Chapter 17

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A/N This chapter is a little longer 😀

Lucy's POV

Hagrid and I both knew it would not be clever to keep Shadow out in the open like this, so before I headed back inside to tell Severus that everything went fine, we brought him to a lake that connects to a different forest and was not too far away from Hagrid's hut. He should stay there and rest until his wound has healed.

It was currently spring and the weather outside was beginning to warm up a little. Jennie and I were sitting in the courtyard while Harry, Ron and Hermione were in their common room. Ever since returning back from Winter break, they have been hanging out more with each other and been acting very secretive for some reason.

Before I could ask Jennie what she thought about this, I heard that it was time for class again.

Later that night while I was wandering the corridors alone on my way to the Slytherin common room I was deep in thought about why my friends had been excluding me when I suddenly heard them arguing close by.

"We can't go tonight, what if Lucy was right and Snape isn't the one trying to get the stone?"

"I don't know Hermione, I mean I also feel bad for leaving her out but of course she would be biased when it comes to this. He is her dad after all." I heard Harry's voice.

"I don't trust Snape one bit, especially not after what he did to your broom Harry!" This time I heard Ron exclaiming.

"Alright, we go through the trapdoor tonight then." Hermione said.

"Let's go then, I bet Snape is already on his way there!" Ron called.

I had enough, I was furious. Is that why they were excluding me? Because they were planning on trying to stop my father who was allegedly stealing some stupid stone.

"Is this the reason you were avoiding me? Because you are planning on exposing an innocent man and putting yourself in danger in the process?" I yelled.

They all turned around with shocked expressions at the same time.

"Lucy, we didn't know you were there." Harry mumbled.

"I'm sorry, we really wanted to include you in this." Hermione took a step towards me "But we know that you don't believe your father is the one who is trying to steal the stone."

"All the evidence speaks against his innocence, we really need to get going now or it might be too late. Sorry again." Hermione gave me a sympathetic smile.

I knew I had to make a split second decision right then, so before they were able to leave I called out for them to stop.

"I'll come with you!" I called after them.

I still fully believed my father was innocent, but I knew that whatever is guarding that stone must be dangerous. This is why I decided it would be best for me to come with them, just in case something bad happened it would be safer if more people were present.

"What?" Ron asked dumbfounded.

"We don't have time to question her motives, let's go!" Harry urged and we sprinted towards a long dark corridor and stopped in front of a large wooden door.

Once we got into the room a three headed dog was sleeping peacefully while a harp was playing itself in the corner of the room.

"Snape must have put fluffy to sleep using the harp!" Ron exclaimed while Harry and Hermione were working on moving the dogs paw away from what looked like a trap door. I decided not to comment and just silently rolled my eyes.

Once successfully opening the trap door, we all one by one jumped down only to land in a pit of black plants that immediately wrapped around my whole body. We were all struggling to untangle ourselves, but Ron seemed to be having the most difficulty.

"Guys you need to relax your bodies, this is devil's snare. If you don't stop moving it will eventually kill you." Hermione said and suddenly stopped moving completely. I followed suit, remembering us learning about this plant in class a few weeks ago.

Hermione and I fell through the plant to the floor that was beneath it first. Once we told the boys we were fine, Harry also fell through. Ron was struggling though, he just couldn't keep still. I thought for a second and then remembered that we heard devil's snare is sensitive to sunlight so I shot a bright beam of light to the area where Ron was and he tumbled down.

"Thanks." He thanked me while dusting off his knees.

The next room we entered had a swarm of keys with wings flying around in the air and there was a broom floating in one part of the room. Harry knew what to do, he got on the broom and chased the right key which was a broken one to fit the rusted looking lock of the next door we needed to enter. After swatting away the other keys he eventually got the right one and opened the door.

This room was an entire life sized wizards chess board with the figures standing in a ready position. They were made out of stone and when Harry tried to pass by the pawns they blocked the way with their swords.

"I think we need to play to pass." Ron explained.

I knew him and Harry were quite experienced at this game. I had only played it a few times with Jennie so I was familiar with the rules, but definitely not a skilled player.

Ron noticed that on our side were some missing pieces and one on Harry's side. He told us we would need to take the place of the figures that were missing and play as them.

The game overall was going well and I could tell that there were only a few more moves left for Harry's side to win. I was hoping once that happened we could all pass through onto the next door.

After Ron moves his knight forward I suddenly noticed something and my stomach dropped. There was no way for all of the pieces we were playing as to stay unharmed if we wanted to end the game.

Ron must have also noticed, because he called out "Harry, you need to send your queen my way, only then you can checkmate. You are the one that needs to go on and stop him from stealing the stone, not me."

"Wait, if he does that he also needs to still send a pawn my way. But if he sends the queen to me, only the figure I am playing as will need to be attacked and nobody else in order for Harry to win."I called out.

"Lucy no, you can't do that. I am sitting on the knight so I will only be knocked off a height, you will get her attack full force!" Ron yelled.

"I'll get hurt either way Ron, if the queen doesn't get me the pawn will."

"No you can't, there must be another way!" Hermione cried out.

I mentally sighed, really not wanting to sacrifice myself. But I knew it had to be done.

Harry called out for the queen to come my way. My whole body was shaking as I watched her inch closer. Finally, she was standing right before me. I tried closing my eyes but the shock made my whole body impossible to move. I saw her take aim and then swing her stone chair at my body.

The pain instantly shot through the side of my chest where the chair hit and I was flung across the room. I already began to loose consciousness mid air and once I skidded across the ground and watched how a pool of blood was forming around me, I fully blacked out. 

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