Chapter 15; What is wrong?

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Yn's Pov.

I had just been thrown onto Blackenend's huge ass bed. He sat down on the edge, and stared at me. I saw his helmet had cracks in it. Thats where he had his mouth. Tbh, he kinda reminded me if the movie Venom. With the tongue, and everything I guess... I shifted to be more comfortable.
"Vhie ar jou 'ere?" He suddenly asked.
"W-what-?" I asked. I fumbled with my Oxygen tube that gave me Oxygen from my pack. He growled, his tongue slipping out, and flicking like a mad cats tail
"WHIE AR JOU HERE?!" He yelled. I flinched.
"What d-do you mean?" I stammered.
"Vhy did jou zing up to be zent to de new planet?" He asked, his tongue still flicking.
"B-because i wanted to m-make my parents proud. W-why are you h-here?" I said. He thought for a moment.
"Bc, I vaz zent tu kill all but vone, ond repopulate de zhip, and populate Earth, zo mah kind could Crosz-Breed tu ger kin" he said. I looked at him. He looked up at me.
"So, your planning to kill us all, and repopulate with Cyan?" I asked. He was silent for a moment more.
"Im nut zure, jou now jer vay bak to Earth, Cyan dust Vholesume, dumb, and blind tu vhat I am. Pluz Zhe already 'ave kid." He said, I knew what he was going with this.
"So, your going to use me, then kill me?" I asked. He didnt respond. I stood up.
"Well, ill keave you to think Black." Was all I said, as I left him in his room. I walked to the Cafè, and Blue, Cyan, Brown, and Mini were there. They were all talking. Everyone else was dead, because Blackenend killed them all. I let out a deep sigh.
"Hey, Yn! Where have you been?" Blue asked.
"Eh-" i simply grunted.
"Whats wrong?" Brown asked. I see he has his English back.
"Nothing. Im ok. Thank you for asking though." I said, joining them at the table. We all talked and everything, but I kept dosing out, thinking abt what Blackenend had said. I brushed it iff when I heard Cyan.
"Yn-? Are you alright, your very quiet-" she whispered.
"Yeah, Im ok Cyan. Just thinking, and clearing my mind." I said. Cyan nodded.  I stood up, and wsnt for a walk around the Skeeld. I was thinking, I walked into Navigation, and looked at the stars. It was beautiful. They were beautiful. I sat down, and just stared out the windows at the endless galaxy of beauty, and curiosity, and danger. I ached to be back home with my family, but I have my doubts thats ever gonna happen. Then I heard footsteps. I turned to see Blue coming close to me. He sat down beside me, and took off his helmet. I had mine off previously.
"Hey Yn, you seemed lonely." Blue said.
"Were you watching me on Cams?" I said. He nodded. I let out a giggle.
"Hey I wa-" Blue started.
"Look at the stars." I interrupted.
"Ok." He had said. We looked out of the endless void of stars. I leaned against Blue's arm, and rested my head on his shoulder. We were the same height, so it wasnt a problem. He smiled, and continued to look out in the black void. I was getting slightly tired, but I could not fall asleep. Blue wrapped his arms around me, and gave me a hug. I snuggled close to him. But I finally somehow drifted off. And I went into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Blue's Pov.

Yn had somehow fallen asleep. I smiled and put their helmet on, and put mine on. I lifted them up, and carried them to Medbay so they could sleep peacefully.  I enjoyied to watch them in their slumber, it gave me a sence of peace and calmlyness. I sat them down, and covered them up. I smiled as I left the medbay room, but then, I saw Blackenend head this way, so I ran back in, and hid behind a bed. Blackenend walked in, and went for Yn. I was about to say something wen he stopped.
"Peaceevulll." He hissed. He sat there, and watched them sleep. I sat there, watching him, ready for anything because I have a feeling that the Imposter is him.

(Hellooooo, I finally decided to do a chapter bc I was bored. And I wrote this in 10 minutes- eeeehhhhhhhh. And I decided to try to summon the want to finish this book. So I will try to finish this! <the ending isnt gonna be happy one btw ;[> Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night!

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