Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV

When I opened my eyes a smile crept onto my cheeks. It was Christmas morning and my very first Christmas with my father.

I didn't bother getting out of my pyjama and raced down the stairs after putting on my slippers and grabbing the Notebook from my coat pocket. I couldn't believe it but Severus must have somehow gotten a small Christmas tree and set it up next to the fire place while I was asleep. There were a medium sized package and two small ones under the tree and before I heard Severus walk from the kitchen to the living room I quickly placed his gift under the tree as well.

"I see you are awake, Happy Christmas dear." He smiled while holding a cup of tea in his hand.

I beamed at him and gave him a hug "Happy Christmas Severus.". I was so glad I got to spend it with him.

With his free hand he gave me a small squeeze and I let go when he told me to go open my presents.

"There is one that Molly Weasley delivered and also one from your friend Jennie. That one there is from me.." I could see him blushing slightly when pointing at one of the small packages which he indicated was from him.

I made sure to open that one last to make it extra special.

I picked up the small present which was from Jennie first and unwrapped it. She had gotten me a thin silver ring with a small green gemstone in it. I admired it in awe as I put it on my right index finger.

Then I picked up the one from Molly. I was really surprised she would send me a gift, it indicated that Ron must have told her about me. It turned out to be a hand knitted green sweater with my initial on it.

Next was Severus gift. I opened it carefully and I saw he got me a silver watch and also a diamond cat charm that I could add to my bracelet from my birthday.

I ran up and hugged him once again. "Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me. Not just the presents, but I'm so happy I can spend this day with you."

He immediately hugged back and whispered "Me too."

"Oh wait I almost forgot there is one more...well it technically isn't for you but you should open it." I looked up at Severus in confusion. He told me "Just a moment" and brought in a package from upstairs.

He handed it to me. It felt soft. I opened it and it was a little black cat bed.

I couldn't help but fall into a fit of giggles.

"What is so funny? Is there something wrong with the gift?"

My stomach was starting to hurt from laughing "There is nothing wrong with it" I took a second to catch my breath from giggling so much "I just think it is really sweet you thought of Panther as well." I grinned up at him and he couldn't help but smirk a little himself.

"Now time for your present." I grinned and pointed at the only gift left under the Christmas tree.

"You got me something?" He seemed very surprised but in a good way.

He picked up the rectangular gift and unwrapped it without ripping a single piece of the wrapping paper. He admired the notebook for a second before gently moving his thumb across the part where his name was engraved in.

I guess this must have caught him off guard a little because he let out the biggest smile I had ever seen him do.

The rest of the day we spent in front of the fireplace, just talking while sipping tea. Panther loved the bed Severus got him, he didn't get out of it all day and enjoyed snoozing right in front of the fireplace where I placed it.

It was honestly such an incredible day and my heart had never felt so warm and complete. 

A/N I know this is early but I have been thinking for the future is there any love interest for Lucy you can think of? Like from the students at Hogwarts I really can't pick who I would want her to end up with when she is older 

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