Chapter 22

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A/N The reason for the picture above is because that is all Lucy sees while she is blacked out 😆

Snape's POV

It has been exactly 2 weeks now since the incident. Potter was the one who found her and Lynn scurried away once more teachers began approaching. I was only able to see her once she was placed in the hospital wing. I will never forget that sight. Her bruised and bloodied body laying there so lifelessly. It was a miracle she survived and also that I did not murder the boy who did this to her. He was expelled for life from Hogwarts, but I believe he deserves a far worse punishment.

Every night I sit by her side and tell her everything that is going on in school at the moment. About how the chamber of secrets has been opened and Hogwarts might have to close because of all the petrified children. I know she might not be able to hear me and these news are quite grim, but I can't just sit there in silence when I visit her. It gives me a sort of feeling of comfort, like I can actually talk to her.

I just wish she would finally wake up..

Jennie's POV

Our dorm room feels so empty without Lucy here. I keep staring at her bed and wishing she would be there and smiling at me like she usually does. Hermione, Harry, Ron and I were are all trying to figure out who could be the one who opened the chamber and what is causing everyone to become petrified. Just today Hermione was found petrified as well. It is an awful sight seeing two of my friends in the hospital wing and not being able to help them. The boys and I really need to figure out how to stop this fast because if Hogwarts closes, I won't be able to see Lucy every day in her hospital bed like I can now.

—- Time Skip —-

We actually did it. The boys and I just flew out of the Chamber with Fawkes. I was worried sick about Harry after Ron and I got separated from him because of the wall of rocks, but Harry managed to save Ginny and kill the Basilisk. Apparently the sword of Gryffindor appeared to him and Fawkes came to the rescue when Harry was injured by the beasts fangs.

We were sent to the infirmary just to get checked for the minor bruises and scratches we got. Harry was called to Dumbledores office first, so Ron and I went alone. When we entered we saw Lucy still hadn't woken up yet and all the petrified students were still frozen in time. Snape was also there, he shot us a quick glance and then went back to looking at Lucy. God I hope she wakes up soon.

Lucy's POV

"No more reports of petrified students yet, but your little gang of friends actually managed to defeat the Basilisk and save that Weasley girl."

What was he talking about? I heard my fathers voice for the first time. Where am I? I can't open my eyes. I also can't feel anything. I just remember Jake Lynn, he beat me. Then I blacked out. Am I still asleep?

"Hey Lucy, it's Jennie." I heard her voice now. Did they just bring me to the hospital? Why can't I open my eyes?

"I heard Hermione will wake up soon, I hope you do too."

Hermione? Is she okay? Oh no, hopefully Jake didn't get her too.

I am trying so hard to move, but I just can't. I am feeling incredibly tired. I want to keep listening to what they are saying, but I feel like I am about to fall asleep again.

— Dream —

Shadow is here, we are in the forest together. I know I must be dreaming because I still remember I am most likely in the hospital and right now in this dream I have no injuries at all.

I walk up to him and place my hand on his scaly neck. He sits down and motions with his head for me to take a seat on his back. I slowly climb up, feeling a sense of safety and security.

— Dream end — 

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