5| stuff me with party food, please

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"Anyways, he's just an annoying prick and I can't stand him."

I cross my arms in front of my work apron. Letting out a pent-up breath, I look to my sister Indie for a sign of support. Instead of roasting Ace or saying something to back me up, she sets a book on top of a larger stack and touches her belly with a sigh.

"Who are you talking about, again?" She squints down at the book pile below her.

Oh. She's not been listening to my rant.

Trying not to seem too disappointed, I shrug my shoulders overexaggeratedly. "Just a dumb guy at school. You probably don't know him." I know she doesn't care about my dumb drama, "let's just move on." I sigh unhappily.

Indie finally looks up from her work. "Sorry, but I'm a little all-over the place. Pregnancy brain is real, Bryn. Let me tell you!"

I know, I know. I can't stay mad at her.

I chuckle as she pulls up a stool to perch on. Walking closer to the front desk, I see the stack of books she's been focused so intently on is multiple copies of Jane Eyre.

"If you need me to shelve those, just say the word. That's why you hired me." I offer.

Indie grins, "oh, I remember why I hired you." She bites her lip, "and speaking of hiring, I'm thinking about getting some more help around here."

More help?

"Really?" I raise a brow. That's unheard of.

Our bookstore is small. Indie bought it around the time she married Anson, which is now going on two years ago. She worked here in highschool, and when the original owners decided to sell, she and Anson bought it.

They've been pretty faithful about running the place.

Yes, Anson is still working on his bachelors in business, but I've also been working here since it opened under Indie. They've not exactly opened the doors up for new hires.

"Now that I'm pregnant, things have changed." She shakes her head sadly, "I can't lift objects. I need off more and more days each month for appointments. And pretty soon I'll be on maternity leave."

I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt in just a few months. I shake my head in disbelief. And my sister will be a mother!

It's a shame the vibe of this bookstore will change, though.

"I get it. Hiring someone new is a good idea." I nod. "Got anyone in mind?"

"No," she frowns, "but I've got friends with siblings that I plan to ask before posting anything."

"Okay." I nod, "let me know if you need me to ask around at school."

"Sure. I'll let you know when that time comes." Indie agrees, standing up once more. "But until I've got another hand on deck, I expect you to keep up with your shelving duties."

Ugh. I roll my eyes as she piles her copies of Jane Eyre into my arms and pushes me in the direction of the classics.

"You gotta work for that paycheck!" She calls with a smug smile. I peer over the top of the stack with narrowed eyes.

I just love being the little sister.


   I scribble a note in the margins of one of my stories for creative writing. The sound of my pen scratching on paper is music to my ears. I reread what I've written, and look up to see Nyara writing in a book of her own.

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