Chapter 6

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Lucy's POV

"Slytherins follow me!" The boy who was our prefect called as he led us towards the dungeons. We entered our dorm room and I saw all of our luggage was placed there. Before I went to go pick it up I remembered what Severus said and went up to the prefect and asked him where Professor Snape's office is.

He told me it was just down the hall. I went to Jennie and told her that Severus wanted to see me so I would be joining her in our room later. We were lucky to get a small room with only 2 beds that we could share.

I walked along the hallway after changing my initial robe to a Slytherin one.

I knocked on where it said 'Professor Snape's Office' and I heard him say "Come in."

I let myself in and he looked up from a book and shot me a small smile which I returned.

His office was dimly lit and was a sort of round shape. He was sitting at a round table in an armchair and all around the room were shelves that had what looked like potion ingredients in different sized flasks.

"Take a seat, I made some tea would you like any?" I nodded as he left momentarily and returned with two cups of tea.

I thanked him and began slowly sipping it.

"So Professor Dumbledore filled me in on a few things at dinner. He told me that 2 weeks before he collected you, you were staying with a set of wizards correct?"

I nodded.

"I know they taught you some magic which I am eager to see, but first I am wondering why you were with them in the first place."

I frowned "Well, I was running away from my foster Father and I ran into the forest when I bumped into them. I was scared to return back to my house for a while so I decided to stay with them until they would go back to their world, but before that happened I received my Hogwarts letter."

I could tell he was listening to every word I was saying.

"Why were you running away from your foster father, if I may ask?" I kind of knew that question would come, but I didn't want to cause any trouble or somehow make it seem like I was playing the victim so I told Severus that he was chasing after me because he was angry that I broke something.

"I noticed you have a faint scar on your cheek, where did you get that from?" I was surprised he was paying such close attention to me.

I decided it was best to just tell the truth. I knew this guy was a wizard and he must be a good one if he is a teacher, so he could probably do some kind of magic to make me tell the truth if he had any doubts.

"My foster father threw a beer bottle at me. I ducked and it hit against a wall and part of the shattered glass cut my cheek."

"Did such things occur often in your foster home?" Severus asked.

I nodded.

I was shocked when I saw him looking a little angry. Oh no, did I do something wrong. He got up and started walking towards me. I knew what was going to happen next, so I already prepared myself for it by holding my arms in front of my face. I used to do that all the time at my foster parents house, to shield my face from the beating I was about to get.

But instead of a forceful punch, all I felt was a hand on my knee.

"Lucy, did you think I was going to hurt you just now?" Severus asked.

I didn't know what to do so I carefully lowered my arms and looked at the man who was crouched down with a worried expression and one of his hands gently placed on my left knee.

"Listen, I don't know what kind of people were taking care of you in the past and what they did to you. But I promise I am nothing like that foster father of yours. I won't ever hurt you, you understand?"

I nodded carefully and whispered "I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to apologise for, I should be the one who is sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He smiled gently at me and got back up.

My heart was still beating very fast and my hands were sweating. I did trust Severus and what he was saying, but I was still getting so many flashbacks to how my previous 'parents' treated me that it was hard to fully calm down.

Snape's POV

I could tell she had been through a lot and it honestly broke my heart. When I saw the fear in her eyes, I knew I had to make sure to show her that I am a good father and nothing like the people that she used to be with.

Because she still looker very nervous, I made a mental note to ask her another time about her past and knew it would be better to change the subject for now. I need to gain her trust first before she can tell me what she has been through, because I knew it wouldn't be easy and that I would want to comfort her when she was talking about it.

"Do you think you could show me some of that magic the wizards taught you?" I asked as I sat back down in my armchair. 

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