Chapter 27

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Lucy's POV

It was the evening on the next day where I would be starting my training to conjure a patronus for the hopefully unlikely event I will have to fight off a dementor. I made sure last night before bed and also today during my free time to read as much about it as possible and practice the wand movement.

"Now you need to think of a happy memory, it can be anything but it needs to be strong." Severus explained.

I had been thinking about this all day. I mean, I have plenty of happy memories with Severus but I just can't think of a specific one I should use for this spell.

Then I remembered something. I decided on the memory of the time Severus gifted me that bracelet.

I closed my eyes and focused on how happy that made me.

"Expecto patronum." I uttered while doing the wand movement. I opened my eyes again but all I saw was a small flicker of white light coming out from my wand. I sighed, feeling discouraged.

"Don't worry, nobody gets it on their first try." Severus reassured.

I tried a few more times but to no avail. I sat down for a second and went over the part in my book about patronuses, but Severus went to close it right in front of my eyes.

"Look, reading over this multiple times won't make it appear any faster. This is an extremely difficult charm and not everyone can do it." He gave me a small smile.

"You can make one appear, right?" I asked him. I was curious what his patronus was.

Instead of answering me he swung his wand and made a doe appear that gently walked towards me and then disappeared again. It was beautiful.

Just in that moment there was a knock on the door. Severus and I both turned our heads in the direction of the door and after a few seconds he walked towards it and revealed it was Jennie there.

"Sorry I really don't wanna bother, but Lucy you forgot your History of Magic book in the Library. I wanted to give it to you since I'm going to bed now and we have it fist thing in the morning." Jennie rushed in and put the book on the table next to me.

"Good night." She smiled brightly and then skipped out of the room again.

"Okay, I am ready to try again." I said, having regained some confidence.

I stood up and closed my eyes again but this time opened them more quickly and said "Expecto patronum" as clear as I could. Suddenly that before weak light turned into a stream and kept growing until I saw four legs quickly jumping around in the air and around Severus and I.

It was a doe. It looked almost identical to his, maybe a little smaller. I was thrilled to have mastered this finally and also a little proud that I had the same patronus as my father.

Severus mouth was agape as he watched the animal frolic across the room before soon disappearing into nothingness when I lowered my wand again.

"Lily." He breathed.

I tilted my head in confusion.

He took a seat and I followed suit. He looked at me with almost sad eyes and spoke "You know, I should have expected this. You and I both share the same Patronus as your mother."

I didn't say anything, I just stared down at my wand. Severus was quick to break the silence again.

"You look an awful lot like her you know, well your hair has gotten a bit darker over the years but your eyes remained the same. I'm sorry I don't speak of her often, but I tend to get sorrowful when thinking of her sometimes. I really wish she was still here." I was shocked at how honest he was being and how much emotion he was showing.

I immediately looked up at him and then walked over to give him a hug.

"I won't leave, I promise. You'll have me forever Dad." 

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