Chapter 42

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Lucy's POV

The whole next day I felt just as bad as I did when I woke up from that dream. Severus stayed in his chambers all day and checked in on me every thirty minutes or so. All I did was lay there and rest, I kept feeling extremely warm and for some reason my heart was beating really fast the whole time which made it difficult to sleep.

The thing is I was told this is just a fever, but I have had many fevers before and they never felt like this.

Eventually in the evening my heart beat dropped a bit and I was finally able to get some sleep. But it just made things worse.

I had another dream, this time the same heat was still there but I also heard roars and felt intense pain in various parts of my body. It felt like someone was ramming a metal bar into my sides and my back. I screamed in pain while hearing these roars that also sounded like roars of agony. At some points I also felt like something was wrapped around my neck and I couldn't breathe. I still didn't see a lot, it was almost complete darkness at some points but every now and then I saw fire and for some reason heard rattling of chains.

I woke up with a scream. While I was awake I still felt that same pain I did in the dream. I saw flashing images of fire and felt that same jabbing in my sides.

I saw Severus coming rushing in and he held me tight while I sobbed.

He left go after a few seconds and saw how I was clutching my sides. "It hurts, so bad." I cried.

"May I?" He gently moved up my shirt a bit to reveal my stomach. There was no visible bruises or anything. He carefully ran his finger along the side I had been clutching but just in that moment I felt a stinging in my other side. I let out a scream of pain and moved my legs up to my body and my breathing got faster.

"I'm sorry." Severus apologised looking worried. I took a few seconds to recover from that pain. I looked up at him again.

"It wasn't you, something started stinging really bad on the other side of my stomach." I explained, pointing to the area. But there was nothing to be seen.

Hot tears were still streaming down my face. Severus handed me a glass of water which I gladly accepted and took a big gulp from.

He actually climbed next to me into bed and opened his arms for me to go into. I did and he held me while I kept breathing rapidly.

"I don't know what this is." I said. "I feel all of this pain and so warm but above all I feel so scared for some reason. I keep having these dreams and I feel like I am being tortured in them by somebody." When I said this he held me closer to him.

"I'm here, nothing can get to you while I am here. I'll protect you against any harm."

I was so thankful to have him there while I was experiencing this. He helped me regulate my breathing again and this time I fell asleep with no dreams.

I woke up the next morning, feeling a bit better. I still felt really weak and also still had this anxiety inside of me, but the stabbing pain was gone.

I carefully walked over to the kitchen in his chambers and sat down to have some juice. I didn't feel like eating since yesterday, but Severus told me I had to eat so I would feel better so I had a piece of dry toast for him.

"Classes just began, but you aren't going back until you feel better again." Severus told me while he took a glance at his watch.

"I think after breakfast I will go back to bed again if that is okay, maybe later we can—" Just in that moment a strong pain shot through my right side. It was so unexpected and I felt the area throbbing, then another blow came from the other side. I fell out of my chair and onto the ground in pain, curling up into a ball and just wishing that this torture could stop. I started to feel my throat closing as if someone had wrapped a rope around it and was tightening it. I held my breath while Severus dropped the book he was holding onto the floor and crouched down to me. Once I felt that imaginary rope loosen I coughed violently.

"Lucy!" I heard him cry out. In that moment I fainted because of all the pain. I woke up after a minute or so though and the pain was gone again.

"I can't keep enduring this." I leaped into Severus arms and cried.

He didn't say anything, just rubbed my back and planted a soft kiss onto my forehead.

— - Time Skip - —

Two days had passed and after that one incident that caused me to faint for a short while, the jabbing pain was gone. I didn't have those dreams anymore either and in the evening I also completely stopped feeling so warm. The only thing that remained was the anxiety.

Tomorrow was the first task and I really didn't want to miss it. I was feeling a lot better anyway, but Severus said he was worried about me going.

"Listen dad, I know that you are worried and I understand. But I am feeling okay again now. I've already got plenty of rest. I promise you that if I don't feel well I will let you know."

He thought for a second.

"Fine, but you need to sit next to me tomorrow and if you feel any pain at all we are immediately going back here okay." I nodded eagerly at his response and smiled.

I was worried for Harry and his safety tomorrow, but I was also excited to finally be able to go outside again. 

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