Chapter 36

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Lucy's POV 

"Quickly we need to get back to the portkey!" Jennie yelled as the hooded figures kept on spreading fire everywhere.

Terence father explained to us that those people were death eaters, followers of Voldemort. We told him we had to get back to the portkey because all of our stuff we didn't bring to the world cup was still at the Weasleys.

It didn't take long for us to find Fred and George who were holding onto Ginny. Ron and Hermione were also there somewhere in the distance with Harry.

"There you three are, quickly you grab onto the key and then head to the Burrow as quickly as possible, Molly will be waiting for you there." Arthur said and we all did as he said.

Right before we took a hold of the key, I saw a symbol appear in the sky. It seemed familiar somehow.

"The dark mark.." Jennie breathed with wide eyes. That was it. I had read about it before, Voldemort followers were branded with this mark.

Once the portkey took us back we sprinted to the Burrow and Molly was already waiting at the door for us.

"I'm so glad you are safe. Jennie, your parents said they will have you be picked up shortly. They offered to take Lucy with them as well but once I told Severus what happened he insisted on coming by himself. He should be here soon." She said. "And what about you dear? Do you know your parents contact?" She asked Terence.

"No worries, my dad knows I am here so he will probably pick me up sooner or later." Terence said and walked inside.

Just in that moment Severus appeared behind us. He looked stressed and he was clutching his arm a little. Had he gotten hurt?

Without a word, he grabbed a hold of my hand and we apparated away.

"Is everything okay? Did they hurt you?" He immediately asked and held both of my shoulders while examining me.

"I'm fine, they didn't get me." I reassured. "But is everything okay with you?" I asked a bit worried.

He didn't say anything at first and just led me inside. He walked down to his study and I took a seat on the armchair while he began pacing up and down the room.

"Dumbledore would definitely not want me telling you this, but I feel like I can't follow his instructions anymore and I have to tell you." He began.

I nodded, signalling for him to start talking.

"No." He said, still pacing. "I can't tell you, you will hate me."

"But you also deserve to know." He took a seat on another chair and put his head in his hands. That was my signal to get up and go comfort him, he was clearly going through it right now.

I put my hand on his back and he looked up at me with sad and desperate eyes. "I want to tell you, but Dumbledore forbade it. But you also should not be in the dark about this anymore—agh." In that moment he clutched his arm again.

"Dad!" I gave him a hug which he definitely needed right now. He was holding onto me for dear life in that moment it felt like.

"Listen dad, you don't have to follow every instruction that man gives you. If you want to tell me then please do, I promise you I will not hate you no matter what." I reassured and he kept squeezing me.

We were like this for a few minutes until he let go of me again. "Okay." He said quietly.

I took a seat in the armchair and listened carefully and to every single word he said during the next hour of him explaining basically his life story.

By the end of it, he pulled up his sleeve and revealed his arm. I could see his veins popping out in pain around the mark that looked exactly like a tattoo.

"I'm so sorry Lucy, if I could change the past I would in a heartbeat. Like I said, I understand if you hate me now." He threw his head into his hands again.

I did the same thing as before, walking over to him and placing my hand on his back. "And like I said, I won't hate you no matter what."

"I don't think you understand." He sounded very upset. "I am putting you in so much danger with this and I've tried to draw out our happy time together for as long as possible where you didn't know all of this yet." He took a pause to catch his breath. "Do you realise that because of who I am, once the dark lord returns I must reveal you to him because if I don't and he finds out who you are he will kill both of us. But if he does find out about you through me he will most definitely force you to also join his ranks." I actually saw tears coming out of this mans eyes for the first time ever.

They were dripping onto his lap and he didn't even bother wiping them away. I hugged him very tightly before I started talking.

I thought about what I should say for a moment, but then I decided it would be best to just be honest.

"You know what, I am okay with that future for me. Not because I support Voldemort, but because you will be there by my side. We can be spies together and I know it will be dangerous, I can feel dark times inching closer even though I am not yet connected to any of this yet. But even though it will be dangerous, I accept this fate because I have you. You said you want to have happy times with me, well we can. When Voldemort returns we will help defeat him and once he is gone we can live happily until the end of our days. And during the time he is here I promise to be strong, for you." After my speech Severus pulled me into his arms once again. I was also crying at this point.

Was I scared? Yes. But I was also ready. I will train, every day. Harder than I ever have. I will become so strong that not even Voldemort himself can defeat me. 

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