29| wanna drag race?

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     Tick Tick Tick

    I watch the clock with wary eyes as the door remains unmoved. Customers mill about the bookstore as the sun drops from it's place in the sky.

   Ace is fifteen minutes late to work.

    I tap my fingers to stall my nerves.

    What could be delaying him? Traffic? Practice?

Whatever it is, I hope it isn't anything serious.

     30 more minutes go by, and I'm pacing the lobby at this point.

    I'm alone. I'm alone in the store. Indie is on her way home from a doctor's appointment. And Anson has class. So if it hasn't already registered yet... I'm literally alone.

    A sound in the back causes me to jump, but I realize after a brief moment of panic that what I heard was just the heat turning on.

It doesn't take a psychologist to notice that I'm jumpy.

    I worry to myself.

What if something happens while I'm here?

The camera system won't be installed until this weekend.

  So what if my anonymous messenger decides to pay me a visit?! What if my time to figure out their vague taunts is up?

     For the following moments, I'm terrified of every sound and customer. Finally, I come to my senses, and I call Nyara.

   "I'll be right over." She says, coming in just a few minutes after my call.

    Relief floods my chest when I see her. "Thanks so much."

I was starting to freak.

   "Don't mention it." She throws on an apron to blend in and hops up on a stool behind the counter.

   "Where is Ace?" Her eyes are dark.

   "No idea." I say, thinking about our encounter in the library this morning. I didn't think he was mad, but what if I was wrong?

    "I'm sure he has an excuse." Nyara sighs, observing me as I chew my lip.

    "What is really going on, Bryn?" Her eyes are wider than usual. "Between the two of you."

    I want to hide some of my emotion. She drops her shoulders in defeat when she notices. I instantly feel guilty.

   "I don't know why we've stopped talking to each other these few weeks."

Her voice sends another wave of regret down my limbs.

   I do. I think. Boys.

   Boys have the power to wreck a friendship. Well, actually it's not just the boys. It's the girls who use them as an excuse.

   My voice is soft. "We kissed the night before the competition."

    It's out in the air, now.

   Nyara tilts her head.

   "So, it's real?"

   "What is?" I question with a raised brow.

    "The tension."

   Oh, please! I roll my eyes.

   She giggles. "I'm glad you are getting through some of that pride of yours." She smiles, "and some of that prejudice."

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