Chapter 2

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A/N What house do you think Lucy should be in :) ?

I nodded a little confused and the second my arm came in contact with his, the world around me began to spin. Suddenly it was dark and my stomach dropped, then we were in front of a brick wall and I felt like I was about to throw up. I stumbled from side to side and then steadied myself.

"Most people puke the first time they apparate." Dumbledore chuckled before turning around.

"Ah Hagrid I see you are just in time, this is Lucy I told you about." He then turned to look at me "This is Hagrid, the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts. He will be showing you and Harry around." Dumbledore apparated away again and I looked up at Hagrid.

He was extremely tall and next to him was a boy about my height with black hair and round glasses.

Hagrid tapped on various different bricks on the wall in front of us with his umbrella until it began opening and leading to what looked like a busy shopping street.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley" Hagrid smiled as he lead us through. First stop we made was at a Bank called Gringotts.

We waked through the large building past what Hagrid explained were Goblins. While Hagrid was talking to one of them I turned to face Harry.

"Are you also a first year at Hogwarts?" I asked him and he nodded.

"How old are you? I just turned 11." He asked and I told him that I was going to be turning 12 in October.

"Alright you two, let's go get you some money for getting your school supplies" Hagrid stated as we followed him and a Goblin towards a transportation device that drove us to a vault.

He opened the vault with a key and a huge stack of golden coins appeared.

"All of this is mine?" Harry's jaw dropped.

"Well of course your parents didn't leave you with nothing." Hagrid said.

After Harry gathered his money we drove to a vault not far off. Again the Goblin opened it with a key that Hagrid handed him and an equally large stack of money was behind it.

"Do you know my parents?" I asked Hagrid as the Goblin fetched me some of the money out of the vault.

"I'm afraid I can't disclose any information, Dumbledores orders. I think he wants to tell you himself."

I sighed and thanked the Goblin as I stored the money in a black bag that Rogue had left for me. Something I definitely wanted to buy was new clothes. I had nothing besides the ones I was wearing at the moment.

Hagrid told Harry and me to wait at the entrance of Gringotts because he needed to get something else before we left.

While we waited Harry asked me "So you don't know your real parents?"

I nodded "I lived in foster care my whole life in the muggle world, I only found out I was a witch when I got my Hogwarts letter a few days ago"

He explained to me that his parents were dead and he lived at his aunt and uncles place who didn't treat him very nice. I shot him a sympathetic look "I can relate to that, none of my foster parents were ever really nice to me either."

When Hagrid was back we started buying the books we needed and also some robes. I bought myself a trunk and bought a few clothes that I could store in there. I was delighted to hear that we would be wearing uniforms in school so only on Holidays or Weekends I needed other clothes, so I didn't have to buy too many.

As we continued walking along Diagon Alley, Harry stated "Here it says that students would be allowed either a cat, an owl or a toad."

"That's right Harry" Hagrid said "Why don't you go head to Ollivanders Wand Shop over there while Lucy and I go and gather some more things. It is probably more efficient to split up so we get everything as quickly as possible."

Harry nodded and headed off while Hagrid brought me to a different section of the shopping street.

"I want to surprise Harry since it is his birthday, I'm gonna go buy him an Owl in that shop over there." He told me and I smiled.

"That's a great idea, do you know where you can buy cats? I was thinking that is the pet I want."

Hagrid nodded and pointed to a place where I could get a cat.

It didn't take long for me to fully fall in love with a cute black cat. I payed the worker and carried the cat in a basket towards the Owl shop. Hagrid and I met up with Harry and he surprised him in front of the wand shop.

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