Chapter 8

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Lucy's POV

I went back to the Slytherin common room that night and I saw Jennie waiting for me there and she showed me to our dorm room.

"I love that we have a view into the lake from our window, it looks so pretty." She stated as she took a seat on the windowsill with a snow white bunny in her arms.

"I know technically Pearl wouldn't be allowed as a pet, but I couldn't help myself she is just too cute. And nobody needs to know." She winked and I giggled as I went over and pet the bunny.

"I hope her and Panther get along." I looked over at my cat who was soundly asleep on my bed.

The next day we woke up a little earlier than expected, probably because we were both nervous for our first day of classes. I went and took a shower and then got my clothes on and put my Slytherin robe around me. I gently pet Panther who was still napping on my bed and waited for Jennie to finish getting ready so we could head to breakfast together.

Our first class of the day was Charms where we learned the Levitation Charm which Jennie and I managed to master pretty quickly.

Next was potions which I was looking forward to because I knew I would see my father there but also my other friends from the train ride yesterday because Gryffindor and Slytherin had this class together.

"Hey Lucy and Jennie." Harry smiled at us as we walked along the corridor together. A boy with bleach blonde hair out of my house shot Harry a dirty look for some reason which Harry returned.

Before I could react and ask Harry what that was about, the door to the potions classroom opened and the third years who were having classes here before us stormed out. One of them caught my attention. He had a buzzcut and was glaring in mine and Jennies direction. He was wearing a Gryffindor robe and when he passed me he looked even more irritated and shoved his shoulder into mine before storming off.

"What the hell?" Jennie spat but the boy was too far away to hear us.

"That's Jake Lynn, he hates Slytherins. Apparently last year something happened that got him in loads of trouble with a Slytherin professor. Fred and George told me." Ron explained. I wanted to ask if he knew anything else but all the first years started filing into the room so I followed.

I sat in the second row with Jennie to my left and Ron to my right. Suddenly Severus burst through the door and gave a, in my opinion, fascinating speech about what one can achieve with potions. I was very intrigued. Harry however was given a pretty hard time in the lesson and I really didn't know why Severus seemed to be picking on him.

The next class we had was flying, but before we even had a chance to go into the air a boy from Gryffindor got injured and the class was canceled.

At lunch I once again sat next to Jennie and we really seemed to be getting along well.

The end of the day came quicker than expected and I headed off to Severus office before dinner so we could have our first lesson of learning to control my mind.

"How was your first day of class? I was very impressed with you in potions class today." He told me as I entered his office.

"Thanks." I smiled "It went pretty well all things considered."

The next half an hour or so Severus taught me some ways to control breathing which he said helps concentration of the mind. After he finished teaching me these and I was practicing them he walked over to one of his shelves and started arranging some potions.

"Do you know a boy named Jake Lynn?" I asked him out of the blue. I was thinking that maybe he could tell me more about this guy who seemed so unfriendly earlier.

"I do, why?" His voice sounded slightly annoyed when I mentioned this boys name.

"Well..he- um" I stuttered a little because I was nervous Severus might be angry at me. I think he noticed because he turned away from his potions and looked at me, I saw his face relax a little.

"Today before potions class when he walked out the door he glared at me and Ron told me that his name is Jake Lynn and he apparently hates Slytherins because of something he did. Well his brothers told him that anyway."

"It is true he seems to have a very strong disliking towards our house, but that is is own fault. That boy is lazy and arrogant, never studying for his exams but somehow passing them. One day I caught him while cheating and informed headmaster Dumbledore about it who told him if he keeps cheating he will be expelled." Severus explained while sighing. "Now because I was the one who caught him cheating and I am the head of Slytherin, he began causing trouble for people in our house."

Severus took a few steps towards me. "I want you to be very careful around this boy, I've heard that over the summer he went out of his way to beat up a Slytherin in his year just out of sheer hatred for our house. The other professors want to punish him for it but because we have no concrete evidence of his doing we can not expel him just yet."

I carefully nodded. "I really hope he won't cause me any trouble." 

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