Chapter 16; Directions

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Blackenend's pov.

I just was standing there, looking over Yn. They just was so peaceful. Yeah, Cyan was to, but I liked to observe Yn sleep. I have done it many times before, but this one was different. I knew Blue was hidden somewhere in here, and he was ready to protect his newfound 'crush' and I was ready to kill him. But, I will not do that just yet. Then Yn's helmet dinged. I picked it up, and looked in it. I pulled up the hologram and pushed a few buttons. Then the message came up into my helmet screen. I sat Yn's helmet down by them, and I looked through the message. It was the directions to Earth. I picked up Yn, and Put her helmet on, and sabotaged the lights. I took her to the Navigation room. I had completely forgotten about Cyan. I just had my mind on Yn. I entered the Navigation room, and sabotaged the hallways so no one could get into Navigation. I sat Yn down on a chair beside the controls. I typed in the cordanets for Earth, and the ship accepted them. And we were on our way. Then it required Yn's handprint. I growled. I turned to their sleeping figure, and sighed. I will regret this.

I walked over to them, and took their helmet off. And since you can't take your glives offer without unhooking them from the inside, I had to take her left shoulder and arm out of her suit. I started to unbutton the neckpiece, and I unhooked the cable on the left shoulder that connected it to the Airpaxk, and I started to unzip the front.
(Females will have a bump bc of the breast, males, you just have flat: I unziped her suit and went past her breast area and stoped at her belly. :females: I unziped down his torso and pause right at his stomach :males:)
Finally I shimmied their left arm and shoulder out of the suit. And grasped their hand. (brittle for females, and smaller hand for males) I put their hand down on the scanner, and it flashed green. Good, Im not glad it is working. Then I heard a gasp. I spun around to see who it was. Brown.
"VHY AR JOU UNDRESSING YN!?" He yelled. He ran towards me. He tackled me down to the ground.
"GERRTT OVVF OV MAH!" I screeched. He pinned me down, and my helmet cracked. I tried not to let a tentical slip out and give me away.
"Jou herd mah," I hissed as I pushed him off. I stood up, and walled baxk over to the still sleeping Yn. Brown got up aswell.
"Well, Im stuck wit jou bc de doorz ar shabotoged." He said. I growled.
"Idk abt dat, gu check again." I grolwed, and Brown walked off. As soon as I knew he had walked out from the doors, I shut them again. I started to redress Yn, and before I could put their helmet on, I picked them up. I took my helmet off, and I just stared at Yn. They were (fem, Beautiful, male, peaceful) loooking rn. I just stared. Their Hc was just slightly shineing bc of the stars. My Inky black hair was just short, and not shineing at all. I sat down on the ground, my back to the left wall, beside the vent. I cradled Yn. All of a sudden, I felt a large will to protect them, and be on their side, and be there for them. Even though the countless times I tried ti scare them off, I just wanted to be with them. I pulled them really close, and hugged them. My head in their neck. They smelled like they always had, (insert smell). I just loved to smell that on them. I didnt like it before, but it fits them so well. I growled in want. I knew what I wanted. I wanted Them, no, no one else, just them. The growl continued to get deeper. My want, my lust just growing. I ignored that, for now. I stood up, and then thats when Yn stirred. I waited.


Ello. CommunistSovi here, and I wanted to do another chapter! So I did! Anyway, good day or night to you all!

Among Us, Impossible friendship (Canceled/discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora