40| what the hell?!

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I'm giddy with excitement as I prepare to go into the school building. It's morning. It's a fresh, new day. And I've got hundreds of miles of new road to travel down with Ace, figuratively speaking.

Last night was... new... for me.

But it was not unwelcome. The realization and the admission to Ace that I find him attractive, that I like him, it was well received.

So today I'm excited, because I finally know what I want.


I look into my mirrors before stepping out of my car. I fix my hair, and I make sure my makeup is done correctly.

I look good.

  I want to look good for him. I want to know I look stunning so that when I ask him what I plan to ask him... I'm the best version of myself.

I step out of my car, making sure to lock it.

As I walk towards the building, I think about everything: about how terrifying and new it all feels. It's terrifying to care so much. It's like I'm putting myself out there for the first time. And I trust Ace, but it's still so new.

I also think about relationships.

  If my question today goes the way I hope, I may very well have one. It will be the first time for me.

Then, I think about intimacy.

I think about this cherished part of myself that no one has ever seen before. After last night, Ace has seen a glimpse. I feel like I'm walking on air, at that.

Shaking thoughts from my head, I enter into the school building. I'm passing students, now. Some of them look at me. Maybe they can tell I'm different. Maybe they can see that something is changing, inside of me.

One person raises a brow. I catch another's eye, and they turn away completely. Before I get to my locker, though, the unexpected happens.

I feel something touch me. Someone.

A hand, uninvited and unwelcome, grabs my butt and squeezes.

I squeal, turning and hitting a boy in the face with the heel of my hand.

"What the hell?!" I shriek, realizing what just occurred. He scurries off, leaving me standing with my mouth gaping open, and my arms trembling at my side.

Did I just get sexually harassed?

I can't believe it. My heart is beating fast now. I feel sick. My hand covers my mouth, and I leave my locker.

I push to where I know Nyara will be at this time of morning. A tide of unease is washing towards me. Every step I take, I grow increasingly aware of how people are looking at me.

I spot Nyara and Rye in the distance. I book-it over to them.

"Nyara!" I gasp, still shaken from what happened a moment earlier.

As soon as she sees me, she meets me halfway. Her hands are on my arms, and her eyes are wide like something is amiss- before I can even mention what was just done to me.

  Her look chills me.

"Bryn, who have you been sending photos to?"

All I see are her eyes.

She shakes me again. I think about her question.


"Photos, Bryn." She's breathless.

Ace of HeartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz