Chapter 40

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Snape's POV

While everyone was told to go to their dormitories, the now four champions were asked to go to a separate room.

Albus, Moody, Crouch, Karkaroff and the headmaster of Beauxbatons rushed down to that room and once I entered they were already interrogating Potter about how he put is name in the Goblet of Fire.

The boy swore he didn't do it, but I wasn't too sure if I believed him.

"The rules are absolute, Mr. Potter has no choice but to compete." Crouch explained to Dumbledore.

"As of tonight, you are a Triwizard champion." He now faced Potter. I looked over at him too, he genuinely looked confused so perhaps he wasn't the one who put his name in the goblet and also maybe had no awareness of anyone else doing so.

The champions were sent out of the room and Minerva, who had just arrived, was pleading Albus to shut the tournament down. "First the dark mark and now this."

"Barty said the rules can not be changed, the tournament has to happen and Potter has to be part of it." Albus spoke.

"Headmaster I agree, this can't be a mere coincidence." I said, partially siding with Minerva. "But the tournament must go on with Potter as a champion, there is nothing we can do. The events of why his name were in the goblet will unfold eventually."

"What? We can't just do nothing." Minerva said, but Albus said he agrees with me.

Right as I went down to the dungeons into my office, as expected, Lucy was there.

Before I could ask her if she knew anything about this, she proved to me that she didn't. With a worried look she said "They aren't going to let Harry compete right? I had no idea that his name was in there and I don't think he knew either."

"Unfortunately he must compete, Crouch explained that there is nothing we can do and Potter must be a champion." I sighed, pulling my daughter who was clearly anxious about her friend in for an embrace.

After a few seconds she pulled back and took a deep breath. "I hope he will be okay." She said. I nodded.

—-Time Skip-—

Lucy's POV

Somehow the whole school had something against Harry now, saying how unfair it was for him to compete. Even Ron seemed angry at his friend.

"Don't even ask me to be your second, I don't want to be your friend anymore." Ron growled at him as Harry tried approaching him during class.

"It seems like none of the champions are picking a second anyway. Viktor said only someone who is weak would and it wouldn't be a real victory if someone else did the job for them." Hermione explained, but Ron just turned around and walked away to the front of the class and sat next to Dean.

"Then the whole new rule was just rubbish, if nobody is going to take advantage of it." Terence remarked.

Harry nodded, but he seemed pretty low on self esteem now that half the school hated him. "All I need to worry about now is what the first task could be. And also those stupid interviews I need to hold."

He already told me what the journalist was writing about him after he finished his first interview. He said she was writing complete lies, probably to get more people to read the article and make everything seem more dramatic.

"There is another thing I am worried about though, I have a suspicion who might have put my name in that goblet." Harry said, now whispering.

We all inched closer and listened to him.

"I was talking to Sirius, he said that the headmaster of Durmstrang used to be a Death eater." Harry explained.

"Karkaroff?" Jennie asked and he nodded. "It might just be a coincidence, but who knows maybe he is still evil and just pretending like he is an ex-death eater." 

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