I am at scaring the innocent.

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