Chapter 13: Why?

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Yn's P.O.V

   I sat in my bedroom, think aback.

Я VAAZZZNT DOONEE YN!!! KUUMME BAAK OUUTT HERRR!!!!!" Blackened yelled outside my door, slamming his fists on the door, shaking the room. I finished barricading the vent and sat in the corner that was farthest from the two. Some of the stuff I used to barricade the door fell to the ground, Blackenend started to kick the door. He was going to get in. I started to sob, and barried my head between my knees and trembled. What did I do to make him mad? Cyan would know. But I cant go get Cyan right now. I heard a groan from my door, he was almost in. Then I heard a crash and the door hit the ground, He was in. I heard his bootsteps hit the floor, and started towards me. Then I heard yells from the others. Then Blackened let out a scream. I jumped and peaked, Brown had takeled him, blue was pinning his legs. Blackened tore Brown off of himself and stood, Blue went after him, Brown joined. Green, Pink, Purple, and Cyan were outside my room, and Cyan was crying. I watched Blue start to hold Blackenend's arms and hands down. Brown pushing down on his chest and making sure Blackenend couldnt move. Blue grabbed something and a loud BANG filled the room." 

  I shivered. I shook to the core when I thought back to that night. Why was he so angry? I mean, Blackenend had to be the Imposter. He had to be, But I knew he was. Then my door was knocked on.
"Hello?" I asked.
"H-hello? Yn? It's Cyan." Cyan's weak, trembling voice came in.
"Oh! Come in!" I said. She opened the door. She stepped in. He small, fragile twinkish figure looked like it was to crumble. She was tripping over her feet. She tripped over her foot, but she started to fall. I instantly stood up, and ran over to her. I held her up, and she leaned on me, it had been about 5 days since the incident, and Cyan looked horrible.
"Hey, hey! Cyan! Are you feeling well?" I asked, "Cyan!"

Cyan's P.O.V


"CYAN!!!" I heard my name being shouted.
"AAH!" I screamned, oh, It was only Yn.
"Heh, heh sorry. What did you need? Annnnd when did I get in your room, I dont quite remember. Heh heh." I said shyly.
"You came stumbling in. You look horrible! Whats has been going on Cyan? Im so worried about you!" Yn said. Their voice highpitched in worrie. My stomach hurt, alot.
"Im ok! Heh, I-Ahhhh, my stomach. Im sorry I-" I started, but Yn slammed me onto the bed and laied me down.
"Lay down. Youll possibly feel better. OK? I cant remeber who was the doc on here," Yn said, clearly thinking aloud.
"I-It was Red, But Bl-"
"Dont even say it. My awnser is no, something is going on, and you look like you haven't ate in months. Dont even say his name." Yn said sternly. I nodded. I was quiet for a moment to pay respects to Red. Poor Red. I feel horrible for him. But he is in a better place now. I saw Yn think.
"W-what are you wondering? Ask me, Ill tell you." I said, blandly.
"Why are you and Blackened so close?"
"Well," I thought back to my first flight into space. That was the last mission.
"I met Blackenend the last flight. But there was two Imposters. No three. Last Imposter was Yellow. He was kicked out into the Void. Blackened killed everyone else on the fight, thats when I found out About him. And we were togeter ever since, even though he has been on this mission for, mmm lend me a moment to remember how long he's been on this ship.... ah! Yes, 26 years to be exact. And he told me everything, I did the same for him of course. Yes, even though he is the Imposter, he has softness to him. But, he's-he's a hard nut to crack. But when I say he can be soft, I mean it. How? Well, he ranted on and on to me how he wanted to string your guts around the ship as garlin. But, you know, I convinced him to not too. Your welcome, by the way. But yes. He can be nice, but, he has very bad problems. So, yeah." I said. Yn looked shocked. I shook my head.
"Can I get something to eat now?" I asked. Yn jumped up and ran yo get me food. I could tell they forgot. I giggled at that.

<ayyyyy waaas up everyone, sorry so late. I tried to hurry, and btw im getting back into this subject! 🎆🎆🎇🎉🎊🎉🎊🎇🎆🎆 yaaaaaay! Im thinking about starting another book that is like this, but not centered around a Yn, but around Cyan and Blackenend,  make it an Imposter Love Story. Eee I love it already lol. Anyway, this book is comeing closer and closer to the end! But, fear not my friends! I will most likely make that book i was typing about! Have a awesome day/night!!>

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