Chapter 47

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Lucy's POV

It was the day of the ball and Terence and Draco had said they would meet us in the common room and then walk us to the ball.

Once we walked out of our rooms and met with the boys, they led us to the ballroom and we saw that almost everyone was there already.

We all sat together at a table with some other Slytherin students while the champions had the opening dance. In the distance I spotted Severus and gave him a small wave which he returned. He told me he would be wearing his good robes to the dance today, but he literally looked the same as usual. I also knew he wasn't thrilled about this one bit, says dances aren't his thing at all. I can't blame him, I mean it feels great to wear this pretty dress and all and the decorations around us look amazing, but I wasn't really sure how much I'd enjoy formal dancing. I would much rather be dancing to some more upbeat music and also not with so many people around to watch.

"Look at Potter, he doesn't even know how to dance properly." Draco scoffed. "I hope he trips and falls on that stupid little face of his."

"Give it a rest Draco." I gently punched his arm and rolled my eyes.

"Come on, their dance is finished now we can go." Terence announced and took a hold of Jennies hand. Draco did the same with me and we made our way over to the dance floor.

To my surprise, he was a really good dancer. I could definitely have done without the embarrassing stares of my father though. Throughout the whole dance Severus didn't take his eyes off of us and proceeded to walk around the edge of the dance floor to keep us in his sight.

Once the band started playing I headed for the middle of the dance floor. Partly because it would stop my dad from starting the whole time, but also because Jennie was there.

"Thanks for the dance Draco, I'm gonna go over there to Jennie now if you want to join us." I offered and he said he would.

We jumped and danced around and Hermione and Viktor also joined us in the middle at some point. It was really fun.

After two more songs I was starting to feel a bit tired and I think the others did too, so all of the guys led their dates out of the circle and we wanted to go get some drinks. On our way there, Hermione was getting mean stares from Ron the whole time and Harry was giving Draco a deathly glare.

"Jealous that I got a better date than you Potter?" Draco teased.

"Shut up Malfoy." Harry snarled.

Snape's POV

I knew this day would eventually come. She is getting older and now she will probably start getting interested in boys. Draco better not hurt her, if he does I will kill him.

She did look happy though, I left the room after a few songs because I needed fresh air. I spotted Lucy with some of her friends going for a walk with some fruit punch in their hands. They were laughing and joking around, I was really glad that even with the impending event of the dark lords return she can still find times to have fun.

Suddenly Karkaroff pulled me over to him.

"What do you want." I snapped.

"It is happening again!" He said, pulling up his sleeve and pointing to his dark mark.

"Listen here Igor, I see no reason to discuss it." I wanted to make him scurry away as fast as possible. Discussing such matters in the openly where anyone could hear it was extremely foolish of him.

I began walking away, but he just had to continue to follow me. "It is a sign Severus you know it is!"

Just then I spotted Potter not too far from us. He was hiding behind a pillar.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said as loudly as possible to make sure Potter hears this. If he somehow finds out about my dark mark...I don't even want to think about it.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind rolling up your sleeve for me." He persisted. With narrow eyes I pushed his hand away from mine. "Don't you touch me."

I began strutting away but this thick skulled dimwit kept following my every step. "You are scared Severus! Admit it." Igor grit his teeth and let out a chuckle.

I took a step towards him "I have nothing to be scared of, but I wouldn't say the same for you." I replied coldly. This time he didn't follow me again.

God I hate people like him.

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