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Hello im alive, yes I am. I compleatly forgot about this book, an i working hard to finish it. I have lost intrest in this book. And i am so very sorry! And I might not finish it, but with some motivation I might be able too! Also I would have posted this, MUCH sooner but my god damn Email/Gmail thing on here wasn't worling, stateing "Verify email and try again later." For me, I will get angry easy, so I when Bazirk at this (sorry if I did that incorrect, Englizh is meh second language lol) and so I gave up soon after, and Im trying again now, and I finally got this to post!! (Even though it took 5 million years) also, 1K reads!! Oh my god! (Sorry Christians) thank you all so fucking much!!! (Sorry, excuse my Russian) I ish ded now.


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