Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV

"No Pearl get back!" I was awoken from my sleep by Jennie screaming at the top of her lungs. "Draco! Because your stupid Owl scared my bunny it ran away."

I groaned and sat up, looking at the clock on the wall. '7am'. I sighed, knowing that I probably wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

I stretched before hopping out of bed and walking over to Jennie. "How about we go look for Pearl? You check the dungeons area and I go upstairs to see if she might have run outside okay?"

Jennie seemed relieved "Thanks for helping me Lucy, but don't you want to get dressed first?"

"Nah" I chuckled "Pearl is more important right now, I'll go change later." With that, I quickly slipped on a pair of sneakers and jogged out of our common room and up the stairs, on the lookout for Jennie's bunny.

Lucky for me it was Saturday so nobody was usually awake at this time and would see me wandering the castle in my nightgown.

Suddenly I saw a bit of white fur go around the corner and I quickly dashed after it. Pearl was headed for outside and soon enough I was chasing her across the lawn. I was fast but this panic stricken bunny a lot faster.

Then I saw her heading straight into the forbidden forest. I knew it was dangerous in there and the teachers said students are not allowed to enter. I took a few glances around me and saw that nobody was looking so I muttered "Screw it" and continued running after Pearl and right into the forest.

I ran in a straight line for a few minutes but then slowed down when I realised I had lost her. I breathed out and steadied myself on a tree, trying to catch my breath while also looking around just in case I might see her again. I was about to continue on looking for her when out of nowhere I heard a sort of groan.

It sounded like a mix between a roar and a growl, but somehow I could sense that it was a cry of pain. My breathing got a bit faster as I was trying to figure out what kind of beast could possibly be near by. Without even realising it, my feet began moving in the direction of the sound. I couldn't explain why but I had the urge to go and see what exactly was there and why it was in pain.

Soon enough I reached the creature. It was a black dragon.

I held my breath in fear, trying not to make any noise to alert it. I mentally face palmed as I accidentally stepped on a branch and the dragon turned to look at me, his purple eyes slanted. He wasn't too large, about as tall as me and his length I estimated to be Severus height doubled. Nevertheless this was a dragon and I knew they were dangerous creatures from what I had read in books. But then I remembered something Sting and Rogue had told me, that they were both raised by a dragon who was kind. Maybe not all dragons were dangerous, but then again I was in the forbidden forest right now and there is a reason students should not enter here.

He growled at me and I could tell he was trying to stand up and move closer, when I noticed the plant that was tangled around his leg. It looked extremely tight and I could see small cuts forming around the area. I knew what I was about to do was really stupid, but I took a few very slow steps towards him while repeatedly saying "I won't hurt you, everything is fine."

I came closer to his leg and crouched down a little, pointing my want to the part where the plant was cutting off the circulation on his leg.

I saw him watching me intently the whole time and he finally stopped growling. I quietly said a spell to cut through the plant and immediately when the dragon felt he could move again he lunged forward, then swiftly turned around to face me again.

I started backing away slowly and for the first time since I encountered him he stopped looking at me with slanted eyes. He tilted his head slightly to the side and took a look at his leg and then back at me, before making a faint purring sound and then disappearing into the forest.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and started walking towards the exit of the forest.

When the castle was finally in sight again I was relieved I managed to get out of the forbidden forest unharmed. I had almost completely forgotten about Pearl when all of a sudden Hagrid appeared in front of me at the edge of the forest, holding the Bunny in his hand.

"Lucy, what were you doing in there?" He asked, though he didn't seem angry.

"I'm sorry Hagrid, I was chasing after Jennies bunny that escaped and ran into the forest. I see you already caught her. Please don't tell anyone about this I promise it won't happen again." I pleaded.

"Don't worry about it, I'm glad you are alright. Now go tell your friend to take better care of her rabbit will ya?" I took Pearl from Hagrid and thanked him for keeping this a secret.

The rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about that dragon, but I decided not to tell anyone about it, for now. 

Darkness and Light - Snape's DaughterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang