Chapter 11: Purple And Pink

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Yn's P.o.v.

     I sat beside Blue and was watching him so a small wire project. He ticked something, and it started to move, I squealed in delight.
"Awwwweeesoommme!!!" I exclaimed. Blue smiled at my excitement.  I was about to say something, untill black stormed in.
"Jou! De vemaal! Я 'ave vew vorrdz tu geet thrruu jou!" (You! The female! I have a few words to get through you!) He growled. I jumped.
"Y-yes Blackenend?" I squeaked. Blackenend walked over to me and snached my neck collar, and drug me away, I yelped and squirmed.
"B-ACK!!!-Blue!!! Whats g-ACK!-Going on!?" I yelled. But Blue was frozen. Blackenend continued to draw me away. And never even said anything, just walked with his large hand gripping my neck collar dragging me along.

:15 minutes of draging later:

   Blackenend stopped, and it was a dark place he stopped at. He let my collar go, and I instantly griped the back of my neck.
"Geezzz" I grumbled.  "Whats your problem?"
"Offensive, ow, my feelings,"

"Vor al я kar, day kan rrrut in a hul vor da rrrezt uv errrnerrnaadie." (For all I care, they can rot in a hole for the rest of eternity)
"What do you want, Blackenend?"
"Tu put vordz tru jer hed" (to put words through your head)
"Wha-" I begun untill Blackenend's helmet split and his mouth opened up and the tongue came out, wraping around my (female: Waist, Male: Lovehandles). I screamed.
"NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" He pulled me me close to him and two of his tenticals wraped around me, restraining my arms to my sides. His tongue unwrapped around me.
"Zhuaaaghhht uppp huuummaaaan!!" He growled in a unhuman way. "Youuuurrr noottt goiiinng too dighhee yeeet!!" I started to tremble.
"Imm nooott goiiinng tooo killll youuuu yeeeeetttt, buuuuuut onnnee wrrrrounnngg muuuvveee, aannnnd I willl noottt hessssssssssaataatee tooo riippp youuurr guuutssss outtt" he growled.
"w-what d-d-d-do y-you w-w-w-want?" I wimpred.
"I waaaaannnttt yooooou tooo doooo sssssssommeethinnng forrr meeee,"
"I wisssssssssh, buuuutt noooo"
"then w-w-w-w-what?"
"Ssssstaay ouutt off myyy waaaayyyy"
"I d-d-do,"
"o-ok." And like that, his tenticals unwrapped from me, and he went back to his normal looking self. I ran, and I knew it was a bad move, but I continued to run, I heard Blackenend yell, and his heavy boots hit the floor. So this is what it feels like when your running away from an Imposter. Hmm. Well then. Went I reached the normal map, I ran to my room and slammed my door shut. I locked the door and started to barricade it, as soon as I finished that, I started to barricade the vent.
"Я VAAZZZNT DOONEE YN!!! KUUMME BAAK OUUTT HERRR!!!!!" Blackened yelled outside my door, slamming his fists on the door, shaking the room. I finished barricading the vent and sat in the corner that was farthest from the two. Some of the stuff I used to barricade the door fell to the ground, Blackenend started to kick the door. He was going to get in. I started to sob, and barried my head between my knees and trembled. What did I do to make him mad? Cyan would know. But I cant go get Cyan right now. I heard a groan from my door, he was almost in. Then I heard a crash and the door hit the ground, He was in. I heard his bootsteps hit the floor, and started towards me. Then I heard yells from the others. Then Blackened let out a scream. I jumped and peaked, Brown had takeled him, blue was pinning his legs. Blackened tore Brown off of himself and stood, Blue went after him, Brown joined. Green, Pink, Purple, and Cyan were outside my room, and Cyan was crying. I watched Blue start to hold Blackenend's arms and hands down. Brown pushing down on his chest and making sure Blackenend couldnt move. Blue grabbed something and a loud BANG filled the room.

Blue had tranked Blackenend.

Narrator's P.O.V

A few hours had passed and Things started to calm down. Blackenend was still out though. Brown, Blue, Green, Pink, and purple had comforted them, but Cyan disapeared. Cyan went to care for Mini. But when Blackenend woke up, he raged, and ran out and he to disappeared, Purple and Pink had said their good nights, and went to bed. But that was a few minutes before Blackenend had woken up. After that, everyone had died off and went to bed. Not suspecting anything. Yn thought they had heard a scream of pure terror, but pushed it to the side, thinking it was their mind playing a few games on them. And they hoped they were right.

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