Chapter 1

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I spent the next two weeks together with the Wizards. They had set up a tent in the middle of the forest and every day they taught me a bit of each others magic while I told them everything they wanted to know about this world.

Sting used light magic while Rogue used shadow magic and by the end of the first week I was able to make a black flame appear in my hand and also control it while I was also able to create some of the light magic in my hand and when I cast it away from me it was able to slash through thin pieces of fabric.

I kept training every day with them and once week two was over I already improved on my first weeks progress. I couldn't believe I was actually doing magic and the two boys have been nothing but kind to me this whole time.

In the morning of the first day of my third week with them an Owl suddenly appeared in front of our tent with a letter in its beak.

I took the letter from it, it looked identical to the one my father had ripped up.

It read:

Dear Ms Snape,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins September 1st. We will be awaiting your Owl.

Yours Sincerely

Minerva Mcgonagall

For a second I thought this letter wasn't directed at me but then I remembered on the adoption forms it saying Lucy Snape before that was changed to the last name of my Forster parents.

I can't believe a school of magic exists in this world.

Excitedly I was about to tell Sting and Rogue about it who were still sleeping when suddenly an old man wearing a silver robe appeared behind me. He had long grey hair and an equally long beard.

"Hello dear, my name is Professor Dumbledore. I was wondering why we have not received an Owl from you yet, but now I understand. Come, let us go for a walk."

I don't know what it was, but something told me I could trust this man so I began walking through the forest with him.

"You know, Professor Mcgonagall and I were very surprised when we saw the last name Snape on the list of people who would be getting their Hogwarts letter this year. I decided to do some research on the matter. Say, do you know your real parents?"

I shook my head no. "All I know is their names but I never actually met them. I was told my biological mother brought me to an orphanage the same day I was born."

"Well dear it turns out your mother was a witch and your father a wizard. I went to the orphanage that you were put in and the staff had told me you were living with muggles now is that true?" He asked.

Confused I replied "Muggles?"

"This is what us wizards call the non magic folk." He explained.

"Oh I see, well yes I was living with them but I was sort of kicked out and now I am staying with two other wizards in this forest. They have been teaching me some magic."

Dumbledore explained to me some more about this school called Hogwarts and he said that he would like to tell me a bit more about my parents when I arrive there in a few days. He then went back and talked to Sting and Rogue for almost 3 hours. He was impressed by their magic and how they managed to travel to a new universes with it. He then explained to me how the magic in this world is very different to the one Sting and Rogue use, but that it would prove useful for me that I learned some of it from them.

The two boys and Dumbledore decided the next morning it would be best they travel back and report their findings and that I should start buying materials for school. I was beyond excited, but also a little sad to see Sting and Rogue go. They have been the first people to ever truly be nice to me.

"Good bye Lucy, it was a pleasure to meet you." Rogue smiled while conjuring something that looked like a huge portal in front of him, he then walked through it and disappeared.

"Remember to keep meditating, it will help you improve the magic we taught you." Sting grinned and followed after Rogue.

The two boys had me meditating every day while they were teaching me magic. It was really important to be focused and I was even able to float a tiny bit above the ground one time during a meditation session with the use of Stings magic he taught me.

"We better get going, grab my arm." Dumbledore said.

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