Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV 

The next few weeks went by with no major events except for one day when on my way to potions I spotted Jake walking towards me with his signature glare and he knocked the books out of my hand.

"Filthy Slytherin." He spat and I was furious. In that moment I felt how my right hand was twitching and I saw how a black flame appeared in it. It took an immense amount of self control not to try and attack him, but luckily Hermione restrained me before I could do anything stupid.

"Don't, you'll get in trouble." She scolded and I nodded while taking a deep breath.

"You're right." I said and made the flame disappear. Only my friends, Severus and Dumbledore knew about my powers because I really didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. So far not many people knew that my father was a teacher here either.

Besides that one time with Jake, nothing else happened and soon it was October 25th which was my birthday. It was a Friday and I really did not think anyone would remember, but the second I woke up Jennie was already kneeling on my bed with a big grin on her face.

"Happy Birthday!" She exclaimed and engulfed me in a big hug.

I thanked her and asked how she knew because I never told her when my birthday was.

"Remember when your Dad asked me to stay after class yesterday and I told you it was to correct something in my potions essay? Well he actually told me it was your birthday today." I smiled at the kind action of my father. None of my foster parents ever bothered with my birthday.

"Well this was kind of last minute but Ron, Hermione, Harry and I baked this with a bit of help from Hagrid last night when you were with your Dad." She handed me a small chocolate cake that had 'Happy 12th Birthday Lucy' written on it in in white icing.

I smiled brightly "Thanks Jennie, this means a lot." I tried really hard not to tear up because nobody had ever been this kind to me.

During breakfast I quickly raced towards the Gryffindor table to also thank Harry, Ron and Hermione.

After lunch we didn't have anymore classes so my friends and I went to Hagrid's Hut to enjoy the cake together with him and have some tea.

After we finished the cake and tea we chatted for a while until I heard a knock at the door.

Hagrid got up and it was Dumbledore who congratulated me and then told me my father wanted to see me in his office.

I was a little confused at first and also worried if he was mad at me, but Dumbledore said "I think he wants to congratulate you too."

That made sense so I told my friends bye and hurried towards the dungeons. I knocked at the door and heard him say "Come in" so I carefully opened it and he was sitting at his desk before getting up and saying "Follow me, I have something for you."

I followed him into his personal chambers and he motioned to a package that was on the table in his small kitchen.

It had my name written on it and I couldn't believe he actually took the time to get me a gift. I picked it up and unwrapped it to reveal a silver bracelet with a small diamond snake charm on it.

"Happy birthday dear." He said and placed an arm around my shoulder.

So overwhelmed with positive emotions I felt a few tears trickle down my face. It was already difficult enough to not cry because I was so happy when my friends congratulated me, but now that my father had gotten me a gift I just couldn't hold back.

"What's wrong?" He asked, turning to face me. He looked really worried.

"I'm just so happy, I can't believe you went out of your way to get me a present." The next thing that happened was very unexpected.

Severus wrapped his arms around me and squeezed my body tightly. "Of course I would get you a present, you are really important to me you know." This was the first time he ever hugged me and it felt so comforting.

When he let go he wiped the remaining tears away from my eyes with his thumb "Don't you ever forget how important you are to me, now no more tears alright." He smiled softly.

I spent the rest of my birthday with Severus and it was honestly one of the best days of my entire life so far.

We first had some more tea and then when it was getting late he put on the fire and I took a seat on his couch that was right in front of the fireplace.

He disappeared into his bedroom for a moment and returned with a black fleece blanket. He draped it over my legs and took a seat and went under the blanket too as we both enjoyed the fire in a comfortable silence.

I started to feel how my eyes were getting heavy so I got up and told him I would be heading off to bed.

"Thank you so much again for today." I gave him a hug as he opened the door for me and I saw him smile after I pulled away from the hug. 

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