64| back to the bookstore

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"Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you guys are okay!"

My legs swing in the air as I sit on top of the bookstore counter. Ace stands and relaxes against it at my side. And Nyara stands where a customer would;  this is the first time we've been face-to-face in a while. In a long, long while.

It's so good to see my best friend again.

She shakes her head, unaware of my thoughts. "Hearing this again, now in person, is a million bajillion times worse."

million bajillion

"You're right."

I told her about Rye almost immediately after it happened. And of course I filled her in on what had been going down between me and Ace. She's my best friend. For a second, she was all I had to turn to.

Now, she listens to the story in person. And it all takes on a new, terrifying tone. I notice that Ace shifts against the counter uncomfortably as I recount the events. Nyara plants her hands on her hips, but I know her power stance is just a front.

I know that she's been really upset to hear these things.

"I'm glad I broke up with Rye."

Nyara's dark eyes manage a glint. "I never knew he was capable of drugging someone."

Nyara lost her virginity to someone that turned out to be a stranger. What's worse, he's a crazy stranger.

I wonder if she regrets it. Instant pity flares in my chest, thankfulness flares, too. Thank goodness I lost mine to Ace. I reach over for his hand in this moment.

His hand grips mine.

"People are capable of all kinds of things. And Rye was clearly going through a lot when I moved out."

Nyara nods to him, his words seem to bring some kind of resolvedness. I speak up. "I'm glad you broke up with him, too. I'm still so proud of you for sticking to your gut."

My best friend dips her head.

"Thanks," her expression serious, "if you don't mind... what did it feel like to get drugged? Was it like how they portray it in movies?"

What did it feel like?

"Honestly, I don't even know."

My eyes find Ace's. The blue waves of his iris are sad. I bite my lip.

"But I hate not knowing."

His pupils widen, but his jaw is slack.

"That's scary." I hear Nyara say. "I'm really glad you are okay."

I dismiss her with the wave of a hand. "Look, we will receive justice. Both of them are being dealt with in a suitable way."

I squeeze Ace's hand. "Ultimately, It's out of our hands. I'm glad. I'm glad things are normal for once."

Nyara grins. "Yeah. And Spring semester starts. Pretty soon, we'll be seniors. How's that for normal?"

And Ace will be graduating.

"It's hard to believe." It seems like Nyara and I met yesterday.

"Don't rush things." Ace starts to stand up straight. He crosses his arms in front of his muscular chest.

"I want enjoy every last moment of my senior year, before it's your turns." He chuckles. I hop off of the counter, back to my own two feet.

Nyara sighs and takes a step forward. "Well, I need to get going. I guess I'll talk to you soon?"

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